Thursday, September 1, 2011

Three things to love about our fifth anniversary celebration

Anniversary bouquet from Sumanth with pink Snapdragons just like on that hot August day in 2006.

We went to see Bon Iver in concert. This is their newest album cover which looks very much like the music sounds.

Dinner at one of my favorite spots in Boston. Fresh pasta is just so good.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Three things to love about July

The best neighborhood find to have ever been found--a shimmery blue lake for swimming, just a seven minute walk from our apartment. If you squint you can see me and my turquoise bathing suit.

My new ipad. With this little smoothie at my fingertips, my commute has gotten quite a bit more exciting.

Iced coconut coffee from Marylou's during our first trip to Cape Cod. Driving over the bridge to the Cape reminded me of family vacations to the beach when I was little.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Oh, June!

Bright flowers from a visiting friend.

Morning coffee with my mom while we planned a perfect day.

Hulling strawberries for brunch on our new picnic table.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Three Things to Love about May in our New Place

Amidst a busy month at work as the school year comes to a close and the very, very exciting news of a new nephew(!), May has held a lot of easy moments...

Dinners on the front porch.

Cold strawberry lemonade as summer is on the way.

Sunny Saturday afternoon naps on the new windowseat. I hope to never live without a window seat again.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Three things to love about our April move...

Our apartment has lots of new windows to look out of. (Thanks, Dad, for all of the coats of white paint!)

The flowers in the neighborhood are at their springiest peak. These mountain laurels are my very favorite.

We are now so close to the most delicious bagel shop that I can smell the poppyseeds baking when I get to the end of our driveway.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Three things to love about March (posted thanks to wireless internet on the greyhound bus from NYC to Boston!)

A new apartment (we'll move this month) so close to this darling T station (there's a breakfast and pie diner inside), that we can almost watch for the train out the window before running to catch it.

Lavender lemonade at this perfect coffee shop in Portland with my best friends.

A new print for our new walls; it's called the Dreaming Tree.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Three sweet spots this February

Melbourne beach in February with some of my very favorites.

Alamo Square Park on our sunny San Francisco Sunday.

My birthday table.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Three Things to Love About January (a day late because it took a little longer to think of lovable parts of January)

Rolling out dough for Sumanth's birthday cinnamon rolls.

Parcels arriving from Christmas-giftcard purchases. (Thanks mom and thanks dad--they keep rolling in!)

The snowman outside of our little fruit market.

And just to show you how things are looking around our front steps...

Friday, December 31, 2010

Three Things to Love about a Cozy December

Playing Scrabble with my mom

Reading through Christmas-present cookbooks

Lots of snow outside; lots of new coffee inside

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Three Things to Love about a Late November Vacation

New Hampshire Mountains at Sunset

Eggnog Cupcake in downtown Montreal

Vermont Reindeer sighting