Govt should back local content rules for miners: Bandt

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 23rd August 2011, 4:31pm

Greens MP and industry and workplace relations spokesperson Adam Bandt has backed calls for the government to put in place local content rules for big mining projects.

Mr Bandt says it is clear that the resources boom is putting enormous pressure on the rest of the economy, yet the mining giants are sourcing a lot of their goods and services offshore.

"The Bluescope Steel decision has lifted the lid on the government's failed voluntary 'buy Australian' policies," Mr Bandt said.

"We know that the big miners are sending much of their profits overseas, but now we know that a lot of the goods and services needed to develop these mines are coming from offshore as well."

"A report by National Institute of Economic and Industry Research released last month found that as little as 10% of steel used in major resource projects is sourced in Australia."

"There are also reports that resource contracts with China may include requirements for procurement agreements with Chinese manufacturers."
"The Treasurer needs to do more than promise to look into the problem."

"Many successful economies around the world, such as Brazil, place local content requirements on resource projects. Australia should too."

"The next announcement from the government on this issue should include mandatory local content rules for the mining sector."


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