Health & Wellbeing

Greens welcome AMA President’s mandatory detention concerns

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 18th August 2011, 12:45pm

The Australian Greens have welcomed AMA National President Dr Steve Hambleton's comments that mandatory detention is "inherently harmful to the physical and mental health of detainees...especially....children."

Centrelink spy videos used to demonise people with disabilities: Greens

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Wednesday 27th July 2011, 4:56pm

Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has accused the Government and Centrelink of deliberately setting out to demonise people with disabilities, after it emerged that videos of income support recipients are routinely sent to media outlets.

Government’s PBS delay risks health outcomes

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 21st June 2011, 11:22am

The Australian Greens said today the Government was putting the health of Australians at risk by deferring the addition of medicines to the PBS as a cost-cutting measure.

Greens call on Government to tackle NT alcohol supply

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 7th June 2011, 1:43pm

The Australian Greens said today that if the Federal Government is serious about improving conditions in the Northern Territory it must tackle the supply of alcohol.

Tasmanian pollies should support health insurance savings

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 26th May 2011, 12:17pm

Tasmanian politicians should support means testing of the private health insurance rebate to ensure a better flow of money into our public hospitals, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"The government's proposal to save $3.4 billion over four years by means testing the rebate will be a good thing for Tasmania as the savings flow into our public health system," Senator Brown said.

Greens call for tobacco floor price

Greencast | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 17th May 2011, 5:31pm

Australian Greens health spokesperson, Senator Rachel Siewert speaks to ABC Canberra's Drive program about a floor price on tobacco and the industry's ongoing campaign against preventitive health measures.

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Greens call for a floor price on tobacco in response to Big Tobacco’s threats

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 17th May 2011, 11:47am

The Australian Greens will push for a floor price on cigarettes amid tobacco industry threats to slash prices if the government’s legislation for plain packaging is introduced. The funds raised should go to cancer research, Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

First dental steps promising – Greens

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 9:00pm

The Australian Greens say the first steps have been taken towards a national dental care scheme, with the Government making an initial commitment in tonight’s budget.

Senator Bob Brown on the 2011-12 budget

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 8:45pm

Senator Bob Brown held a press conference where he discussed the government's 2011-12 federal budget.

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Old economy wins while new economy loses

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 7:53pm

Public mental health and private mineral wealth are the big winners out of this year's budget, Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"The Greens are celebrating the $1.5 billion boost to mental health funding, although we are shocked to discover that almost $0.5 billion is outside the forward estimates. There is a bias in the overall budget to the influential mining barons who are unelected and send massive profits overseas. While the mining corporations gain, programs for Australians, including the environment have been cut by billions," Senator Brown said.