Get Involved

The Australian Greens Senators are hard at work in the Australian Parliament, but with limited numbers, staff and resources, there is always room for help from you!

It takes a lot of effort to run a successful political movement, and much of that is done by committed volunteers. There are a variety of ways in which you can get involved.

Not only is getting involved a great way to help support your Greens representatives, it’s often a rewarding way to meet like minded people, develop your knowledge in an area and otherwise become a part of the larger Green movement.

  • Events -  keep up to date with functions, events & important dates.
  • Forums - take part in discussion on a variety of topics.
  • Petitions - put your name to important petitions run through GreensMPs.
  • Polls - make your vote count here on various issues.
  • Tip-offs - keep your GreensMPs informed on important issues, totally anonymously.
  • Links - branch out into our best picks of the world wide web.

For some great tips on how to become active in your community and run your own campaigns, check out our Greens Action Kit.
If you need downloadable versions of the Greens logo, you can find them here.

If you would like to become more involved, please contact our offices for more information.

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