Carbon accounting

Greens welcome Clean Energy Council's contribution

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Monday 2nd May 2011, 2:35pm

Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, today welcomed the Clean Energy Council's thoughtful contribution to the carbon pricing discussion.

"It is important to have as many considered contributions as possible, especially from stakeholders which stand ready to deliver the low carbon economy of tomorrow," Senator Milne said.

Abbott's carbon plan: sack 10,000 Australians

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 27th February 2011, 1:27pm

The Australian Greens have attacked Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's plan to publicly fund a 5 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

"We say let the polluters pay. Abbott says he'll get the $3.2 billion for his plan by cutting the budget - that cut is equivalent to sacking 10,000 Australians, including nurses and teachers," Greens Leader Bob Brown said in Hobart today.

Bob Brown speaks to ABC radio's Jon Faine 25 February 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 25th February 2011, 12:24pm

Australia will have a carbon tax, leading to an emissions trading scheme, with a better configuration this time that will charge polluters, Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

The Greens are emerging as the economically responsible party in the Australian parliament and we have always been mindful that it is our job to get the old political parties to move to deal with the new Australia that needs to be created, Senator Brown said.

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Joint Press Conference - Australian Greens Leader, Senator Bob Brown, and Greens health spokesperson, Senator Rachel Siewert – in Canberra today

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown, Rachel Siewert
Friday 11th February 2011, 10:46am

Senator Bob Brown and Senator Rachel Siewert urge state and federal leaders to boost mental health services and work towards a national, universal public dental care scheme.

Senator Brown also vows to take on Rio Tinto, whose profit bonanza will benefit its more than 70-percent foreign shareholders, and other heavyweights as companies prepare to fight efforts to develop an alternative to coal and the Greens’ push to put an effective price on carbon.

He also expressed his concern about Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s intransigence and any move to give greater powers to General Omar Suleiman who has a reputation as a torturer and murderer.

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Rudd government’s carbon cheat strategy

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 14th December 2009, 11:11am

Australia's Rudd government is being revealed and reviled as leader of a carbon cheat strategy in Copenhagen, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"The Prime Minister advocates counting carbon sequestrated by farm and forestry strategies, like plantations, while not counting high emissions aspects like bushfires (increasing due to climate change) and clearfell logging.

"This leads to carbon cheating so that full carbon accounting is avoided and the totals manipulated to ignore reality.

Modelling and the CPRS

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 26th October 2009, 9:45pm

Senator LUDLAM-I want to refer to your modelling on the impact of the CPRS on emissions from coalfired power stations. There has been a bit of debate about that this morning already. There is a particular graph that you produced which shows output from the coal sector out to I think about 2050 from now. Can you talk
us through the thinking that is implicit in that modelling? In particular, what drives the reductions in emissions from the coal sector between now and 2020?

PM Rudd’s 5% target & PM Brown’s US$100b climate fund fall way short – Greens

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 8th July 2009, 11:45am

Financial assistance to developing countries to reduce emissions will be essential to any climate treaty but Gordon Brown's proposed US$100 billion fund falls way short of what's needed, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"Kevin Rudd's 5% target will undermine efforts to reach a strong global agreement at Copenhagen," Senator Brown said.

"Just as the emission reduction targets being touted by the rich nations, including Australia fall short of what is required, so too does Gordon Brown's suggestion that the rich nations transfer US$100 billion to poor nations.

"The gap between what the rich nations are willing to offer and what the science and developing nations demand continues to grow."

Renewable Remote Power Generation Program - Matter of Public Importance

Speech | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Tuesday 23rd June 2009, 12:00am

Hypocrisy on renewable energy oozes off the seats in both sides of this parliament. I have heard a lot about a comprehensive strategy on climate change but there is not one in this parliament from this government; nor was there one when the Howard government was in power. What we actually have is a strategy to destroy solar and renewable energy. That is a more appropriate description of what has gone on in relation to renewable energy since the Rudd government was elected. The reason for that is simple and it is why hypocrisy oozes off these seats when it comes to renewable energy and solar: coal. Neither side of this parliament is prepared to do anything to get solar and renewables to a scale that could challenge coal. It is why day in, day out we see billions of dollars going to the coal industry and the large emitters. It is why we see billions going to carbon capture and storage and why we constantly see that being given priority while what we see for renewables is exactly as the previous speaker said-ad hoc, uncoordinated, not strategic and designed to destroy.