
Don't just take our word on the good work of the Greens - check out what other people are saying about us:

Wayne Swan, Treasurer, NPC post-budget address May 11 2011

"When we were staring the global financial crisis in the face and we had to get the stimulus package through the parliament the wreckers weren't the Greens, it was the Liberals,"

Ross Gittins, Sydney Morning Herald Economics Editor, SMH, May 19, 2010:

The most thought-provoking comment I've seen on the budget came from Senator Christine Milne of the Greens. ''Every Australian knows,'' she said, ''that if you have two credit cards, it is very bad management to pay off your debt on one of them by racking it up on the other.'' The budget ''pulled down the national economic debt, but it continued the process of racking up our ecological debt''.

Sadly, it's true... Milne is right: we have been paying off our economic credit card by racking up debt on our environmental credit card."

Dr James Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Scineces and 'godfather of climate science'. The Age, 4 March, 2010:

"If we had a democracy where decisions were based on the public's best interest, then that [the Greens' proposal for an interim carbon price] would be taken up in a heartbeat. Neither of the major parties gets it - or they don't want to get it."

Andrew Patrick, Sustainability Director with Green Loans Program Partner Sustainabode Pty Ltd, regarding the Green Loans debacle. Media release, 5 Feb 2010:

"We are so thankful to The Greens and Senator Milne for exposing this inequality, and we hope that the Government will put a stop to this practice, which is definitely hurting us and other Assessors around the country."

Professor Ross Garnaut, Keynote Address to the Annual Conference of Supreme & Federal Court Judges 25/01/10

"The Australian Greens' recent support of an ETS with a fixed price in the early years introduces another politically practical way forward."

Paul Howes, National secretary of the Australian Workers' Union - The Age 15/12/09

''I'd rather see the law go now because the Australian Building and Construction Commission is still targeting and harassing construction workers. But I also don't mind the fact that under a Green balance of power we are likely to see a far more friendly piece of legislation.''

Saving Aussie Books 26/11/09

"A huge thank you to everyone who has supported this cause... In particular we pass on our gratitude to those politicians who stuck out their necks to publicly support our cause... (including) the Australian Greens’ Senators Christine Milne and Scott Ludlam. We could not have done it without you."

Richard Farmer - 25/11/09

"All that Bob Brown and his Greens need now to have a great result at the next election is for 2010 to be a record hot year. His party is the only one to emerge from the debate on the emissions trading scheme with reputation intact."

Fran Kelly - ABC Insiders 15/11/09

"There's lots of positive changes within the Greens' amendments that could make this bill [the CPRS] better."

Ben Eltham - 13/10/09

"...the Greens' amendments are sensible, rational and constructive contributions to the national public policy process."

Bernard Keane - 12/10/09

"...the Greens are currently the most economically-rational party on emissions trading."

Kevin Rudd - Prime Minister 02/09/09

"I place on record my appreciation for the support of the Australian Greens in securing passage for the Nation Building for Recovery Plan in the Senate, and their particular involvement in this ($50m green jobs) fund... It would be good if we saw more evidence of constructive and positive engagement in the national political process than we've seen so far from various other parties in the Australian parliament."

Prue Acton - Fashion designer, O.B.E. PhD 17/08/09

"I thank the Greens for their plan to remove native forest wood from the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) scheme. The Government's MRET Bill will be the death knell for forests around Australia, but especially where I live in the electorate of Eden-Monaro." 

Tom Perrigo - National Trust of Australia 13/02/09

"The National Trust has applauded Greens Senator Scott Ludlam for his role in securing the deal with Government to amend the $42 billion economic stimulus package. We congratulate Senator Scott Ludlam for his leadership on this issue."

Chris Uhlmann - ABC Insiders 22/03/09

"The Greens are playing it very well I think at the moment. They have moderated the way that they behave in the Senate and so they're doing quite a good job for their constituency."

Josh Gordon - The Age 21/03/09

"The Greens ... are personifying responsibility."

Michelle Grattan - The Age 19/03/09

"The Greens, contrary to the Government's deep fears when the new Senate came in, have mostly been souls of reasonableness."

Australian Conservation Foundation - Election Scorecard 23/11/07

The Australian Conservation Foundation election scorecard gives the Greens' environmental policies a score of 96/100, ahead of Labor 60/100, and the Coalition 22/100. 

Peter Marshall - United Firefighters Union Australia 21/11/08

"WorkChoices must go and the Greens are the only party willing to get rid of all of these obnoxious workplace laws." 

Nigel Palmer - Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations 14/11/07

"CAPA welcomes the vision outlined today by the Greens, and their offer of "third party insurance" in the Senate in sending a clear message to the major parties on the future direction of higher education in Australia." 

Prof John Wakerman - National Rural Health Alliance 29/10/07

"These announcements from the Greens provide a new benchmark for the other political parties to match, with the Greens now scoring 15 out of 20 on the Alliance's election scorecard."

Paul Versteege - Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association 24/10/07

"People that ring up say: ‘The Greens, so far, are the only party that has actually said the pension needs to go up', so let's vote for them."

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