
Mining, marsupials and rural self-determination

Blog Post | Blog of Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 23rd August 2011, 6:00pm
by ChrisRedman in

"There are things about growing up in a small town that you can't necessarily quantify". Hollywood is a long way from Broome, but when US actor Brandon Routh said this I felt that, in many ways, it summed up why some companies and politicians in the two major parties find it hard to understand why feelings are running so high in the community in regards to the James Price Point gas hub development.

Greens Leader’s statement on the Canberra convoy

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 21st August 2011, 3:52pm

"Some might call the predicted thousands of trucks descending on Canberra ending up as hundreds (ABC, 21/8/11) a ‘flop', but these Australians have every right to a peaceful presence on the parliamentary lawns," Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"It seems like the prime qualification to be there is to be angry about something - these are Abbott's angry people," Senator Brown said.

"But it seems their views on some issues are fairly shorted sighted, very ‘me-now'."

"The number of angry people in Canberra tomorrow will increase much more than the numbers of truckers arriving in town," Senator Brown predicted.



Government provides underwhelming response to JPP bilby concerns

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Wednesday 17th August 2011, 3:07pm

The Australian Greens have called on the Federal Government to end Woodside’s uncontrolled land clearing at James Price Point over concerns the action is threatening endangered species.

In today’s question time, Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson on the Kimberley called the Government to account over new evidence showing the presence of endangered bilbies in the area.

“The Government’s response, that a compliance assessment would be undertaken at the site, is wholly underwhelming,” said Senator Siewert.

“Clearing should be halted until the size and location of the bilby colonies in the area is established and a proper environmental impact assessment has been completed.

“The bilby has been acknowledged as a vulnerable species by both the WA and the Federal Governments. The Kimberley bushland is prime habitat for the species.

“By green-lighting this uncontrolled land clearing, the Government is placing the animals at unnecessary risk.

“This is another red flag for the Government, coming days before an announcement on the Heritage Listing of the West Kimberley region is due.

“On top of the threat to the bilbies, this clearing work is being undertaken before the Federal Government’s Environmental Assessment of the gas hub site has been completed. Unchecked clearing totally undermines this process.

 “I will tomorrow put a motion to the Senate to ask the Environment Minister to put an immediate halt to this land clearing and undertake a proper assessment to be undertaken,” concluded Senator Siewert.


Greens ‘fully committed’ to live export ban

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Wednesday 6th July 2011, 8:11pm

The Australian Greens have condemned the Federal Government’s decision to resume the exports of live cattle to Indonesia.

Bill to ban live exports

Greens TV | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 21st June 2011, 5:35pm

Bandt moves animal export bill

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Monday 20th June 2011, 5:30pm

Greens MP Adam Bandt has introduced a bill for an immediate ban on live cattle exports into the House of Representatives.

"As we have seen again today, this time in Kuwait, Indonesia is not the only country where animals exported from Australia are subject to incredible cruelty," Mr Bandt told the House.

"It is disappointing that the Labor caucus has been willing to go along with the Minister's plan to reinstate live animal exports to Indonesia with only weak guidelines."

"Despite the public desire for strong action, the government seems unwilling to pursue principled policy in the face of industry lobbying."

"It is clear Meat and Livestock Australia has been more focused on selling and promoting the industry instead of protecting animal welfare."

"Minister Ludwig should stop being an industry patsy and instead listen to the Australian public, who want strong protections against cruelty."

"My bill will deliver that strong action. It will provide for an immediate and complete ban on live animal exports for slaughter."

"A three year phase out is too little too late. During that time many, many animals could be subject to the types of mistreatment we saw on the Four Corners program."

Senate backs Greens call for Live Export Inquiry

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Thursday 16th June 2011, 1:13pm

The Senate has today backed the Australian Greens motion for an Inquiry into the role played by Meat and Livestock Australia and other organisations into the inhumane treatment of animals in Indonesia.

Inquiry into improvements in animal welfare for Australian live exports

Motion | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Thursday 16th June 2011, 1:10pm

Terms of Reference – Business of the Senate No.1 – 16 June 2011 Inquiry into improvements in animal welfare for Australian live exports

Greens introduce bill to end live exports

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Wednesday 15th June 2011, 1:23pm

Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson for animal welfare has introduced legislation in the Senate to permanently ban live export of animals for slaughter.

MLA continues to let down farmers

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 14th June 2011, 4:03pm

The Australian Greens have called on the Federal Government to act quickly on its decision to compel Meat and Livestock Australia to provide an initial $5 million of financial aid to producers affected by the suspension of live exports to Indonesia.