Your personal MPCCC briefing this Sunday

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Thursday 7th July 2011, 5:30pm
by DamienLawson in

The price on pollution announcement is just days away.The package contains some great measures for renewable energy, constitutes a platform for action and most importantly provides for upwards flexibility. This is an historic opportunity for the nation and a great win for all of you who have worked so hard to keep climate action at the top of the political agenda.

We want you and the community to know just what gains were made for the climate.

We also need to ensure that all your hard work is not undone. Tony Abbott’s scare campaign continues and whilst we have come a long way to finding the common points of agreement between the Greens, the Independents and the government and negotiated some very important reforms, the package still needs to be communicated effectively with our local community and passed through the parliament.

Please join Greens Senator, Richard Di Natale and me this Sunday for an emergency meeting so that I can provide you with a personal briefing on our important achievements, celebrate your work and plan for our next steps!

Where: 6pm Sunday 10th July Hayden Raysmith room, Ross House, 241-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Click here to RSVP via facebook.

We want to hit the ground running on Monday and start telling Melbourne about this historic achievement. We’ll be hitting train stations, handing out leaflets at shopping centres and weekend markets. We will need your help to do this.

Please give whatever spare time you have to help with letterboxing and leafleting over the next two weeks - it's critical. If we don’t communicate directly with Melbourne, the community might not understand what an important reform this is, how it will affect them and transition us to the clean energy future we so desperately need.

Sign up here now to take action in your local community and get the real story out.

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