
Asylum seeker debate out of proportion

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 23rd August 2011, 10:00am

Yesterday the full bench of the High Court began hearing a challenge to the Malaysian solution.

The Greens hope David Manne and Debbie Mortimer, SC, and their legal team succeeds, not least because we do not want unaccompanied children to be expelled to a country where their rights cannot be guaranteed. It's not yet clear when the court will issue its ruling, but it could permanently derail the Gillard government's plans to export Australia's international obligations to give protection to countries including Malaysia and, possibly, Papua New Guinea.

The Greens and others, such as human rights groups, have for years lobbied against mandatory detention. We think there's a better way, one that's humane and compassionate, in handling some of the world's most vulnerable people. We do not support the policy of locking fragile people up as a first resort, when it clearly should the last thing we should do. Indeed, Australia is the only country in the world as signatory to the Refugee Convention that arbitrarily detains asylum seekers, contrary to what the convention suggests.

Whenever the major parties, or shock jocks for that matter, seek to attack asylum seekers and others who lack a voice, myself and the Greens will be there to stand up for them. We refuse to follow the ALP and Coalition in a race to the bottom.

I think the Australian electorate is sick of that competition. They're tired of both sides repeating the same mantras, using the same language - indeed the same policies - to confront what is a relatively small problem, compared with the volumes of people arriving on the EU's shores. The major parties' responses cost billions of dollars and damage lives unnecessarily.

Australians want alternatives to a policy of mandatory detention because it has failed to be a deterrent for people seeking our protection since it took effect in the early 1990s. They want their government to explore other paths, such as those outlined in the Centre for Policy Development's report A New Approach, Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees and Asylum Seekers released yesterday.

They want their elected representatives to show results for policies to deal with Australia's ageing population, how to provide more affordable child care options, and a national dental health scheme. In addition to finally ensuring the future of a healthy Murray Darling Basin, they'd also like to see their parliament amend the Marriage Act, so same-sex couples can get married and formally celebrate their commitment to each other.

Everyday Australians are eager to see their government deliver a mining tax that fairly redistributes the wealth from the present boom so it is invested here and not sent overseas. They fear the proceeds risk being squandered instead of funding essential public transport and other infrastructure. And what about a sovereign wealth fund, which Treasury has supported, to invest in future generations?

The major parties have created these problems with immigration and asylum seeker policy, which serve their interests. But we can solve them all with practical measures and confront other challenges that the community would prefer we concentrate on.

First published in The National Times on August 23, 2011.

Rights of children should be above politics

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 9th August 2011, 12:22pm

Yesterday the High Court extended an injunction to hear a legal challenge to the Malaysian people-swap deal.

Let conscience rule on gay marriage

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 2nd August 2011, 10:06am

It's been a bit of a Bizzaro World in Australian federal politics in recent weeks.

Government abandons principles over Malaysia deal

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 26th July 2011, 10:57am

Australian Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has visited Kuala Lumpur to sign the Malaysian solution and now he and Prime Minister Julia Gillard are promoting it.

Save and expand foreign aid

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 19th July 2011, 10:21am

This month the world is learning about the ongoing famine in the Horn of Africa, where about 12 million people have been hit by the worst drought in almost 60 years. Australia has pledged more than $11 million in aid. It's heart-wrenching to see malnourished children in refugee camps in Kenya with tubes in their noses to feed them because their hungry mothers cannot.

Why this is better than Rudd's scheme

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 13th July 2011, 1:27pm

There are more than 13 billion reasons why the climate package unveiled on Sunday is better at putting a price on pollution than its predecessor.

Western Australia will be the energy transition winner

Blog Post | Blog of Scott Ludlam
Monday 11th July 2011, 12:45pm

Published in The West Australian: 11 July 2011

Sunday's announcement of the carbon price package fires the starting gun on the long-overdue clean energy transition.
Western Australia is uniquely placed to benefit from the enormous shift in investment as polluting industries are taxed for the first time and the clean technology sector finally gets the support it deserves.
While all eyes have been on the dollar cost of venting a tonne of C02 into the atmosphere, the Greens have negotiated a broad range of additional measures intended to supercharge the zero emissions economy. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will be responsible for disbursing more than $3 billion in renewable energy project funding. In addition, a new Clean Energy Finance Corporation will have a $2 billion annual budget funded from carbon tax revenues, a massive injection that is expected to leverage additional billions in private investment.

Your personal MPCCC briefing this Sunday

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Thursday 7th July 2011, 5:30pm
by DamienLawson in

The price on pollution announcement is just days away.The package contains some great measures for renewable energy, constitutes a platform for action and most importantly provides for upwards flexibility. This is an historic opportunity for the nation and a great win for all of you who have worked so hard to keep climate action at the top of the political agenda.

We want you and the community to know just what gains were made for the climate.

We also need to ensure that all your hard work is not undone. Tony Abbott’s scare campaign continues and whilst we have come a long way to finding the common points of agreement between the Greens, the Independents and the government and negotiated some very important reforms, the package still needs to be communicated effectively with our local community and passed through the parliament.

Please join Greens Senator, Richard Di Natale and me this Sunday for an emergency meeting so that I can provide you with a personal briefing on our important achievements, celebrate your work and plan for our next steps!

Where: 6pm Sunday 10th July Hayden Raysmith room, Ross House, 241-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Click here to RSVP via facebook.

We want to hit the ground running on Monday and start telling Melbourne about this historic achievement. We’ll be hitting train stations, handing out leaflets at shopping centres and weekend markets. We will need your help to do this.

Please give whatever spare time you have to help with letterboxing and leafleting over the next two weeks - it's critical. If we don’t communicate directly with Melbourne, the community might not understand what an important reform this is, how it will affect them and transition us to the clean energy future we so desperately need.

Sign up here now to take action in your local community and get the real story out.

With new role comes greater responsibility

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 5th July 2011, 9:32am

Yesterday was a great day for the Greens. Our team in the Federal Parliament went from six to 10 with Governor-General Quentin Bryce presiding over the swearing-in of 12 senators from around the country who were elected in August last year.

New York spreads marriage equality news

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 28th June 2011, 9:53am

The colour and excitement of celebrations in New York at the weekend have been shown on TVs and in newspapers worldwide.  People of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and even religions danced in the streets of the Big Apple, overjoyed with the decision of the New York Senate to pass a law allowing same-sex marriage.

The responsibility of Parliament

Blog Post | Blog of Bob Brown
Wednesday 22nd June 2011, 4:11pm

The following letter to the editor of The Australian was submitted on 21 June 2011:

Dear Editor

As I told your Canberra reporter on 20 June 2011, but you did not report to your readers, the difference between action on a republic and climate change is that the former requires a change to the Constitution and the latter requires a decision by the Parliament, as already empowered by the Constitution. The former requires a plebiscite and referendum, the latter requires neither - if you believe in the responsibility of Parliament.

Yours sincerely

Senator Bob Brown
Australian Greens Leader


Driving change in Saudi Arabia

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 21st June 2011, 10:02am

I love driving. While some readers may find that shocking, it's true. Like many everyday Australians, I relish the chance to jump in my car, a hybrid, with my daughter in the back and her favourite music on the stereo as we barrel through the Adelaide Hills.

Time for a pre-breakfast walk

Blog Post | Blog of Bob Brown
Thursday 16th June 2011, 2:46pm

The following comment has been submitted to The Punch in response to Malcolm Farr's piece:

Malcolm Farr is in such a sour mood! We all go to the press gallery ball and have a good time but he comes up with that anti-Greens grizzle. Yes, I did insist on paying for the tickets - that meant an extra $250 for charity - but Malcolm begrudges it. Though he didn't raise the matter with me at the ball.

And yes, I do have to consider whether this entertainment special should have precedence over the major issues now at critical mass - such as negotiations on saving our nation from the onrush of destructive climate change and the fate of budget bills that threaten hard times for disabled Australians.

After all, not all the press gallery's senior players went to the MidWinter Ball. I did and, as well, some kind donor is giving $3,150 for charity by buying the simple pleasure of a pre-breakfast walk with me in Canberra in coming weeks.

Malcolm is welcome to come along too - the fresh air won't do him anything but good.

Bob Brown


Don't export our humanity

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 14th June 2011, 10:01am

As we gear up for World Refugee Day next Monday, it's time to remind the Gillard government why it should not be exporting Australia's humanity to third countries.

Attack on campaign is hypocritical

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 7th June 2011, 10:58am

Tens of thousands of people attended peaceful rallies around the country on Sunday in support of action on climate change, despite the Coalition and News Ltd media empire's negative campaign against cutting pollution via a carbon tax.

Cut pollution - Make clean energy cheaper

Blog Post
Thursday 2nd June 2011, 4:23pm

Join the National Day of Action, Sunday 5 June

Add your voice to the many thousands of others calling for the government to resist the pressure from the big polluters, put a strong price on pollution and use the funds to help householders and invest in making clean energy cheaper.

Join us in Calling on Melbourne

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Wednesday 1st June 2011, 10:46am
by JakeWishart in

Over the past few months supporters of the Make Change Melbourne project have hit the streets to promote action on climate change. We have been holding local MP listening posts at supermarkets, doorknocking, letterboxing and engaging with residents on the plan to cut pollution.

Now we are starting the next phase of our project. We hope you can be involved as we continue our conversation with Melbourne residents.

Over the next couple of weeks we will have 300 phone conversations with Melbourne residents to talk about their priorities for Melbourne and what issues are important to them.

Sign up here with Calling Melbourne

We will be asking our neighbours how they feel about national and local issues and what they would like to see Adam doing in Parliament and the community.

This is vital work that will help give the Melbourne community the best representation possible.

We are inviting all supporters to sign up to the roster and help make calls from Adam's office. If you have any friends who you think might enjoy getting involved, bring them along - we'll make a night of it and it will be an opportunity to connect with other Make Change Melbourne volunteers.

Please click here and slot yourself in for a shift or two. We will be in touch with the details.

This is a great opportunity to be part of Make Change Melbourne and to get an insders look at the work of Adam's office.

Thanks for taking action in Melbourne.

Jake, Sam, Damien and the Make Change Melbourne Project

P.S. Thanks to eveyone who helped with the 100% renewables doorknocking on Saturday. Along with Yarra Climate Action Now and the Darebin Climate Action Group around 40 volunteers doorknocked 500 residents on clean energy. Check out the photo of our crew here.

Stand with me this Sunday

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 2:13pm
by DavidParis in

Dear Friend,

We are nearing political crunch time for the climate.

This weekend I have been meeting with members ot the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee for intensive talks on the price on pollution. These negotiations will shape Australia's future for years to come. While I am working hard in Canberra for the best possible outcome, we need the community to take a stand this weekend for a cleaner future.

I am calling on all friends and supporters to take a stand and send a strong message that the community says YES to a price on pollution.

WHAT: Join with me and thousands of other Australians to support a price on pollution as the first critical step in the transition to a clean energy economy.
WHEN: Sunday June 5. Meet at 10:30am with Adam Bandt and Greens MPs.
WHERE: State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Click here to attend the Facebook event.

The coming months are vital to ensure the Government follows through with an effective plan to cut pollution. The best hope we have in getting an effective price on pollution will depend on the community showing that we are in favour of climate action.

Please forward this to your friends and neighbours, and join me on Sunday at the State Library.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,


PS: If you haven’t already, sign up here for the Make Change Melbourne project, I would love to have you involved in the work of my office. We’re picking up where Make History Melbourne left off, making change that matters to Melbourne. Click here to join the team!

Frustrating crawl to save the Murray

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 12:49pm

If medals were handed out for inaction, Australia's water ministers would take the gold.