Human Rights & Justice

Asylum seeker debate out of proportion

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 23rd August 2011, 10:00am

Yesterday the full bench of the High Court began hearing a challenge to the Malaysian solution.

The Greens hope David Manne and Debbie Mortimer, SC, and their legal team succeeds, not least because we do not want unaccompanied children to be expelled to a country where their rights cannot be guaranteed. It's not yet clear when the court will issue its ruling, but it could permanently derail the Gillard government's plans to export Australia's international obligations to give protection to countries including Malaysia and, possibly, Papua New Guinea.

The Greens and others, such as human rights groups, have for years lobbied against mandatory detention. We think there's a better way, one that's humane and compassionate, in handling some of the world's most vulnerable people. We do not support the policy of locking fragile people up as a first resort, when it clearly should the last thing we should do. Indeed, Australia is the only country in the world as signatory to the Refugee Convention that arbitrarily detains asylum seekers, contrary to what the convention suggests.

Whenever the major parties, or shock jocks for that matter, seek to attack asylum seekers and others who lack a voice, myself and the Greens will be there to stand up for them. We refuse to follow the ALP and Coalition in a race to the bottom.

I think the Australian electorate is sick of that competition. They're tired of both sides repeating the same mantras, using the same language - indeed the same policies - to confront what is a relatively small problem, compared with the volumes of people arriving on the EU's shores. The major parties' responses cost billions of dollars and damage lives unnecessarily.

Australians want alternatives to a policy of mandatory detention because it has failed to be a deterrent for people seeking our protection since it took effect in the early 1990s. They want their government to explore other paths, such as those outlined in the Centre for Policy Development's report A New Approach, Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees and Asylum Seekers released yesterday.

They want their elected representatives to show results for policies to deal with Australia's ageing population, how to provide more affordable child care options, and a national dental health scheme. In addition to finally ensuring the future of a healthy Murray Darling Basin, they'd also like to see their parliament amend the Marriage Act, so same-sex couples can get married and formally celebrate their commitment to each other.

Everyday Australians are eager to see their government deliver a mining tax that fairly redistributes the wealth from the present boom so it is invested here and not sent overseas. They fear the proceeds risk being squandered instead of funding essential public transport and other infrastructure. And what about a sovereign wealth fund, which Treasury has supported, to invest in future generations?

The major parties have created these problems with immigration and asylum seeker policy, which serve their interests. But we can solve them all with practical measures and confront other challenges that the community would prefer we concentrate on.

First published in The National Times on August 23, 2011.

Libyan Students

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 18th August 2011, 12:47pm

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (South Australia)

I give notice that, on the next day of sitting, I shall move:
1) That the Senate notes that:
a) there are more than 650 Libyan students enrolled in Australia;
b) the broader political situation in Libya and the international economic sanctions imposed on Libya threatens the funding available to many of these students;

2) Recognises that a solution was established to assist Libyan students in Canada and the United States of America to access Libyan Government funds to enable students to continue their studies;

3) Calls on the Australian Government to pursue similar action to enable Libyan students to continue their studies in Australia.

 Question agreed to.

Greens welcome AMA President’s mandatory detention concerns

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 18th August 2011, 12:45pm

The Australian Greens have welcomed AMA National President Dr Steve Hambleton's comments that mandatory detention is "inherently harmful to the physical and mental health of detainees...especially....children."

Greens appalled by Katter’s comments on gay marriage

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 16th August 2011, 8:02pm

Bob Katter has shown an appalling lack of sensitivity in describing gay marriage as something that "deserves to be laughed at and ridiculed," the Australian Greens said today.

Press conference on Manus Island and deportation of a 96-year-old woman

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 11th August 2011, 1:09pm

Audio from Sarah's door stop today in Adelaide where she spoke on the reopening of the Manus Island detention centre and the possible deportation of a 96-year-old British woman living with her family in Tasmania.

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Greens vow to fight for indigenous communities as second report highlights policy failures

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 9th August 2011, 6:20pm

The Australian Greens have vowed to continue fighting for Aboriginal communities after an Amnesty International report condemned the Federal Government’s abandonment of remote communities in the NT in favour of ‘growth towns’. 

The Amnesty report comes just one day after another highly critical report revealed the expensive gap between policy intent and implementation.

“I welcome the spotlight being returned to examine the state of Aboriginal housing, health, education and disadvantage in this country,” Senator Rachel Siewert, Greens Spokesperson for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues said today.

“While these reports highlight major deficiencies in the current delivery of services, the Australian Greens have already been making significant inroads on some of these issues.

Senator Siewert has recently introduced pieces of legislation aimed at reforming the Native Title and re-instating the Racial Discrimination Act in the NT.

“Now that the evidence is beginning to stack up against the past policies of both the Labor Government and the previous Liberal Government, it is impossible for the two old parties to ignore the need for communities to gain control over their own lives.

“The Northern Territory Intervention and compulsory income management was a terrible violation of those principles of self-determination, consultation and partnership, and it is time to unwind these policies and start returning control to communities,” Senator Siewert concluded.

Press conference 09 08 11

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 9th August 2011, 5:57pm

Press conference on asylum seekers and High Court challenge to chaplaincy programme.

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Give Innocent Children a Voice

Today the High Court has agreed to extend the injunction to delay the expulsion to Malaysia of the first group of asylum seekers (including children) who arrived on Christmas Island last week. Now it is over to you, to have your say.

The Government is shirking its international responsibilities by sending asylum seekers to a country where their human rights are not guaranteed. Malaysia does not have a good record when it comes to the treatment of vulnerable asylum seekers; caning and arbitrary detention are common place. Despite the Prime Minister’s verbal assurances, nothing in the written agreement between our two countries allays the concerns of human rights advocates and legal experts.

We are extremely concerned for the welfare of children, particularly those who have arrived unaccompanied. Children should never be made an example of. They are innocent and their welfare should not be sacrificed by a Government trying to score cheap political points. Australia is better than this.

Today’s decision of the High Court to extend this injunction, provides the Government with one last chance to drop this shameful deal.

This means the community also has another chance to pressure the Immigration Minister to uphold his obligations as the legal guardian of the children about to be expelled to Malaysia.

You can write to the Minister below.

We know that this is an unpopular deal. The more Australians read about it, the less we like it. This is your chance, to have your say and tell the Government that rather than using innocent children as pawns in their political game, it should be treating these vulnerable people with compassion.


Write to Minister Bowen

Govt wasting money in action against Hicks’ book

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 1:31pm

The Federal Government is wasting taxpayers' money in its NSW Supreme Court action to try recovering the proceeds of David Hicks' memoir, the Australian Greens say.