Don't export our humanity

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 14th June 2011, 10:01am

As we gear up for World Refugee Day next Monday, it's time to remind the Gillard government why it should not be exporting Australia's humanity to third countries.

Attack on campaign is hypocritical

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 7th June 2011, 10:58am

Tens of thousands of people attended peaceful rallies around the country on Sunday in support of action on climate change, despite the Coalition and News Ltd media empire's negative campaign against cutting pollution via a carbon tax.

Cut pollution - Make clean energy cheaper

Blog Post
Thursday 2nd June 2011, 4:23pm

Join the National Day of Action, Sunday 5 June

Add your voice to the many thousands of others calling for the government to resist the pressure from the big polluters, put a strong price on pollution and use the funds to help householders and invest in making clean energy cheaper.

Join us in Calling on Melbourne

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Wednesday 1st June 2011, 10:46am
by JakeWishart in

Over the past few months supporters of the Make Change Melbourne project have hit the streets to promote action on climate change. We have been holding local MP listening posts at supermarkets, doorknocking, letterboxing and engaging with residents on the plan to cut pollution.

Now we are starting the next phase of our project. We hope you can be involved as we continue our conversation with Melbourne residents.

Over the next couple of weeks we will have 300 phone conversations with Melbourne residents to talk about their priorities for Melbourne and what issues are important to them.

Sign up here with Calling Melbourne

We will be asking our neighbours how they feel about national and local issues and what they would like to see Adam doing in Parliament and the community.

This is vital work that will help give the Melbourne community the best representation possible.

We are inviting all supporters to sign up to the roster and help make calls from Adam's office. If you have any friends who you think might enjoy getting involved, bring them along - we'll make a night of it and it will be an opportunity to connect with other Make Change Melbourne volunteers.

Please click here and slot yourself in for a shift or two. We will be in touch with the details.

This is a great opportunity to be part of Make Change Melbourne and to get an insders look at the work of Adam's office.

Thanks for taking action in Melbourne.

Jake, Sam, Damien and the Make Change Melbourne Project

P.S. Thanks to eveyone who helped with the 100% renewables doorknocking on Saturday. Along with Yarra Climate Action Now and the Darebin Climate Action Group around 40 volunteers doorknocked 500 residents on clean energy. Check out the photo of our crew here.

Stand with me this Sunday

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 2:13pm
by DavidParis in

Dear Friend,

We are nearing political crunch time for the climate.

This weekend I have been meeting with members ot the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee for intensive talks on the price on pollution. These negotiations will shape Australia's future for years to come. While I am working hard in Canberra for the best possible outcome, we need the community to take a stand this weekend for a cleaner future.

I am calling on all friends and supporters to take a stand and send a strong message that the community says YES to a price on pollution.

WHAT: Join with me and thousands of other Australians to support a price on pollution as the first critical step in the transition to a clean energy economy.
WHEN: Sunday June 5. Meet at 10:30am with Adam Bandt and Greens MPs.
WHERE: State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Click here to attend the Facebook event.

The coming months are vital to ensure the Government follows through with an effective plan to cut pollution. The best hope we have in getting an effective price on pollution will depend on the community showing that we are in favour of climate action.

Please forward this to your friends and neighbours, and join me on Sunday at the State Library.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,


PS: If you haven’t already, sign up here for the Make Change Melbourne project, I would love to have you involved in the work of my office. We’re picking up where Make History Melbourne left off, making change that matters to Melbourne. Click here to join the team!

Frustrating crawl to save the Murray

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 12:49pm

If medals were handed out for inaction, Australia's water ministers would take the gold.

No progress on freeing children from detention

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 26th May 2011, 11:08am

Imagine you had to ask permission of a uniformed guard to use a microwave to heat your baby's bottle. That's what asylum seeker women I've sat beside in Darwin have had to do when they want to feed their children.

Schools deserve their say on chaplains

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 17th May 2011, 4:07pm

Last week the federal government's budget revealed the Education Department would spend another $222 million over four years on the national school chaplaincy program.

Tough Love and other strange stories…

Blog Post | Blog of Rachel Siewert
Monday 16th May 2011, 11:49am
by ChrisRedman in

I have to admit that the use of the phrase ‘tough love’ to describe the latest wave of mostly punitive welfare reforms makes me cringe.

Pricing pollution more important than the budget

Blog Post
Thursday 12th May 2011, 6:29pm

The following is an article published by Dow Jones newswire, and elsewhere, after Dow Jones reporter Enda Curran interviewed Senator Brown one day after the federal budget.

Australia's Greens party, a key power broker in parliament, Wednesday said the outcome of negotiations with the government over a planned carbon pricing scheme is more important than any reservations it has over the annual budget, leader Bob Brown told Dow Jones Newswires.