
It's Not THAT Easy Being Green, Tony

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Friday 15th January 2010, 2:07pm

The Liberal Party may have made valid criticisms of the Federal Government's lack of action on the Murray-Darling and other issues, but neither of the major parties have proven their credentials on the environment, according to the Australian Greens.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens spokesperson on the Lower Murray, says last night's speech by Tony Abbott has attracted a lot of attention, but that the Liberals have to do more than just talk to convince people they are serious on the environment.

"Tony Abbott's proposals have some merit, but so far there is no reason for the Australian public to believe him on the environment,'' Senator Hanson-Young said.

Greens demand Just Transition for Collie

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 18th December 2009, 5:32pm

Australian Greens Senator for WA Scott Ludlam will join protestors at Collie, in WA’s southwest, this weekend (19-20 Dec) to call for action by State and Federal governments on climate change and oppose the expansion of the local coal industry.

“This camp has been organised by young people dedicated to making the future a better place – and I wholeheartedly support their efforts,” Senator Ludlam said.

“The organisers have been working over many weeks to engage the Collie community, including holding a public forum, distributing flyers and contacting local people.

“The Australian Greens back their calls for a ‘Just Transition’ for this community of 7,000 people, many of whose livelihoods depends on coal.

Questions to the Supervising Scientist

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 10th December 2009, 6:10pm

Senator LUDLAM asked:

1. Senator LUDLAM-I will bring you back to the mine that you noted before that your team visited in Brazil. Were they made aware of the very high levels of uranium in drinking water found in areas surrounding that mine?

Mr Hughes-I could not answer that.

2. Senator LUDLAM-Did they provide a report to you on their return from Brazil?

Mr Hughes-They provided me with a verbal report, but they are still producing a final report, which is to be a written internal report on the issue.
Senator Wong-May I suggest, Senator, rather than having an argument about a document that has not yet been finalised, as I understand the evidence from Mr Hughes, it is open to you obviously at the next hearing to ask for the document. Mr Hughes can consider it then. It seems to be a slightly theoretical discussion at the moment, given that the document is not yet in existence, from the evidence given.
3. Senator LUDLAM-I will put my request for that document on notice now and wish you well in its speedy completion


1. Officers were made aware that Greenpeace had undertaken some investigations in the region and that a subsequent report by Greenpeace claimed elevated uranium levels in samples taken for the investigation.

2. Officers provided a verbal report on their return from Brazil. A written internal report is yet to be finalised.

3. The internal report is expected to be finalised after the return of one of the officers from extended leave in February 2010.

Snowy River

Motion | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Thursday 26th November 2009, 11:22am

That the Senate

  1. Notes the failure of the NSW Government to establish the Snowy River Scientific Committee in a timely fashion prior to the first Five-Year Review of the Snowy Water License (as required by the legislation);
  2. Notes that a decision on whether to allow environmental water to be released to the Snowy River from Mowamba weir in addition to Jindabyne Dam would require at least six months to allow the Snowy Scientific Committee to complete further studies as required;
  3. Notes that if a decision to amend the License to allow environmental water releases via Mowamba Weir as well as Jindabyne Dam is made after the finalisation of the Snowy Water License review this could result in substantial compensation needing to be provided to Snowy Hydro Ltd;
  4. Calls on the Commonwealth Government to insist that the NSW Government delay finalisation of the Snowy Water License Review for at least six months, to allow the Snowy Scientific Committee to review the environmental benefits of permitting releases from Mowamba Weir, in order to make a decision on this issue during the time of the Review and thus avoid the risk of unnecessary compensation.

Question agreed to.

Question without notice on Water

Question | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 24th November 2009, 4:00pm

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (2.31 pm) - My question today is to the Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Wong.

I refer the minister to comments she made yesterday when she told the ABC that a call from scientists to return 700 gigalitres of water as environmental flows to the dying Lower Lakes and Coorong River system in our home state of South Australia would not be a responsible way forward. Given scientists have warned that the Lower Lakes and the Coorong will collapse if this action is not taken, does the minister consider doing nothing to be more responsible?

Is it responsible to ignore the science?

Worldwide sanitation in spotlight on World Toilet Day

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Thursday 19th November 2009, 10:28am

The Australian Greens say World Toilet Day is an opportunity to highlight the importance of world-wide sanitation.

"It is shocking that 2.5 billion people worldwide are without access to proper sanitation. This risks their health, strips their dignity, and kills 1.8 million people, most of which are children, every year," said Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert.

"Today is World Toilet Day, which some think is funny, but the number of deaths and suffering as a result of poor sanitation is a sobering reminder that more is needed to reduce suffering around the world."

World Toilet Day

Motion | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Wednesday 18th November 2009, 4:52pm
  1. That the Senate notes:
    1. Thursday 19th November 2009 is World Toilet Day - a day to celebrate the importance of sanitation and raise awareness for the world's population who don't have access to toilets and proper sanitation;
    2. 2.5 billion people worldwide are without access to proper sanitation, which risks their health, strips their dignity, and kills 1.8 million people (mostly children) a year;
    3. lack of proper sanitation is the world's biggest cause of malnutrition and infection, causing diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid and worm infections that kill 5,000 children each day;
    4. clean toilets contribute to poverty eradication by protection one's health and ability to work;
    5. safe collection and treatment of human waste and other various wastewaters protects drinking water sources and eco-systems, creating clean and healthy living environments, particularly in urban areas;
    6. the Millennium Development Goals (supported by all parties in the Australian Parliament) cannot be reached unless sanitation conditions are rapidly improved;
    7. the upcoming Global Framework for Action on Water and Sanitation meeting in Washington April 2010 is the opportunity for global support of the sanitation policy leadership of the UK, Dutch and Australian Governments;
  2. And calls upon the Government to;
    1. invest via its aid program in programs and projects aimed at improving sanitation levels, increasing the number of public toilets, and improving their cleanliness and accessibility;
    2. ensure that the Australian Government plays a constructive, proactive role at the Global Framework for Action on Water and Sanitation meeting in Washington April 2010, and;
    3. report the proportion of development aid spent on sanitation.

Sarah on traveston dam decision

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 12th November 2009, 12:00am

Sky News' David Speers talks to Senators Barnaby Joyce & Sarah Hanson-Young re: Traveston Dam decision.

Copyright Sky News 2009

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Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 29th September 2009, 6:30am

Federal Water Minister Penny Wong needs to tell the Rann Government to start preparing Adelaide for life without its traditional water dependency on the Murray, according to Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.

Senator Hanson-Young, Greens spokesperson on the Lower Murray, said Minister Wong has been willing to lecture Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull on climate change, and that she had to show the same determination in dealing with her own side of politics on the issue of water.

"Minister Wong needs to have a full and frank discussion with the State Government - if it is going to get serious about weaning Adelaide off its dependence on the Murray,'' said Senator Hanson-Young.

Environment Minister must prioritise Lakes, Coorong visit as international experts observe shameful case study

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 10th September 2009, 11:09am

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young says it is embarrassing that a new delegation of international water experts has visited South Australia’s Lower Lakes and Coorong to study its challenges, while the federal Environment Minister is yet to visit.

An international delegation of scientists from countries including South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States toured the Lower Lakes and Coorong yesterday as part of this week’s Global Wetland and Rivers Expert Conference in Goolwa.

“How many more international experts need to come down to our Lakes and Coorong to observe it as an ecosystem in crisis before our own Environment Minister will prioritise a visit?” asked Senator Hanson-Young.