
Asylum seeker debate out of proportion

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 23rd August 2011, 10:00am

Yesterday the full bench of the High Court began hearing a challenge to the Malaysian solution.

The Greens hope David Manne and Debbie Mortimer, SC, and their legal team succeeds, not least because we do not want unaccompanied children to be expelled to a country where their rights cannot be guaranteed. It's not yet clear when the court will issue its ruling, but it could permanently derail the Gillard government's plans to export Australia's international obligations to give protection to countries including Malaysia and, possibly, Papua New Guinea.

The Greens and others, such as human rights groups, have for years lobbied against mandatory detention. We think there's a better way, one that's humane and compassionate, in handling some of the world's most vulnerable people. We do not support the policy of locking fragile people up as a first resort, when it clearly should the last thing we should do. Indeed, Australia is the only country in the world as signatory to the Refugee Convention that arbitrarily detains asylum seekers, contrary to what the convention suggests.

Whenever the major parties, or shock jocks for that matter, seek to attack asylum seekers and others who lack a voice, myself and the Greens will be there to stand up for them. We refuse to follow the ALP and Coalition in a race to the bottom.

I think the Australian electorate is sick of that competition. They're tired of both sides repeating the same mantras, using the same language - indeed the same policies - to confront what is a relatively small problem, compared with the volumes of people arriving on the EU's shores. The major parties' responses cost billions of dollars and damage lives unnecessarily.

Australians want alternatives to a policy of mandatory detention because it has failed to be a deterrent for people seeking our protection since it took effect in the early 1990s. They want their government to explore other paths, such as those outlined in the Centre for Policy Development's report A New Approach, Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees and Asylum Seekers released yesterday.

They want their elected representatives to show results for policies to deal with Australia's ageing population, how to provide more affordable child care options, and a national dental health scheme. In addition to finally ensuring the future of a healthy Murray Darling Basin, they'd also like to see their parliament amend the Marriage Act, so same-sex couples can get married and formally celebrate their commitment to each other.

Everyday Australians are eager to see their government deliver a mining tax that fairly redistributes the wealth from the present boom so it is invested here and not sent overseas. They fear the proceeds risk being squandered instead of funding essential public transport and other infrastructure. And what about a sovereign wealth fund, which Treasury has supported, to invest in future generations?

The major parties have created these problems with immigration and asylum seeker policy, which serve their interests. But we can solve them all with practical measures and confront other challenges that the community would prefer we concentrate on.

First published in The National Times on August 23, 2011.

Delay is the deadliest form of denial

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 11th August 2011, 4:16pm

The Australian Greens say the Murray Darling Basin Authority's second delay in eight days to the draft report means there's less time for the parliament and public to assess its contents.

Fast rail needs to go far: Bandt

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 3:13pm

Greens MP Adam Bandt has warned the government against thinking small,
as it prepares to release a study into high speed rail for the east
coast on Thursday.

River to suffer from delays to Murray Darling plan

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 1:28pm

The Australian Greens are concerned by yet another delay in releasing the draft report by the Murray Darling Basin Authority.

Greens welcome SA government study into environmental water requirements for Murray Darling Basin

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 27th July 2011, 5:12pm

The Greens have welcomed the SA government's environmental water requirements study, which has been peer-reviewed by the Goyder Institute, to demonstrate what is needed to keep the Murray mouth open and ensure a healthy river system.

Why this is better than Rudd's scheme

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 13th July 2011, 1:27pm

There are more than 13 billion reasons why the climate package unveiled on Sunday is better at putting a price on pollution than its predecessor.

Govt must act to protect water licences from foreign ownership

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Friday 1st July 2011, 11:02am

The Australian Greens are calling on the federal government to alter the powers of the Foreign Investment Review Board to include water licences.

Brown criticises major parties’ sovereign wealth fund failure

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 14th June 2011, 5:39pm

Greens Leader Bob Brown has condemned both major parties for today voting down his move to have the Productivity Commission investigate options for a sovereign wealth fund.

"Australia is the wealthiest country on Earth per capita in terms of resources and it is being squandered," Senator Brown said in Canberra.

"We need the proceeds from Australia's mineral wealth to fund transport in our cities and between our cities, hospitals and dental health services, schools and access to high quality tertiary education. Everyday Australians, and their children and grandchildren, should be reaping the benefits," Senator Brown said.

"Some mining companies treat this parliament as a vassal of their own power, strength and greed. We're languishing and we don't need to be. It's mismanagement, and it's not helped by the failure of the Opposition to stand up for everyday Australians."

"It's time this parliament got some spine. If a sovereign wealth fund is good enough for mineral-rich Norway, why not Australia?"


Planning for a Fast Rail Network

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 9:06pm

Rural and Regional Affairs Committee Thursday 26 May 2011

Senator LUDLAM: I am-getting people out of cars, rather than in them more efficiently. What can you tell us about high-speed rail? There is $14 million in the implementation study in the budget. Is it with you folk yet or is it somewhere else?