
Heritage contingency planning and assessments 2011-12

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 12:40pm

Senate Question No. 690

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, in writing, on 15 June 2011:
(1) What contingency planning has been undertaken by the department to deal with the reduction in funding for heritage core tasks such as identifying heritage places and providing statutory protection advice.

(2) What full-time equivalent staff numbers are being considered in contingency planning by the department to deal with the reduction in funding for heritage.

(3) What number of National Heritage assessments is being considered for the 2011-12 financial year, given cuts in the department's human and economic

Senator Conroy: The Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities has provided the following answer to the honourable Senator's question:

(1) The department has undertaken an extensive planning and transition process in order to ensure the maintenance of its core heritage responsibilities.

James Price Point

Motion | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert, Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 6th July 2011, 4:29pm

Senator SIEWERT & Senator LUDLAM: To move:

Kimberley heritage assessment must be completed - Greens

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Thursday 9th June 2011, 6:57pm

The Australian Greens say Environment Minister Tony Burke must make a final decision about the National Heritage listing of the West Kimberley before beginning any environmental assessments of the proposed James Price Point gas hub.

Visit to Lake Eyre May 2011

Photo Gallery | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 5:16pm
Click one of the thumbnails to view the gallery.


Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 30th May 2011, 5:05pm

Environment and Communications Committee Wednesday 25 May 2011

Senator LUDLAM: Most of my questions are on heritage and the heritage budget, although I would like to start by acknowledging the wonderful work done by Environment Victoria and Friends of the Earth, in part based on Commonwealth grants. They get a lot done with a very small budget. I want to draw the officer's attention to the heritage budget in particular and whether you can confirm that the division has indeed been cut in terms of total funding by about 31 per cent across the forward estimates.

Ms Dripps: We are unable to confirm that at this time. As Dr Grimes mentioned in the departmental summary item yesterday morning, internal budgets for the department have not yet been finalised in terms of allocations to divisions.

Management plans for National Heritage List places

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 20th May 2011, 1:12pm

Senate Question No. 538

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, in writing, on 22 March 2011:

With reference to the answer provided to Question no. 97 taken on notice during the 2010-11 Supplementary Budget Estimates of the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee regarding the status of management plans for National Heritage List places, and noting that, of 89 National Heritage List places, 9 have no plan in place (1 of which is the Dampier Archipelago, including the Burrup Peninsula), and 5 of these do have management arrangements in place:

(1) During the estimates hearing in October 2010, the department advised that the Western Australian Government is developing an Aboriginal Heritage Management Plan that will also protect heritage values - can details be provided describing what progress has been made in developing a management plan, and what is the timeframe for completion.

Burrup Peninsula

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 20th May 2011, 12:58pm

Senate Question No. 219

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, in writing, on 24 November 2010:

With reference to the Burrup (Murujuga) Peninsula which contains more than a million rock art engravings (petroglyphs) estimated to be up to 30 000 years old and, noting that on 3 July 2007 the area was listed as a National Heritage place by the Federal Government, there are concerns about the long delay in nominating the Burrup Peninsula for World Heritage listing, in addition to the continuous damage to the Burrup rock art:

(1) What is the current heritage status of the Burrup Peninsula.

(2) Of the 117 square kilometres covered by the Burrup Peninsula, how much is actually protected by National Heritage listing, as a percentage and surface area.

(3) When will the Aboriginal heritage management plan for the Burrup Peninsula being led by the Western Australian Department of Indigenous Affairs be finalised.

One step forward, ten steps back on heritage funding

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 9:33pm

The Australian Greens expressed dismay as the Government slashed heritage funding by almost one third in the budget.

Greens heritage spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said funding for the Heritage Division of the Environment Department was taking one step forward and ten back.

Old economy wins while new economy loses

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 7:53pm

Public mental health and private mineral wealth are the big winners out of this year's budget, Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"The Greens are celebrating the $1.5 billion boost to mental health funding, although we are shocked to discover that almost $0.5 billion is outside the forward estimates. There is a bias in the overall budget to the influential mining barons who are unelected and send massive profits overseas. While the mining corporations gain, programs for Australians, including the environment have been cut by billions," Senator Brown said.

Management plans for Commonwealth Heritage List sites

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 29th April 2011, 4:51pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Legislation Committee
Answers to questions on notice
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio
Supplementary Budget Estimates, October 2010

Question No: 97

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM-I understand that there are 337 places on the Commonwealth Heritage List and all of them are required to have management plans under the EPBC Act. Is that the case?
Mr Shevlin-The Commonwealth has to use its best endeavours to encourage the development of a management plan.