West Australians to march 1000km in protest against uranium mining

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 3:42pm

Western Australians will begin a one thousand-kilometre protest march against uranium mining this Sunday 21 August.

Australian Greens nuclear affairs spokesperson, Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam, will join the ‘Walk Away From Uranium Mining' on Sunday as it begins the long journey from Wiluna to Perth.

"This is an extraordinary moment for our state and for the future. The nuclear industry is in decline around the world and public awareness of the dangers of uranium mining and nuclear power is growing.

"This march is a powerful statement from Western Australians who do not want uranium mining in WA and who do not want their state to support the nuclear industry in any way.

"Uranium mining has a horrendous environmental, health and safety record in this country, and it provides the fuel for the toxic, dangerous and unnecessary nuclear power industry - and for nuclear weapons.

"The people walking from Wiluna to Perth are in step with the growing list of countries around the world - including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Greece and Ireland - who are officially walking away from nuclear power."

The march begins in Wiluna, which has been targeted by Toro Energy for a proposed uranium mine, and will go through Yeelirrie (another potential uranium mine site), Leonora, Kalgoorlie and Southern Cross and will arrive in Perth on 27 October, followed by three days of events in the city.

The Walk Away From Uranium Mining is organised by Footprints for Peace and supported by the Conservation Council of Western Australia Inc., Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance, Ban Uranium Mining Permanently, People for Nuclear Disarmament and the Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia.

Details and itinerary:


Media Contact: Giovanni Torre - 0417 174 302



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