Public has right to know about plans to use Western Australia as US military base

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 12th August 2011, 1:31pm

Western Australians have the right to full disclosure about any plans to establish bases for the US military, the Australian Greens said today.
Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam said the Australian American Leadership Dialogue currently underway includes talks on US warships and other military hardware being based in WA.

"Defence Minister Stephen Smith and senior US defence officials will be holding further discussions on using our state as a military base for the United States. The Western Australian public has a right to know the details of these plans and a right to be consulted," said Senator Ludlam.

"Many US aircraft carriers and submarines are nuclear-powered. Will nuclear warships be based in Western Australia? Nuclear weapons in the US Navy may be deployed through ballistic missile submarines and airborne capabilities. Would submarines or strike aircraft for deploying nuclear weapons be based in Western Australia? Are we prepared for the social and environmental impacts of an expanded foreign military presence in our communities and ports? If the Government has intentions one way or the other, we have a right to know before the decisions are made.


Contact: Giovanni Torre - 0417 174 302



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