During this parliamentary session your new Greens Senators will deliver their first speeches.

Greens Senator for Victoria Richard Di Natale's speech was on Tuesday August 16th, and you can read it here.

Greens Senator for South Australia Penny Wright's speech will be at approximately 5:20pm on Wednesday August 17th.

You can watch it live here, click on the 'Senate' link.

Video will be here as soon as it is available, as will links to text of the speeches.

20th August 2012

Manus Island MOU takes Australia back to the Howard years

Sarah Hanson-Young
22nd August 2011

Afghanistan tragedy

Bob Brown
22nd August 2011

Full story of war in Afghanistan must be told

Scott Ludlam
Greens MPs, 16th August 2011

We're back in town

We politicians are back in Canberra this morning after a five-week winter recess.

Continue Reading
Greens MPs, 9th August 2011

Rights of children should be above politics

Greens MPs, 2nd August 2011

Let conscience rule on gay marriage

Greens MPs, 26th July 2011

Government abandons principles over Malaysia deal

Greens MPs, 19th July 2011

Save and expand foreign aid