Rural & Regional Communities

Greens to advance Abbott's call for farmers' rights

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 14th August 2011, 11:31am

The Australian Greens will bring a bill into the Senate, in the next fortnight, to require the permission of landholders before companies can explore for, or extract, coal seam gas, Greens Leader Bob Brown announced today.

"Queensland's new Greens Senator Larissa Waters' bill will use the corporations power in the constitution to require coal seam gas corporations to get written permission before entering a farmer’s land," Senator Brown said.

Greens vow to fight for indigenous communities as second report highlights policy failures

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Tuesday 9th August 2011, 6:20pm

The Australian Greens have vowed to continue fighting for Aboriginal communities after an Amnesty International report condemned the Federal Government’s abandonment of remote communities in the NT in favour of ‘growth towns’. 

The Amnesty report comes just one day after another highly critical report revealed the expensive gap between policy intent and implementation.

“I welcome the spotlight being returned to examine the state of Aboriginal housing, health, education and disadvantage in this country,” Senator Rachel Siewert, Greens Spokesperson for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues said today.

“While these reports highlight major deficiencies in the current delivery of services, the Australian Greens have already been making significant inroads on some of these issues.

Senator Siewert has recently introduced pieces of legislation aimed at reforming the Native Title and re-instating the Racial Discrimination Act in the NT.

“Now that the evidence is beginning to stack up against the past policies of both the Labor Government and the previous Liberal Government, it is impossible for the two old parties to ignore the need for communities to gain control over their own lives.

“The Northern Territory Intervention and compulsory income management was a terrible violation of those principles of self-determination, consultation and partnership, and it is time to unwind these policies and start returning control to communities,” Senator Siewert concluded.

Govt must act to protect water licences from foreign ownership

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Friday 1st July 2011, 11:02am

The Australian Greens are calling on the federal government to alter the powers of the Foreign Investment Review Board to include water licences.

Support moves to protect Australians’ assets - Brown

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 30th June 2011, 1:46pm

Greens Leader Bob Brown today urged politicians of all stripes to engage in a mature debate about ownership of Australians' assets, including farm land and minerals wealth.

"The Australian Greens have one initial solution - the Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 jointly sponsored by Christine Milne and Nick Xenophon - with all acquisitions by foreign interests to be subject to a proposed $5 million threshold," Senator Brown said in Hobart.

"The bill was introduced into the Senate on 24 November 2010 and was subject to a Senate Inquiry which reported on 16 June 2011."

"The bill provides legislation for a national interest test which includes factors such as national security, any impacts on competition and global industry or market outcomes, any impact on Australian tax revenues, any impact on the Australian economy or community, the character of the investor, and requires online publication of applications of interest in agricultural land."

"There would also be penalties for when a foreign person acquired agricultural land without notifying the Treasurer."



Visit to Lake Eyre May 2011

Photo Gallery | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 5:16pm
Click one of the thumbnails to view the gallery.

Congratulations Jeremy Buckingham: rural Greens voice in NSW Upper House

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Tuesday 12th April 2011, 1:04pm

Australian Greens Acting Leader, Senator Christine Milne, today congratulated David Shoebridge, Jan Barham and Jeremy Buckingham on their election to the NSW Legislative Council following the final distribution of preferences.

"David, Jan, Jeremy, Cate, John and Jamie will be a strong Greens voice in both houses of the NSW Parliament," Senator Milne said.

"I am particularly delighted that Jeremy Buckingham has won a close-fought tussle for one of two final seats in the Upper House.

"NSW will now hear Jeremy's common-sense rural Green voice for the next eight years.

Social Security Amendment (Income Support for Regional Students) Bill 2010

Speech | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 1st March 2011, 4:45pm

Second Reading Speech, Sarah Hanson-Young

I rise today to participate in what is a first: priority time for private senators' bills. It is something the Greens fought very hard for, something we have been talking about for a long time. Thankfully, because of the enormous support that we got throughout the election, we were able to actually implement this in our agreement in the forming of the government. I think it is wonderful that all sides of politics are now able to participate in putting issues on the agenda that affect their constituencies, things that the government of the day try to ignore and do not want to deal with. Of course, I would have liked to have been talking about a Greens bill today, but here we go: after years and years of the coalition saying they would not give precedence to private senators' time, we are now dealing with their bill first.

Beyond Farming

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Monday 21st February 2011, 11:32am

Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee - Monday 21 February 2011

Mr Noble—I can, if you wish. The program you refer to is called Beyond Farming. It is a program delivered by the WA Council of Social Service. They sought expressions of interest for people to become mentors, so former farmers to become mentors to current farmers. We can provide details about the selection process for those mentors, if you would like.

New dairy inquiry must deliver

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Friday 11th February 2011, 9:50am

The Australian Greens today welcomed the referral of the current milk discounting controversy to the Senate Economics Committee, following a motion by Senators Xenophon, Colbeck and Milne, but warned that this inquiry must deliver for dairy farmers or risk undermining confidence in the parliament.
Immediately after voting to support this inquiry, the Coalition joined the government in voting down a Greens motion calling on the government to reinstate the anti-price discrimination provisions in the Competition and Consumer Act, as recommended by all members of the previous Senate Inquiry into milk pricing.

Milking our dairy farmers dry

Blog Post | Blog of Christine Milne
Tuesday 8th February 2011, 11:38am

A short sighted price war, or purposeful manipulation the dairy industry? You decide, but one thing for sure is that regardless of Coles and Woolworths' assurances of absorbing the costs of slashed- price milk, the farmers will eventually suffer.
Dairy farmers are right to be sceptical about a promise from the duopoly. For example, more than a year has passed since both Coles and Woolworths promised they would end restrictive covenants aimed at preventing competitors opening stores close to their own, yet in 2011 many of the covenants remain.
With this in mind, how are we to trust their word? How are we to believe they are about to place the welfare of dairy farmers above their single bottom line when they have not acted in this way previously?