Questions On Notice

Questions on Notice
Senators may, at any time, address written questions on notice to ministers and other senators. As soon as practicable, questions are forwarded to the appropriate ministers’ offices and to the relevant departments where replies are drafted for consideration by the minister. When a reply is approved by the minister it is delivered to the senator who asked the question and both question and reply are printed in Hansard.

Questions without Notice
Question time in the Senate is scheduled to begin at 2.00 p.m. on each sitting day and usually continues for an hour. The President asks if there are any questions without notice and senators wishing to ask questions rise in their places. After the question has been asked the President calls on the appropriate minister to answer.

Wounded and injured Australian troops in Afghanistan

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 22nd August 2011, 8:41pm

Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia) (14:28): My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, Senator Evans. Documents released to the Western Australian newspaper under freedom of information requests reveal that the government's publicly stated figure of over 180 wounded Australians in Afghanistan tells only a fraction of the story. More than 920 wounded and injured Australian soldiers have received compensation for amputated limbs, severe burns, bullets still lodged in flesh and major depression. Will the government commit to revealing on an ongoing basis-not relying on FOI requests-the actual numbers of wounded and injured troops returning from Afghanistan?

Talisman Sabre 2011 environmental impact

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 1:03pm


Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, upon notice, on 16 March 2011:

-With reference to Operation Talisman Sabre 2011:

(1) In regard to the Talisman Sabre exercises, what will be the actual cost to the department of the exercises, for example, clean-up operations, monitoring, herding dugongs out of the live fire area etc.

(2) In regard to the AECOM public environment report (PER) concerning the exercises, for which the public comment period closed on 10 December 2010:
(a) how are the unlikely scenarios for which the exercises are intended to prepare the Australian Defence Force (ADF), such as nuclear warfare, weighed up with the actual damage done to the marine and terrestrial environment;
(b) to what extent has the projected or potential impact on the area in which the exercises are to be conducted and, in particular, Queensland's Shoalwater Bay region, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Coral Sea, been assessed;
(c) who conducted the assessment in paragraph (b);
(d) what were the outcomes of the assessment in paragraph (b);
(e) what assessment has been carried out of the impact of the floods in Rockhampton and the cyclone around Cowley Beach;
(f) if no assessment has been carried out in relation to paragraph (e), why not;
(g) to what extent have the impacts of the floods and cyclone in Queensland altered the planning for the exercises; and
(h) based on the understanding that the Great Barrier Reef and other marine environments have been damaged by the recent extreme weather conditions and given the intense naval activity associated with the exercises, will the department consider postponing the exercises in order to give the region an opportunity to recover; if not, why not.

Talisman Sabre 2011 costs and details

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 12:53pm


Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister representing the Minister for Defence-

(1) With reference to Exercise Talisman Sabre 2011, including the costs of the exercise and the Public Environment Report (PER):
(a) what is the total cost to the department of the Talisman Sabre exercises;
(b) what proportion of this cost will Australia be paying;
(c) what was the cost to the department of the preparation of the PER by AECOM;
(d) given that the public submission period closed in December 2010:
(i) how many submissions were received; and
(ii) how was participation advertised.
(e) is the department aware of a local campaign to get Exercise Talisman Sabre 2011 cancelled in order to use the money for the Queensland recovery;
(f) will the Talisman Sabre games take place anywhere in Western Australia; and
(g) following Exercise Talisman Sabre 2011, will any submarines from the United States of America (US) be landing in Fremantle to engage in ‘border protection' or ‘piracy' work.

Heritage contingency planning and assessments 2011-12

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 12:40pm

Senate Question No. 690

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, in writing, on 15 June 2011:
(1) What contingency planning has been undertaken by the department to deal with the reduction in funding for heritage core tasks such as identifying heritage places and providing statutory protection advice.

(2) What full-time equivalent staff numbers are being considered in contingency planning by the department to deal with the reduction in funding for heritage.

(3) What number of National Heritage assessments is being considered for the 2011-12 financial year, given cuts in the department's human and economic

Senator Conroy: The Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities has provided the following answer to the honourable Senator's question:

(1) The department has undertaken an extensive planning and transition process in order to ensure the maintenance of its core heritage responsibilities.

Defence Department and acceptance of gifts

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 12:31pm


Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister representing the Minister for Defence-

(1) Does the department have a policy which prohibits the acceptance of gifts from suppliers or potential suppliers at any time or only during a tendering process or contract negotiation.
(2) If the policy only applies during a tendering process or contract negotiation, could this lead to the inappropriate strengthening of relationships and improper influence over decision-making processes, even if a contract is not being sought or negotiated at that specific time.
(3) Does the department's policy specifically prohibit the acceptance of gifts at any time, or only the soliciting of gifts

Senator Evans - The Minister for Defence has provided the following answer to the honourable senator's question:

(1) Defence's policy on acceptance of gifts is of general application and is not restricted to tender processes or contract negotiations. However, the policy does state that acceptance of gifts or benefits will not be appropriate from a person or company if they are involved in a tender process with the agency, either for the procurement of goods and services or sale of assets.

National Rental Affordability Scheme

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 12:21pm

Question No. 571

Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister representing the Treasurer-With reference to the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS):
(1) What is the name of the unit within the department which advises the Treasurer on the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS), and how many people is it comprised of.
(2) Does the department still consider the NRAS program to be undersubscribed.
(3) What industry consultation took place prior to the providing of advice to the Government that the target should be capped at 30 000.
(4) How does the department work with the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities on NRAS.
(5) Given that, in November 2008, the Government introduced a transitional safety net to cover charities participating in NRAS, targeting charitable organisations that participate during the establishment phase of NRAS (dwellings built during the 2008-09 and 2009-10 financial years), thereby expiring at the end of that establishment phase:
(a) what is the current situation for charitable organisations participating in NRAS; and
(b) did the transitional safety net expire as noted; if so, are the affected charitable organisations currently participating in NRAS in danger of losing their charitable status and loss of valuable tax concessions.

ANSTO attendance at Berri Barmera Council meeting

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 12:13pm


SENATOR LUDLAM asked the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, upon notice, on 21 July 2011:

Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research-In regard to the attendance of Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) personnel at the Berri Barmera Council meeting held in Berri, South Australia on 19 April 2011:
(1) Were the representatives from ANSTO invited by the council or did the department offer or request a place on the council meeting agenda.
(2) Have any other councils in any state or territory been given similar deputations; if so, when and where did these occur.
(3) Are there plans or has there been discussion regarding similar presentations to be given to other councils; if so, when and where.
(4) Since the 19 April 2011 meeting in Berri, has there been any further correspondence between ANSTO and the Berri Barmera Council; if so, can a copy of this correspondence be provided.
(5) Can a copy of the notes or presentations used by the ANSTO representatives to address the Berri Barmera Council be provided.
(6) Can a copy of the report given to the Minister following the deputation be provided.

Depleted Uranium use by coalition partners in Afghanistan

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 19th August 2011, 11:57am


Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister representing the Minister for Defence-

With reference to the use of depleted uranium (DU) in Afghanistan by coalition partners and the answer to a question taken on notice during the 2009-10 Supplementary Budget Estimates of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee on DU use in Afghanistan by our coalition partners, which states that ‘Coalition partners have not provided any information on their use of depleted uranium munitions': Has the Australian Government asked our coalition partners whether they have used DU in Afghanistan.

National Contact Point

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 8th August 2011, 3:29pm

Question No. 684

Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister representing the Treasurer-Given the imminent release of the updated Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises which provides the Government with a timely opportunity to make a significant investment in promoting the guidelines among Australian businesses that operate overseas, and to consider the institutional arrangements, independence of and resources available
to the Australian National Contact Point.
(1) What additional resources will be made available to the National Contact Point to promote the updated guidelines among Australian businesses operating overseas and among other stakeholders.
(2) Will the Government commit to understanding the institutional arrangements of other national contact points and commit to a public process that seeks to strengthen the institutional arrangements of the Australian National Contact Point; if not, why not.

Exploration and mining on Defence Force land

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 8th August 2011, 3:20pm


Senator Scott Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Special Minister of State, upon notice, on 19 May 2011:

(1) What is the approval process for exploration and mining proposals on Australian Defence Force land.
(2) At what point is there an opportunity for a public comment component in the approval process for mining proposals on Australian Defence Force land.
(3) At what stage in the approval process is the Paladin Energy Ltd proposal, with regard to the uranium deposit at Oobagooma in the Kimberley.
(4) Is Paladin Energy Ltd currently undertaking exploration activity.