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ireland / britain / crime prison and punishment Thursday August 18, 2011 14:03 by Aidan, Andrew & Dermot
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Riot police deploy in Manchester

The police killing of Mark Duggan resulted in four nights of rioting across England. The immediate trigger was the killing itself, and the disrespect shown by the police to Mark’s family and friends. But the riots rapidly broadened to expressions of a more general anger and alienation; an anger that was all too often unfocused and striking out at the nearest target of opportunity. This resulted in widespread destruction of resources in already deprived neighborhoods and some anti-social attacks on bystanders. Despite this, the roots of the riots lie in the economic and political conditions of these districts, and not in ‘poor parenting’ or ‘mindless criminality’. These conditions were created by the very politicians and business elite who now call for a return to normality and repression.

The riots happened at a particular moment, a moment when capitalism is in deep crisis. Indeed the riots occurred at the same time as yet another crash in global markets. The two competed with each other to be the lead story on the news. This is not a coincidence; the crash, and the cuts unleashed to impose it’s costs on ordinary people, mean not only rocketing unemployment but also the slashing of public services. And while the focus is on the estimated £200 million of destruction caused by the rioting, this pales into insignificance in comparison with the huge destruction of wealth taking place on the stock exchanges.

(Image: By SkyFireXII via Flickr Creative Commons 2.0)

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bolivia/peru/ecuador/chile / education Wednesday August 10, 2011 02:46 by Anarco-comunistas de Chile
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Una visión libertaria, desde los estudiantes movilizados, de las propuestas y del movimiento por la educación en Chile. Adjuntamos las "Bases para un Acuerdo Social por la Educación Chilena", elaborado por estudiantes universitarios, secundarios y el Colegio de Profesores

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mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles Tuesday August 09, 2011 01:27 by Ilan Shalif
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Tel Aviv tent camp

In the first demo, two weeks ago, about 30,000 participated in Tel Aviv; in the second, last week, there were nearly 100,000 in Tel Aviv and about 40,000 in the rest of the country. In the third, this Saturday, there were about 250,000 in Tel Aviv - the largest ever in Israel, and about 70,000 all over the country. Who knows how many will come for next Saturday's demos. The call "Revolution!" was second only to "Social justice!"

The main demands are: free education from the age of 3 months, a reduction of sales taxes and an increase in the direct taxes that the rich pay; the provision of low-cost housing to buy and rent by stopping State and municipal speculation on public land and by building small apartments and public housing; an overhaul of the public health system which the doctors' union has been demanding for several months; a stop to the precarization of workers using manpower companies; and the recruitment of 500 inspectors to enforce employer legislation regulating work - especially with regard to minimum wages.


brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement Friday August 05, 2011 19:52 by Felipe Corrêa
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Problemas e Possibilidades do Anarquismo

Resenha do livro Problemas e Possibilidades do Anarquismo, de José Antonio Gutierrez Danton, publicado em 2011, no Brasil, pela Faísca Publicações Libertárias. Nela, o autor, um dos organizadores e apresentadores do livro, discute as principais questões envolvidas no conjunto de artigos compilados: a necessidade de superar os velhos problemas do anarquismo, o anarquismo e a luta de classes, o anarquismo e a questão da organização, a organização política anarquista, o programa anarquista e a política de alianças.

Publicado em 2011, no Brasil, pela Faísca Publicações Libertárias, Problemas e Possibilidades do Anarquismo, do chileno José Antonio Gutierrez Danton[1], reflete, inegavelmente, um avanço nas discussões do anarquismo. Marcado pelo acúmulo e pela maturidade, esse livro[2] do autor reúne seis artigos de fôlego publicados na revista Hombre y Sociedad, do Chile, e no portal Os textos foram publicados em castelhano e começaram a chegar em nossas mãos, no Brasil, por volta de 2008 e ganharam leitores na medida em que foram sendo traduzidos. Eu e Daniel Alves, apresentadores e organizadores da obra, fomos responsáveis pela tradução, pela revisão e pela difusão do material que se encontra agora reunido em livro e disponibilizado aos leitores brasileiros.
greece / turkey / cyprus / community struggles Monday August 01, 2011 14:47 by Αυτόνομος
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Το συγκεκριμένο κείμενο έχει γραφτεί για τις ανάγκες ενημέρωσης συντρόφων στο εξωτερικό, σχετικά με την κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα.

Όσα μέτρα έχει βιώσει από το 2010 μέχρι σήμερα ο ελληνικός λαός, αποτελούν ένα μικρό πρόλογο μπροστά στο τσουνάμι της κοινωνικής πτώχευσης και εξαθλίωσης που του έχουν για κύριο πιάτο το κεφάλαιο και η εκλεκτή του κυβέρνηση, το ΔΝΤ και το διευθυντήριο της Ε.Ε.

Η επίσημη ανεργία έχει ξεπεράσει το 16%, ενώ η πραγματική είναι πάνω από το 20%, στην νεολαία τα πράγματα είναι δραματικά με την ανεργία να αγγίζει το 40%, ενώ μέχρι το τέλος του 2011 υπολογίζεται ότι οι άνεργοι θα ξεπεράσουν το 1.000.000.


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