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The rabble blogs

  • August 18, 2011
    Science and poetry dovetail in Anne Simpson's latest collection, Is, in which she meditates on what it means to be human.
  • August 11, 2011
    If you want to live in a just and sustainable world (and who doesn't?) then egalitarian collective process is unavoidable. 'Come Hell or High Water' is a much needed critical analysis of this process.
  • The Ripple Effect
    August 4, 2011
    The Ripple Effect by Alex Prud'homme is a needed warning to readers about how current policies, trends and behaviours are quickly threatening the very thing we cannot live without: water.

Current rabble poll

How should Canadian citizens participate in anti-tar sands action?

Thousands of U.S. activists are converging on Washington, D.C. for a two-week protest to stop an Alberta tar sands pipeline -- how should Canadian citizens respond? sustainers

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