Your gateway to the exciting politics and vibrant culture of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Brazil grabs land in Africa

Mozambique has offered Brazil five million hectares of land on which to grow soya, maize and cotton. 

Bolivia: Amazon Road Plan Has Native People on the March Again

Indigenous people in the eastern lowlands of Bolivia are again preparing to make the long march to La Paz, 21 years after their first such protest.

Peruvian group illegally occupies land of isolated Indians in Brazil

In his Blog da Amazonia, the Brazilian journalist, Altino Machado, describes how paramilitaries from Peru have invaded land belonging to isolated Indians in Brazil.

South America: concern over currency appreciation

South American finance officials are meeting in Lima to seek coordinated response to global economic crisis.

Venezuela: protest letter in the Guardian

Leading activists and thinkers criticise the Guardian newspaper for failing to report on a 10,000-person march in Caracas to demand justice for the hundreds of peasant activists assassinated by wealthy landowners.

Native Groups Mobilise Against Escalation of War

Indigenous peoples in Colombia are mobilising against abuses by rebel groups.


article thumbnail

Eviction of indigenous community in Guatemala. At the end of the 1970s, indigenous communities in Guatemala were brutally repressed by the ruling military government which, in its zeal to eradicate 'subversion', murdered thousands of men, women and children. The arrival of democracy was supposed to usher in a new era of respect for their rights. Not so. The community of Panzos, where in May 1978 over a hundred people were massacred by the army, now faces eviction by a democratically-elected government that is supposed to be on their side.


Colombia: human rights, a casualty of the war

Latin America Bureau interviews Eduardo Carreño, a prominent Colombian lawyer, on human rights, political violence and Venezuela.


Nick Caistor, from LAB, analyses the reasons behind the students protests in Chile.

Guatemala: Resisting the New Colonialism

A prominent member of the Guatemalan left believes that his country is the victim of a neo-colonial offensive.

Ecuador: a new model of domination

The Uruguayan politican analyst, Raúl Zibechi, argues that Ecuador is the latest in a series of Latin American nations, including Brazil, in which the state is promoting a new form of neoliberalism, which is being called post-neoliberalism.

Will Lulismo illuminate Peru?

Editorial from the Peru Support Group (London).

Colombia's Indigenous Communities Demand Demilitarization as Fighting Escalates

In Colombia, indigenous peoples continue to be the victims of the internal armed conflict, which is escalating once again. Some communities are saying enough is enough.

“Until the Day I Die”: Gerta Louisama on Haitian Women Winning their Rights

Gerta Louisama is a member of the Executive Committee and the National Women’s Committee of Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan Ayisyen, Heads Together Small Producers of Haiti, Haiti’s largest and oldest peasant group. She speaks about the Tèt Kole’s efforts to win recognition, social equality, and economic rights for rural Haitians, especially women.

Video: 'I can't be silent' - Mexican rape survivor takes on military

The moving testimony of a rape victim from Mexico.

Peru’s Mining Conflicts: Ollanta Humala’s Ticking Time Bomb

Peruvian President Ollanta Humala, who took office on 28 July, faces a big challenge in regions where most of his votes come from.

Military Impunity: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The author argues that the Mexican government is resisting attempts to put an end to military impunity.

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Letter from...

COLOMBIA: ABColombia send an open letter to President Juan Manuel Santos

  Bogota, 20 December 2010 Doctor
President of the Republic Dear President Santos, As international organizations with a long history of work on human rights and development issues in Colombia, we would like to congratulate you on your electoral victory. We welcome many of the commitments you made in your inauguration speech, and would invite you to consider so [ ... ]


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