
Classification and Ontology, The Hague, 19-20 September, 2011

The third biennial conference in a series of UDC Seminars organized by the UDC Consortium is titled Classification & Ontology and is hosted by The National Library of the Netherlands.

Ontology-like representations of classifications are recognized as potentially important facilitators in creating a web of linked data (the Semantic Web). The objective of the conference is to promote collaboration and exchange of expertise between different fields dealing with knowledge classifications: bibliographic, web and AI.

To read more and to register, please visit the event's website


117 people attended the ISKO-UK conference on 4-5 July, a great networking opportunity for a mix of researchers, commercial providers and practitioners interested in “Facets of Knowledge Organization”. Abstracts, full papers and PowerPoint files are already available for downloading and audio recordings will be added to the event web page in the next few weeks. The event was held in memory of Brian C Vickery, who died in 2009 at the age of 91, leaving a lifetime of inspiration to the LIS profession. Read Fran Alexander’s full review on the ISKO-UK blog. 


The event following ISKO UK's Annual General Meeting on April 14th, 2011 - Public Access to Information? - was one of the most successful yet. Organised jointly with TiPS, it attracted over 100 registrants, most of whom turned up on the day. All four speakers delivered highly engaging presentations which provoked not only frequent questions during each session, but also resulted in a lively panel session at the end.

For a full account of each of the presentations, see the report on the ISKO UK blog.


The ISKO UK event "Legal Know-How: Organization & Semantic Analysis" held on 10 November 2010 attracted over 80 participants and offered an interesting selection of talks from the field of legal information. Presentation slides are now available on the event website and audio recordings will be uploaded as soon as they have been processed. Read about the event in Fran Alexander's review.


"Facets of Knowledge Organization", our second biennial conference, will take place on 4-5 July 2011. It will honour the life and achievements of Brian C Vickery, who sadly died last year, but has left us much to celebrate and build upon during the conference. To make the most of the event, please respond to our Call for Papers.


ISKO UK is sorry to announce the death of Jack Mills, on 9 July 2010, at his home in London, at the age of 91. Jack had a long and distinguished career as a professional librarian, academic, teacher and researcher, and, for the last 40 years, as Editor of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification, Second Edition (BC2). In recent years his work had been marked by the award of an Honorary Fellowship of CILIP, and the Tony Keny Strix award for services to information retrieval. He was also honoured by the (then) American Society for Information Science as one of a handful of British information professionals nominated as 'Pioneers of Information Science'.
His death was unexpected and peaceful, sitting in his garden at home, and, as usual, he had been working on BC2 during the day. A fuller tribute will appear here, and in Knowledge Organization.


A date to mark in your calendar: ISKO UK is organizing a one-day seminar on Linked Data on 14th September. Ten speakers from five countries will discuss and illustrate the application of linked data in various domains. The preliminary programme and booking form are available at the event's website.


Seeing is Believing: New Technologies for Cultural Heritage, ISKO UK event that took place on 9th June 2010 at University College London. This was yet another successful meeting attended by over 90 participants. The afternoon offered a fascinating and mutually complementary suite of talks that covered topics ranging from how to capture 3D representations of precious artefacts in order to improve access to mass audiences without the damage caused by physical handling, to how crowdsourcing can harness the enthusiasm of online communities to improve collections, speed digitisation, and enhance metadata. A range of questions about privacy, community, and how we relate to both the most precious and the most trivial things in our lives was prompted by the description of the Tales of Things project, which uses the geolocatory power of RFID and QR codes to allow people to add their memories to objects via the website. This event was organized in cooperation with the UCL Department for Information Studies and refreshment was sponsored by Gallery Systems. Outputs are available on the event page.

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Items of Interest

Content of the last issues of the Knowledge Organization journal: 33(2006)1, 33(2006)2, and Vol. 33(2006) No 3.

Online construction of alphabetic classaurus: a vocabulary control and indexing tool, by F. J. Devadason (the online version of the article published in Processing and Management, Vol. 21(1985); No.1; p 11-26.)

Prolegomena to Library Classification (1967) and other books by S.R. Ranganathan in dLIST open archive...

Metadata's many meanings and uses (January 2007) by Conrad Taylor