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Blogs about: Findability

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Records Management: In-place or Repository?1 comment

Graham Sibley wrote 4 days ago: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 introduced the concept of in-place records management, and it has c … more →

Tags: Product, Records Management, Collabware CLM, SharePoint, user experience, in place, Repository

"Lost Dog" ... A Lesson In Marketing

Erin Brennan wrote 1 month ago: Last week I lost my dog, Gia.  She has now been returned home safe and sound and I was happily surpr … more →

Tags: Branding, Strategy, brand consistency, brand visibility, Call to Action, Community building, Community, craigslist, facebook

Findability as a business issue

Saskia wrote 1 month ago: Of course librarians have known for a long time how important controlled vocabulary is for subject a … more →

Tags: Searching, Thesaurus

Doc Searls: 'What Google Does (and needs to keep doing) | Linux Journal'

Jos Schuurmans wrote 1 month ago: Doc Searls, July 28, 2008: “(…) Google just did something good for me — and for a market … more →

Tags: Doc Searls, Domain Registration, Google, Linux Journal

Photography and metadata

Saskia wrote 1 month ago: Lumas offers photography as art editions. I came across one of their galleries while strolling aroun … more →

Tags: Metadata, Visual Resources

Web 2.0 Government

whatthelibrariandid wrote 2 months ago: On January 25, I attended a conference at Library and Archives Canada called “Resource Discove … more →

Tags: web 2. 0, Government, Canada, Canadian government, open data, Information Architecture

3 Free Online Tools to Help Get You Started

yeahyeahonline wrote 3 months ago: “Google” has been a verb for years.  When we want to learn more about something we say “I’ll just Go … more →

Tags: mailchimp, Google, google alerts, Google Places, eMail Marketing, email ist management service, Newsletter, eBlasts, Online Tools

DO Encrypt, DON'T Panic2 comments

Dak wrote 5 months ago: Or, What the ‘strong encryption’ requirement means to Psychologists (regarding Fact Shee … more →

Tags: Documents, Paperless, Security, Passwords, Management, College of Psychologists of Ontario, encryption, FIPS 140-2, Information privacy

The Future of Search--Peter Morville

danahaff wrote 5 months ago: The Future of Search–Peter Morville … more →

The Future of Search--Peter Morville

danahaff wrote 5 months ago: The Future of Search–Peter Morville … more →

If you blog it/update it/tweet it, will they come?1 comment

Erin Brennan wrote 6 months ago: For starters, in order you to grow your audience you have to know who they are … define your t … more →

Tags: Social, Strategy, audience, Content Marketing, sandra possing, SEO, Social Media, Strategy 2, target demographic

Internet Marketing Savvy!

Sandra wrote 6 months ago: AVOID SOCIAL MEDIA DISASTERS  Those of you who have been following me know I started my ‘Stop … more →

Tags: Social Media

Cataloging in the age of discovery systems6 comments

Saskia wrote 6 months ago: Discovery tools with search engine functionality are increasingly being introduced to replace tradit … more →

Tags: Cataloging, OPAC, Catalog, Metadata, Discovery System

MetaVis Cloud Classifier 2010 Preview

sparchitect wrote 7 months ago: MetaVis Cloud Classifier 2010 is a SharePoint 2010 component that allows to assign field values to m … more →

Tags: metavis, SharePoint, field, Navigation, Search, classification, tagging, content-type, classifier

Source-sensitive facet?2 comments

Saskia wrote 7 months ago: To follow up on the last post, picking up Ranganathan’s law “Save the time of the reader”, one way o … more →

Tags: Cataloging, OPAC, Catalog, user experience

The value of the index1 comment

Saskia wrote 7 months ago: Library metadata will increasingly include (some or all of) the content of the resource cataloged to … more →

Tags: Cataloging, Catalog, Searching


btfblog wrote 8 months ago: Foursquare, the location based social networking website, could be the future?  Users “check-i … more →

Tags: Accessibility, Embodiment

A strategy to address the findability problem1 comment

communicationcloud wrote 8 months ago: As I mentioned in a recent post, poor findability is often found at the top of the list of customer … more →

Tags: Customer experience, measurement & data, Red Gate, Strategy

University website according to xkcd which, by the way, is troo.

ranti wrote 8 months ago: … more →

Tags: Stuff, Usability, University, Website, Website Design, ux, user interface

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