We can't do it without you!


08.17.11 - 10:58 PM

Paul Ryan has come up with a nifty way to deal with pesky voters who have the gall to disagree with him: Charge 'em - 15 bucks a pop - to talk to him at town hall meetings. What was that quaint thing Lincoln said about government of, by and for the people?

08.17.11 - 7:23 PM

A new low of just 26% of Americans approve of President Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 points since mid-May. And his approval on Afghanistan is down 15 points, the most of any issue Gallup tracked.

08.17.11 - 12:45 PM

Peter Thiel - Pay Pal founder, early Facebook investor and one of too many people in this country with more money they know what to do with - is supporting an initiative by the Seasteading Institute to create floating oil-rig-like countries with libertarian policies like no welfare, no minimum wage and more weapons. Hey, go for it - though before you do, could you leave behind a few million for hungry kids or homeless folks or schools or...

-Abby Zimet
08.17.11 - 11:15 AM

Two incumbent Democratic state senators held onto their seats in Wisconsin's final recall election - until, hopefully, Scott Walker in 2012. More battles ahead.

08.16.11 - 6:49 PM

Lots on Rick Perry: The more we know, the scarier it gets. His 10 most bizarre ideas here; his fondness for execution, including of the innocent, here; takedowns of his Texas economic un-miracle here and here; his plan for anarchy by repealing all regulations, including those that don't exist, here; and in More, Jon Stewart takes a Lex-Luther-tinged look.

"In Texas, we do not hold high expectations for the Governor's office. It's mostly been occupied by crooks, dorks and the comatose." - Molly Ivins

-Abby Zimet
08.16.11 - 6:14 PM

A new ad campaign has plastered the handsome, grizzled face of Dennis Hopper around New York and L.A. in the name of selling Vans sneakers and t-shirts, a project he was apparently working on before he died in 2010. Ouch.

-Abby Zimet
08.16.11 - 2:12 PM

Under an Israeli-modelled pilot program kicking off at Boston's Logan Airport, TSA agents will chat with passengers using behavior detection techniques - looking for shifty eyes, gulping, sweating - to ferret out "intent to cause a problem." Some critics worry TSA agents, not always rocket scientists, may indulge in racial or ethnic profiling, but that would never happen, right?


Wednesday August 17, 2011

Tom Engelhardt:

Tuesday August 16, 2011

Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis:
Kristina Kallas and Akila Radhakrishnan:
Michael Nagler and Stephanie Van Hook:
Lina Newhouser