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Welcome to the
Society for Humanistic Judaism

Humanistic Judaism  embraces a human-centered philosophy that combines the celebration of Jewish culture and identity with an adherence to humanistic values and ideas. 

Humanistic Judaism offers a nontheistic alternative in contemporary Jewish life. Established by Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine in 1963 in Detroit, Michigan, to provide a home for humanistic, secular, and cultural Jews, Humanistic Judaism is a worldwide movement.

Humanistic Jews value their Jewish identity and the aspects of Jewish culture that offer a genuine expression of their contemporary way of life.


Rosh Hashana
September 29

Kol Nidre
October 8
Yom Kippur
October 9

October 13

Simhat Torah
October 20

Humanistic Jewish communities celebrate Jewish holidays and life cycle events (such as weddings and bar and bat mitzvah) with inspirational ceremonies that draw upon but go beyond traditional literature. Donate.

The Society for Humanistic Judaism was organized in 1969. The Society's mission is to mobilize people to celebrate Jewish identity and culture consistent with a humanistic philosophy of life, independent of supernatural authority. As the central body for the Humanistic Jewish Movement in North America, the Society assists in organizing new communities, supporting its member communities, and in providing a voice for Humanistic Jews.

The Society gathers and creates educational and programmatic materials, including holiday and life cycle celebrations. It sponsors training programs and conferences for its members. HuJews, the Humanistic Youth Group offers programs for teens and young adults, including an annual conclave. The Society for Humanistic Judaism publishes a quarterly topical journal, Humanistic Judaism, available to its members and by subscription.

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Farmington Hills, MI  48334
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