The Federal Press Gallery’s Midwinter Ball was last night and this morning Bob Brown will be calculating how much contamination from big business he has received.

Bob Brown. Dressed by a not-for-profit recycling shop. Photo: Ray Strange

Senator Brown, the Greens leader, has attended past Midwinter Balls and to my knowledge has emerged with a smile and no scars.

This year he seemed to have forgotten what it is all about. The venue, the Great Hall of Parliament House, was “insidious”, he said recently. He was forced to dine with corporate executives, and it all resembled a strategy to divide and corrupt the Greens.

What that description didn’t resemble was the ball I have helped organise for the 12 years of its existence. There has never been any mystery about it.

It is a unique social occasion for just over 600 people, mainly journalists, politicians and their staff who work in Parliament House, and corporate types who help sponsor the event. The idea is for people to leave their six-guns at the door, have a good time, and raise money for charity.

This year’s ball will see some $250,000 go to good causes such as Angel Flight, and the Click Foundation which cares for children with epilepsy.

Let’s face it honestly: It’s a journos’ piss-up that has raised around $1.6 million for charity through the participation of some big companies and media groups such as News Ltd (owner of The Punch) and the ABC.

It certainly isn’t the Midwinter Ball which Senator Brown outlined in an interview with Sydney University professor of politics John Keane, reproduced by The Conversation on June 2.

“I have been offered a couple of free seats at a very high table, and I have said to my staff I haven’t decided if I’m going or not but I will buy the tickets, thank you very much,” said Senator Brown.

The situation is that, as on previous occasions, Senator Brown was offered two places at one of the two top tables in recognition of his party leadership. This year, for the first time, he is paying for the tickets, as he is perfectly entitled to do.

His interview continued: “I have a concern that even at that level of operation, you sit at a table at that ball and there are the corporate lobbyists.

“It’s not the mums and dads, it’s not the little business person I had here [in the office] a while ago, it is the big movers and shakers and this corporation has bought this table with politicians sitting at it.

“And I tell you what else, we’ve tried as Greens to go and have a table but they won’t let you. You have to be spread out everywhere. It is off-putting to us. And if I don’t go, there will be a story about how Senator Brown is running frightened.

“I can imagine how they’ll tie it in.”

As in past balls, there were no corporate suits at the table Senator Brown was invited to join last night. We issue a booklet of who is attending and where they are sitting.

This year the other eight at his table were Prime Minister Julia Gillard and ‘First Bloke’ Tim Mathieson, two journalists and their partners, and two charity representatives.

The ball organisers went to some lengths to ensure Green members and staffers could get tickets, which are in huge demand.  The deadline for ticket applications was extended for one Green senator.

So they might not have been sitting in a pod of splendid Green isolation last night, but they were not excluded either. Part of the idea of the ball is to sit people with people they might not usually deal with, certainly not socially. It draws on the fact that most people in Parliament House are civilised and grown-up about these things.

We are grateful that Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Mr Abbott, Mr Truss and Senator Brown attend these events. They are the VIP draw-cards and we make sure representations of the charities benefiting from the night get to talk to them to further press their causes. They probably had other things to do.

“But I would rather go out with my colleagues and have a nice sit around the table. I’m just worried about the way this insidious Great Hall here is available for business dinners and they have them,’’ said Senator Brown in the interview.

I’d rate “insidious” as a bit much. Renting out the hall for functions helps fund the operation of Parliament House. This keeps a lot of people in jobs, too—mums, dads and small business people among them.

I have no doubt Bob Brown will be invited to the ball next year. Should he decline the invitation, it won’t be because of a lack of hospitality - or transparency - on our part.


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    • BJ says:

      06:01am | 16/06/11

      While I loathe Bob Brown (who is more resembling a zombie these days), he does have a point in that where is the ball that invites ordinary mums, dads and blue collar tax paying citizens? It seems they only get a forum in certain electorates, and can only ask certain questions, but I don’t see Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott attending a large dinner and drinks ball for each state so that they and other politicians can talk and converse with the tax payers who pay their salaries. And sorry to break it to you Mal, but $1.6 million is nothing but a drop of petty cash for the owner of News Ltd, and he can certainly spare a hell of a lot more to help charities that are being neglected by the federal government.

    • Frances says:

      07:55am | 16/06/11

      Seriously BJ, did the ‘Think before you type’ sticker fall off your keyboard?

      Federal politicians should organise a ball for joe average? Really? What a waste of their tax payer funded time. And surely a ball in each state would be more suited to the state politicians??? Tax paying citizens can go to balls that are relevant for them and not whine about government not organising it for them. It was for charity and it’s an industry thing. Surely they deserve a once a year industry function.

      In regard to the $1.6 mill (which consequently makes a phenomenal difference to any charity), businesses like news ltd play in many industries not just politics so I’m unclear why they would need to be the sole benefactor to this and every other charity that politicians elect to donate to…i think you’ll find this is one of many charities news would be involved with but more is the point - why should a business pay for areas neglected not covered by the federal government?

    • Joan says:

      08:03am | 16/06/11

      BJ aren’t you just a sour-puss like po-faced Bob Brown.  Journos the workers can invite anyone they want to a ball,  it is their way of raising money for charity and having fun, anyway there were plenty of mums and dads at ball, while Bob Brown , Gillard aren’t a dad or mum.. Tim is a dad and an `ordinary` hairdresser to boot.  I think they all are pretty ordinary people anyway. .  Nothing stopping Bob Brown organising his own ball to raise money for charity ... he can invite Mums and Dads that pass his point of view or have a grand gay bash-( that would be a sparkler) - to promote his gay marriage push. Bob Brown must be blandest gay in Australia

    • Luc says:

      08:31am | 16/06/11


      “What a waste of their tax payer funded time”

      Frances where did it say that “politicians” would organise a ball? Please point out where it said this in the original post. If big corporate businesses can organise balls for their extremely wealthy CEO friends, surely tehy can do the same for the average joe who’s spending actually keeps those businesses afloat?

      “why should a business pay for areas neglected not covered by the federal government?”

      Waaait a minute. So its okay for big businesses to financially support these parties and get them into power, but when the people who they help into power then neglect their responsibilities, one of those being to ensure charities are financially looked after so they can in turn help people who are living in below poverty line situations. This has been neglected since the Howard era and is no better off under Gillard. So what does big business do? They throw an expensive ball, full of expensive food and wines for wealthy business owners and CEO’s and invite the very politicians who are neglecting the needy in today’s society. You are damn right businesses have a responsibility.

    • Jenny Hurley says:

      09:37am | 16/06/11

      This is a fundraising event!

    • Frances says:

      09:42am | 16/06/11

      @ Luc
      So let’s repose the question…why should businesses pay for balls for average joe? In my mind if you produce a good/service (esp with expenses attached) and someone chooses to consume it a reasonable price…the transaction is fair and complete. No doubt their are also additional incentives/rewards to encourage long term patronage (discounts, gift with purchase, member loyalty rewards, etc) You’re suggestion is that it’s their financial obligation to pay for their consumers to enjoy life on top of the cost to produce a product they want to consume because they elect to attend a ball at which they make a charitable donation? Absolutely there’s business involved…derr…you’d be out of business if you ignored it, but surely their obligation (as a media outlet) is to hold governments to account as opposed to paying for every average joe to attend a ball!

      My mistake I thought in a democracy the parties are elected by the tax paying people not by their donators. Exactly which business are you accusing of donating to which party…eg, if the suggestion is news ltd supported the labor party to get them into power, I’d be surprised??

      Again…did you miss the point it went to charity and these businesses donate to multiple charities. If you don’t like the business and what/who you ‘believe’ they support…don’t consume their products…the punch site included (it is a news ltd site after all).

      Stop being so cynical…people are just doing their job and (some are) trying to help others at the same time. If you want to talk about waste…talk about truly wasteful things like inappropriate and failed government schemes. A worthwhile conversation instead of a petty once a year ball that donates to charity. Don’t criticise people for trying to being successful and then advocate for the whole world to get a slice of the success.

    • Leopard says:

      10:53am | 16/06/11

      I want to know if Bob Brown was dancing

    • non-warmist says:

      11:30am | 16/06/11

      BJ You’re right -  Bob Brown does look zombie-like

    • ABC says:

      11:55am | 16/06/11

      BJ, all members of parliament both House of Reps and the Senators, have electorate offices.  Any old tax payer can wander into these offices and raise any issues they choose.  They aren’t hidden away…..go for a stroll down the main street of your electorate…I’m sure you should be able to find it without any trouble.

    • WayneT says:

      01:59pm | 16/06/11

      Little wonder the Canberra press gallery can’t maintain their objectiveness or ask the tough questions of our politicians.  Charity work aside, shouldn’t our press core, who are really our eye’s and ears, maintain a little objective separation between themselves and those who affect our lives.  I guess it provides a venue to hand over the next days editorials which will require little editing by our lazy (got to get that story out first) band of journos.  Let’s be honest, news agencies are just business’s aren’t they?  There is no time to check facts, do research or investigate anything.  They’re all to busy trying to crack the story first to attract the advertiser dollars to their particular paper or channel.  Why do you think the Government has learned to release news items just prior to print or TV schedules, already nicely formatted to go straight to air or print.

    • S.L says:

      06:14am | 16/06/11

      Good to see a piss up in the name of a good course.
      I’ve been to many an industry meeting where the glasses were coming off and the shirt sleeves rolled up in response to somebody elses opinion, then an hour later you’re having a beer together at the bar!
      No probs calling a truce for one night Mal….....

    • Gregg says:

      06:21am | 16/06/11

      Seems like a great fundraiser you are involved with Mal and nothing wrong in putting the great hall to some use on behalf of taxpayers.
      What else would you expect from Brown, up there with the chasmpions when it comes to whingers and odd remarks.

    • Against the Man says:

      06:51am | 16/06/11

      Bob Brown- the man in control of Australia, of course he has a smile on his face, his padawan Gilltard is doing a great job under his command…..carbon tax now and what next? Lets wait and see…..........

    • Rocksteady says:

      08:37am | 16/06/11

      Judging by his policies, probably try to do something about unsustainable population growth and help farmers stop Coal seam gas miners destroying precious water supplies.
      Horrible stuff, he’ll destroy us all.

    • Sony B Goode says:

      10:51am | 16/06/11

      fracking does not destroy water ways. This is rubbish greenist lies and propaganda.

      You can blame the greens for global warming, if it wasn’t for them quashing nuclear power in the 70s there would be gigatons less co2 in the air and no global warming discussion taking place. Nothing hurts the environment more than green policies.

      Like all do-gooder they invariable damage the thing they seek to protect. Just one of the universes little ironies. Having more co2 in the air actually strongly benefits plants, something the greens clearly don’t care about.

    • Blind Freddy says:

      07:49am | 16/06/11

      If cooporate entities are donating for the right reasons they would do it anonymously and without the need to buy influence by attending such events, like the rest of us. They are buying access and didguising it as charity.

      The media should just do their jobs properly instead of socialising with the people they are supposed to be reporting on- big business and politicians, What a cosey little club.

    • Link says:

      09:44am | 16/06/11

      “600 people, mainly journalists, politicians and their staff who work in Parliament House, and corporate types who help sponsor the event.”

      Every one of them pure as the driven snow huh?  A feast of pigs at the trough, congratulating themselves, revelling in their great good fortune to be on of the in crowd who are directly or indirectly responsible for the rest of us beocming not much more than collaterol damage.  Once we were consumers.  But our sentiments are falling.

    • Harquebus says:

      01:03pm | 16/06/11

      A lot of shit on a lot of chins.

    • TChong says:

      07:49am | 16/06/11

      Mr Farr
      As THE political reporter ,can you explain why the fair and balanced resources of News Corp arent busily decrying the hypocrisy of   Dame Murdoch taking a stand about the carbon tax.
      The Daily Terror and affiliates couldnt slag off at Blanchett fast enough, but curiosly no outrage now.

    • ifonly says:

      08:04am | 16/06/11

      There is a difference between any individual making a comment/taking a stand and paid advertising.

      If I blog that I don’t like capsicum, it is different to me being part of an advertising campaign telling everybody not to eat capsicum

    • Rocksteady says:

      08:31am | 16/06/11

      Good point, News corp. is actually carbon neutral across all of its global operations also, not easy feat, that includes the offices of the unashamedly anti climate change Fox News and The Australian.
      Do they report the news or create it?

    • majority says:

      08:48am | 16/06/11

      Yes, its a conspiracy. The only way to prove there is no conspiracy would be a headline, ” Owners mum supports carbon tax”. Your tin foil helmet isn’t working properly.

    • Harley says:

      09:47am | 16/06/11

      Headline should read Son senile before Mum.

    • Slim says:

      07:57am | 16/06/11

      Not sure what you are trying to say here, Malcolm. Bob Brown abides by his own ethical standards band chooses to pay for his own tickets rather than accepting them as gifts of corporate sponsorship. You seem to be suggesting that this is a bad thing. How so?

    • killerbee says:

      08:18am | 16/06/11

      I think he was pointing out Browns hypocrisy in previously accepting free tickets but being offended this year when they were offered just so Brown could score political points.

    • jf says:

      09:26am | 16/06/11

      “You seem to be suggesting that this is a bad thing.”

      I don’t think he’s suggesting that at all.

      “This year, for the first time, he is paying for the tickets, as he is perfectly entitled to do.”

      After happily accepting corporate hospitality in the past, he is only now loudly proclaiming that he believes that he believes that it is unethical. It has to be asked, why now after so long?

      Corporate executives play as important a role in Australia’s broader community as politicians.

      Bob Brown, seems to feel that he should not be required to mingle with his social and intellectual inferiors. Instead, he should be allowed to remain on the pedestal upon which he has placed himself within in the ivory tower within which he has constructed. He doesn’t believe that he should be required to play by the rules that apply to everyone else if they don’t suit him and when he is told that he must he disingenuously and dishonestly constructs a moral highground upon which to run to.

      What a turd.

    • C1 says:

      11:06am | 16/06/11


      I am happy if Bob’s ethical standards extend to him paying for his attendance at the Wilderness Society’s annual do or Get Up’s knees ups.

      If he accepts free tickets from them, then he is a hypocrite.

    • Mayday says:

      11:06am | 16/06/11

      Bit like Ms Roxon asking for tobacco money a few years ago and now she is so holier than thou.

    • Jay says:

      08:13am | 16/06/11

      The reason Bob Brown wants mums and dads at the party is because he knows he can waffle on about Global warming without being challenged. Corporate leaders will challenge him and after all their organizations employ thousands of Australians and pay significant taxes.They realise the consequences of a carbon tax. Inflation which leads to increased wage demands which leads to unemploymen & thigher interest rates. What will it achieve? Absolutely nothing other than ruining our economy. Have a close look at what is happening in Greece when you let lunatics run your economy and run it into the ground. How long before the military intervene and take over so as to avoid a total collapse in social order.

    • Bev says:

      09:19am | 16/06/11

      The reason Bob Brown wants mums and dads at the party is because he knows he can waffle on about Global warming without being challenged.
      Too true the lefts and the greens really are not intereted in listening to anybody who doesn’t agree with their agenda.  They know what’s best for us.  They rattle on about rights and free speach but are at the forefront in attempting to quash or demonize anybody who doesn’t agree with them.

    • Brad McT says:

      08:23am | 16/06/11

      Bob Brown, what a guy! Poor Julia Gillard, she couldn’t win an election and had to sell her worthless soul to this man. How much more pathetic can any politician get?

    • Leopard says:

      01:58pm | 16/06/11

      Brad McT,  I agree

    • SimonTigey says:

      04:29pm | 16/06/11

      Why does her agreement with Bob Brown have more importance than her election pledges. i would have thought her election pledges would override any so called agreement!!

    • D says:

      09:03am | 16/06/11

      I think the issues is that in past years Bob Brown has had no ethical impediments to attending the ball, however, this year there’s a dilemma for him whent he function hasn’t changed/

    • doug senwick says:

      09:19am | 16/06/11

      Sanctimony seems to have overtaken everything that Bob Brown says or does these days

    • Daniel says:

      09:23am | 16/06/11

      i think this is just Greens sticking to their principles in my view.

    • Mayday says:

      11:08am | 16/06/11

      Recently acquired principles?

    • TimB says:

      11:55am | 16/06/11

      Where were those principles in previous years then Daniel?

      Sorry bucko, but one of the defining things about principles is that they’re fairly consistent. Or else why bother having them?

      If Bobbo Brown wants to have a whinge now, he should have been whining in years gone by. It’s a bit rich for him to have a sook now.

    • Daniel says:

      01:21pm | 16/06/11


      i think you will find he was ignored by the Media.

    • TimB says:

      01:48pm | 16/06/11

      Ignored Daniel?

      Of course that would mean you have proof that Bob Brown has expressed such sentiments at prior balls. Of course if you *had* such proof, that would mean that he hadn’t been ignored.

      Do you see the quandry that you are in?

      “ignored”, lol.

    • Eddie says:

      09:28am | 16/06/11

      Bob Brown hates events like this because he gets exposed.  Nobody likes him because most of his policies are unrealistic and damaging to the country.  Those that vote for him have their heads in the clouds, just like him, and those who attend these functions see him for what he is, a fraud.  Nobody would like being in that situation.

    • Daniel says:

      04:17pm | 16/06/11

      What an offensive remark. You don’t deserve to push that in this forum.

    • fairsfair says:

      09:29am | 16/06/11

      I think it fair and reasonable to allow the pollies and journos an opportunity to catch up and let their hair down. Its an industry doo and you wouldn’t expect your boss to invite randoms to your Christmas Party would you?

      What a downer that Browner is. I am just imagining the drunken pashes at 3am this morning…

      Meanwhile, if Jules had said these words my bet is the 2012 ball would already be canned and Mal would be hocking the fixtures at bargain basement prices…

    • Knemon says:

      10:21am | 16/06/11

      fairsfair logic equals fail - Bob Brown was offered a couple of ‘free’ tickets. Bob instead, pays for these tickets, adding more money to the charities and you call him a ‘downer’ - It’s a pity other politicians didn’t do the same…had they been able to remove their snouts from the trough of free swill.

    • fairsfair says:

      11:22am | 16/06/11

      But without any of them attending it would not have even happened so why is it a bad thing?

      And perhaps they didn’t buy tickets no - but did they make donations that were not advertised? Probably, just look at the amount of money that was raised. It is also none of anyone’s business to ask them how much they contributed.

      He always has to make a bit deal to get his head in the news. Its worked. Its all well and good to criticise when it relates to the leadership of the country, but far out - they have to live a little too.

    • Rover of North Cooma says:

      01:58pm | 16/06/11

      @fairsfair - you obviously don’t understand the importance of the Ball to the press gallery if you think anyone could can it. There would be blood all over the Senate wing.

      @Knemon - the point is that Bob Brown has been happy to accept these “free tickets” in previous years, but this year has had a hissy fit because he couldn’t sit at a table packed with fellow Greens and had to risk hearing an alternative opinion.

    • MargD says:

      09:30am | 16/06/11

      If thats how Bob Brown feels, why did he even go?? Oh I know, to make a big noise of himself as usual !! The man (?) is a fruit cake….

    • Gladys says:

      09:30am | 16/06/11

      As some one who has a relative with epilepsy, I would like to thank the Gallery for putting on the ball and raising $250,000 for Click and Angel Flight.

      Well done, Malcolm.

    • CynicalGoatWA says:

      12:12pm | 16/06/11

      And Gladys, that is exactly the point behind this function. Fund raising for worthwhile causes such as you outline.
      It didnt cost any of the punters on this site or any other, one red cent, so it is disappointing that the usual suspects once again use it to criticise the “dastardly monolith” that is News Corp.

    • watty says:

      09:40am | 16/06/11

      Is Brown serious? How many businesmen or journalists does he think would put their hands up to spend an evening with Bob?  One look at the seating arrangements and there would be a few last minute “no shows”?

    • Blind Freddy says:

      11:13am | 16/06/11

      I would think that if the “rightist” posters here are correct and BB is really running the country they would be crawling over each other for access. That’s why they go - otherwise they would just send a cheque.

    • Q says:

      09:44am | 16/06/11

      He reminds me of the Emperor from Star Wars.

    • Dementer says:

      09:50am | 16/06/11

      The only reason why Bob Brown is in parliament is big business, after all big business bailed him out of bankruptcy and paid massive amounts to his party. Bob only hate big business who doesnt support him. Take note the miners.

    • Daniel says:

      04:18pm | 16/06/11

      That comment is just full of untruths. Its so false its not funny.

    • Knemon says:

      05:00pm | 16/06/11

      @ Daniel - Don’t feed them!

    • Harquebus says:

      10:16am | 16/06/11

      I would like Bob Brown to explain perpetual energy and why he thinks we need to be taxed into using it. It’s a lot easier talking to the converted or in Bob’s case, the ignorant.

    • Blind Freddy says:

      11:43am | 16/06/11

      A one (tired old) trick pony. No-one other than youself mentions perpetual energy. Show one reference where BB has ever mentioned the term . . .  crickets chirping. . .

      If you don’t know the difference between renewable energy an perpetual energy- educate yourself its not BB’s responsibility..

    • Brad McT says:

      12:08pm | 16/06/11

      Blind Freddy is right! Why should we expect politicians like BB to explain themselves and their policy!

      Good to know that Blind Freddy is part of that lunatic fringe that supports the Greens and soon to be irrelevent ALP!

      Morons like him are just like Greens who don’t understand the concept of balance! Your Green ideas that don’t save the world but makes us econimically weaker, which leads us to be bought out by China/Singapore/HK (guess which country has bought up the bulk of our farm land! yes that is right, Aussie farms owned and controlled by foreigners) who than control how things are done and they don’t give a damn about the Green revolution!

      Time to wake up - BB is dangerous and he is using JG to pull the trigger on Australians!

    • Matt says:

      01:46pm | 16/06/11

      Brad McT - why is it anyone that supports greens are abused and called names by hmmm.. LNP supporter.  Your name calling is childish and makes you sound pathetic.  You’ve obviously never even looked at the Greens policy so why comment on it?  Other entire countries have greener policies than the Greens party does in Australia - Germany, Japan and several countries in the EU are winding down nuclear power and looking for green alternatives, but they (the whole countries) must be lunatics too hey?

      Look at comments below - more name calling by obviously unintelligent LNP or Labor supporters that don’t mind telling everyone how immature they are by acting like 5 year olds..

      Even the author of this story - admits to helping organise the event, invites someone to his ‘party’ and then publicly bags him out on a blog.. It would be laughable if not so pathetic.

    • Blind Freddy says:

      03:45pm | 16/06/11


      If youn took your fingers out of your ears and stopped going “Blah blah blah” you would hear the answers you claim to want. Now go and lay down like a good little boy.

    • Thommo says:

      10:22am | 16/06/11

      Prime Minister Brown and Deputy PM Gillard should commit ritual Sepoku or whatever it’s called in shame.

    • Rover of North Cooma says:

      01:55pm | 16/06/11


    • CynicalGoatWA says:

      02:23pm | 16/06/11

      Suzuki ???

    • Max Redlands says:

      02:59pm | 16/06/11


    • Sony B Goode says:

      10:26am | 16/06/11

      Bob brown: the lunatics are running the asylum

    • Harquebus says:

      01:08pm | 16/06/11

      Yes. Run for your lives. Where do we go?

    • Steve says:

      10:52am | 16/06/11

      Bob Brown’s comments about how politicians are somehow tainted merely by being in the presence of corporate executives and owners just shows how much antipathy he has towards business (except small businesses that don’t make waves by standing up for themselves). 

      I think at heart the Greens don’t accept business as a legitimate part of the political dialogue - and so think the business community should just sit back and accept whatever populist and ill-informed politicians decide is best.

    • AdamC says:

      11:08am | 16/06/11

      I suspect that Bob Brown has become so discombobulated by recent events that he has fallen totally off his trolley. With his bizarre paranoia about the ‘hate media’ and seeing lobbyists and corporations out to get him everywhere, has he made the (admittedly short) leap from hard-left hysteric to outright nutter? He’s certainly not looking the healthiest.

    • BobC says:

      04:50pm | 19/06/11

      Discombobulated!! What a great word - especially in reference to someone called Bob (!!). Thanks AdamC for expanding my vocab!!

    • Sony B Goode says:

      11:13am | 16/06/11

      Bob brown is the biggest hypocrite in this country, his pack of lunatics have received the largest share of rent-seeking in this country’s history, what are we up to now $250 billion and counting, and that’s just federal. How many more billions of rent-seeking have the state governments blown subsidising greenist mythology?

      Bob brown doesn’t like lobbyists only and strictly only because he competes with them for the lions share of rent-seeking.

      Cut taxes and red tape and you will cut lobbyists, but I fear only a lobotomy will stop the greenists insane vision of one nation, one national park

    • MargD says:

      11:27am | 16/06/11

      Has anyone noticed that most of these loonies come from Tasmania? Just sayin….....

    • Knemon says:

      02:46pm | 16/06/11 that right MargD - 1 lower house and 9 upper house reps of which 2 come from Tasmania, that’s 20%, I wouldn’t call that ‘most’

      Who’s the loony?

    • balls of steel and fire says:

      02:49pm | 16/06/11

      Bloody oath .Most Greens = eugenists. They believe in inbreeding that helps evolving better man and better future for that man…

    • MargD says:

      03:06pm | 16/06/11

      That’s right Knemon, only ONE lower house and the rest are the result of donkey votes… And you MUST be one of the loonies.  Just sayin…

    • balls of steel and fire says:

      11:15am | 16/06/11

      what is a carbon footprint of such balls ?

    • Robert S McCormick says:

      11:23am | 16/06/11

      Brown’s attitude is typical of the Greens. Kill-joys the lot of them! In, hopefully, the unlikely event this mob ever manage to get into government this is the sort of nonsense we can expect from them! Watch out boys & girls for you will be required to attend, & produce certification, church, mosque, temple, synagogue at least three times a week. You won’t, just like Bob Brown & Christine Milne do now, ever be able to smile, laugh or have any enjoyment. Comedians will be banned! Satire too! Poking fun at politicians will be a capital offence punishable by Death by Needle - administered by a certain former doctor!!
      Business? What these clowns in the Greens don’t realise is that without “Business” this country, & every other one too, would grind to a halt.
      Government would cease to operate for no-one would be employed (almost a certainty under the Greens) and that would mean there would be no Taxes to be collected. These clowns would also be out of work because there would be no money coming in to pay them.
      Business, Trade, Mining are all dirty words so far as all the Greens are concerned.
      Increasingly the word “Greens” is becoming not simply a dirty word but an obscenity.
      Oh! Silly me! What do I mean by saying “If they ever become the government? They already are the de facto government since Joooolya & her cronies take all their orders from them.

    • Will Hayes says:

      05:25pm | 16/06/11

      Oh my god you know nothing about the Greens. Their goal is to make business sustainable not destroying it. It’s the future they are worried about and rightly so. They don’t plan to sell off public assetts to make a quick buck like the 2 main conservative parties do.. which is a huge contributer to the increases in cost of living in the long run. Don’t get on the media driven hate the Greens bandwagon, it’s a crying shame.

    • Pretentious Poet says:

      11:30am | 16/06/11

      We Are Not Amused

      Bob Brown
      What a sad clown
      Makes me frown
      Wish he’d leave town
      Without a sound
      Bob Brown
      Brings me down

      Hanson - Young
      She’s no fun
      Scared of the sun
      Bad vibes everyone
      I wish away she’d run
      Hanson - Young
      29 going on 61

      Mean old Greens
      Hate your washing machine
      Got bad hygiene
      Their socialist schemes
      Destroy our dreams
      Mean old Greens
      You’d have more laughs with the Mujahedeen

    • Amused says:

      11:57am | 16/06/11

      So the Greens all want to sit together, hunt in a pack so to speak.  How pathetic, if they are so socially handicapped they should just stay at home.
      Amusing he was put at the table with Gillard, the joint leaders, with a couple of journo’s and charity people.  Gillard would have been thrilled had he not turned up - it certainly wouldnt be a good look.  Cant believe you didnt let Windsor, Oakeshott and Wilkie sit with her too, they must have their noses out of joint

    • Drew(Darlinghurst) says:

      12:21pm | 16/06/11

      Three Cheers BOB BROWN

      Can’t wait for 10 Green Senators sitting in the Senate Chamber from the 1st of JULY.


    • grumpy old man says:

      12:47pm | 16/06/11

      so let me get this right,
      some folks organised a dinner, and the people that attended paid for it, with the proceeds going to a charity or two.
      Bob Brown has a problem with that?
      What a sad little individual he must be

    • Graeme says:

      12:47pm | 16/06/11

      Bob Brown wears knickers?  Who checked?

    • Daniel says:

      04:20pm | 16/06/11

      Dont get nasty and personal now…....

    • Harquebus says:

      01:09pm | 16/06/11

      Our Julia would know.

    • James says:

      01:10pm | 16/06/11

      Wow, once again it is beat up Bob Brown day what reason is being trundled out this time by the Murdoch trash media kraken, sticking to his principles.  Stick it up your….

    • TimB says:

      01:23pm | 16/06/11

      Again, what principles? Where were these principles last year?

      He’s not sticking to anything, he’s just whining.

    • AdamC says:

      01:24pm | 16/06/11

      James, you may have noticed that Malcolm Farr indicates that Bob Brown’s aversion to this shindig is newly-discovered. That is, it took your Dear Leader many years to get around to supposedly ‘sticking to his principles’. I guess Greens shouldn’t have to actually read and understand articles that they comment on.

    • James says:

      01:47pm | 16/06/11

      Refer to my last sentence.

    • TimB says:

      02:20pm | 16/06/11

      Ah, rabid Greens. Charming to the last.

    • AdamC says:

      02:31pm | 16/06/11

      Hilarity. Do these mindless Bob Brown acolytes do some kind of sweep of the internet to find any criticism of the Dear Leader so they can post inane comments in his defence?

    • Bob Brown says:

      02:44pm | 16/06/11

      Malcolm Farr is in such a sour mood! We all go to the press gallery ball and have a good time but he comes up with that anti-Greens grizzle. Yes, I did insist on paying for the tickets – that meant an extra $250 for charity – but Malcolm begrudges it. Though he didn’t raise the matter with me at the ball.

      And yes, I do have to consider whether this entertainment special should have precedence over the major issues now at critical mass – such as negotiations on saving our nation from the onrush of destructive climate change and the fate of budget bills that threaten hard times for disabled Australians.

      After all, not all the press gallery’s senior players went to the MidWinter Ball. I did and, as well, some kind donor is giving $3,150 for charity by buying the simple pleasure of a pre-breakfast walk with me in Canberra in coming weeks.

      Malcolm is welcome to come along too – the fresh air won’t do him anything but good.

      Bob Brown

    • Sony B Goode says:

      04:34pm | 16/06/11

      The only onrush of destructive change is prosperity destroying socialist policy we didn’t vote for and we don’t need.

    • Will Hayes says:

      05:14pm | 16/06/11

      I think Sony B has the democratic Greens confused with the Socialist Alliance. Maybe they don’t understand the concept of sustainability.

    • simple pleasure? says:

      05:16pm | 16/06/11

      Gotta be a wind up. Sure your not paying them $3,150?

    • Sony B Goode says:

      11:56pm | 16/06/11

      Firstly, I am “he” not a “they”. Secondly I understand perfectly the concept of sustainability, it’s a mythical fantasy.  There is no such thing as “sustainable”, everything changes, especially the climate. And really who cares if something is not sustainable? We can make good use of it while it lasts.

      Thirdly the greenists are stacked full of socialists, communists, hippies and people immune from any rational thought beyond turning Australia into a national park. Didn’t some of your mates call for boycotts of Israel? The extinguishing of the coal industry? A delusional fantasy of a zero carbon economy?

      Anyone who thinks plants and rocks should have more rights than people has had something seriously go wrong with their upbringing.

      Fourthly virtually everything greenist is overpriced, underperforming, job destroying and in need of the greatest amount of rent-seeking in the planets history. Using green toys is an individual choice and should have nothing to do with the government. It is not something that any government has any mandate to impose on the country.

      Finaly every greenist breaths out about 350kg of CO2 a year. Tut tut tut. Lead by example please, let us know when you are down to zero emissions…

    • Frank says:

      02:53pm | 16/06/11

      Yeah I think Bob Brown,The Greens and a couple of the Independants are doing a great job. I think the labor party and LNP are a bunch of Sleepwalkers. History shows many examples of politicians using popular support to justify their decisions. Whole populations can be lead by using the techniques of propaganda , we are one of them. The more we are frightened the easier it is to be manipulated. There are plenty of individuals and groups who are only interested in themselves. I lean to those who fight for others not for themselves. I think Brown is one of these people.

    • KLH says:

      03:33pm | 16/06/11

      Hi Frank - Are you looking forward to doing Year 12 next year?

    • Steve says:

      05:10pm | 16/06/11

      Frank, One thing you will learn is that the older you get the harder it is to be lead by propoganda. By and large Frank the younger you are the easier you are to mislead.

    • ausspud says:

      02:56pm | 16/06/11

      poor little bobsy wobsy want to sit with all his green friends. I wonder if he realises theres a world outside of politics,it was a freaking fundraiser.
      and i wonder if any animals were killed in the making of that suit.

    • Will Hayes says:

      03:34pm | 16/06/11

      By simply reading your articles Malcolm it is clear you are not a fan of the greens and especially Bob Brown. Why don’t you focus on unbiased reporting? Instead, maybe research the science that leads Bob Brown and so to have the views they do. Ask a Scientist and get their opinion instead of doing a Penbo…I think it was… and asking a bunch of Plumbers. If you want to challenge him make it constructive by interviewing a credible-scientist denier in the climate field of course.

      And lobbyists are the pinnacle of political sabotage so a few negative comments on towards their presence is understandable. Grow up and get over a few comments.

      I also suppose sometimes when it comes to the media, the media gets what it gives. Unwarranted attacks and flat out bogus articles can create, irresponsibly the wrong image of the subject, which your average Jill and Joe swallow up.

      My point here is why not make it constructive and cease this Hate-Media. It’s really messy.

    • stephen says:

      06:25pm | 16/06/11

      Call an Election.
      Mr. Katter has put his hat in the ring and even if any Independents aren’t ‘enamelled,’ (as I wish they would be) there are too many serious subjects up for discussion for there not to be.

    • Against the Grain says:

      08:35pm | 16/06/11

      The opposition
      doing what they do best
      Blocking and Wrecking
      enjoy the next plus years.

    • Max Redlands says:

      08:06pm | 16/06/11

      It’s all over the road like a mad-woman’s breakfast.

    • TheRaptured says:

      12:28am | 17/06/11

      Green is Red, is Agenda 21.

    • antigreen says:

      12:17pm | 17/06/11

      the GREENS
      are the usefull idiots
      ot the REDS


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