Senator Ludlam questioned the Commonwealth's responsibility for the situation at James Price Point having deteriorated to the degree that Aboriginal are people being forcibly removed from country during NAIDOC week.

Scott Ludlam, 11th July 2011

Western Australia will be the energy transition winner

Published in The West Australian: 11 July 2011

Sunday's announcement of the carbon price package fires the starting gun on the long-overdue clean energy transition.
Western Australia is uniquely placed to benefit from the enormous shift in investment as polluting industries are taxed for the first time and the clean technology sector finally gets the support it deserves.
While all eyes have been on the dollar cost of venting a tonne of C02 into the atmosphere, the Greens have negotiated a broad range of additional measures intended to supercharge the zero emissions economy. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will be responsible for disbursing more than $3 billion in renewable energy project funding. In addition, a new Clean Energy Finance Corporation will have a $2 billion annual budget funded from carbon tax revenues, a massive injection that is expected to leverage additional billions in private investment.

Continue Reading
Scott Ludlam, 26th July 2010

Light rail Green light

Scott Ludlam, 29th May 2010

Reviewed to Death for a 10c piece

Scott Ludlam, 26th May 2010

The Hitchhikers Guide to Net Filtering:

Scott Ludlam, 10th March 2010

Nuclear does not have the answers we need

Question on Fukushima

Question Without Notice on 24 March 2011 - has the Minister been briefed by Australian nuclear agencies on the disaster at Fukushima, and will he table that advice?