
Senators Bob Brown & Richard Di Natale press conference - Wednesday August 17

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 17th August 2011, 2:50pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown and Greens Senator for Victoria Richard Di Natale held a press conference to urge the Coalition to support plain packaging legislation for cigarrettes. Other topics included the proposed media inquiry, the upcoming tax review, coal seam gas mining and the carbon price package.

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Bandt moves for inquiry into Reserve bank

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 16th August 2011, 5:30pm

Greens MP and banking spokesperson Adam Bandt has given notice today of a motion calling on the government to establish an independent inquiry into the RBA banknote bribery scandal.

Mr Bandt said the inquiry should have the powers of a Royal Commission.

"Now more than ever we need to have confidence in the integrity and governance of the Reserve Bank. This inquiry is essential to restore confidence in the RBA."

The motion reads:

MEMBER FOR MELBOURNE: I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move-That this House directs the Prime Minister to establish immediately a full and independent inquiry with:

(1)     powers equivalent to a Royal Commission to investigate the bank note bribery scandal concerning the Reserve Bank of Australia, Securency and Note Printing Australia;

(2)     terms of reference that require it to investigate and report on at least the following matters:

a.      allegations of corruption in securing note printing contracts and payments to overseas agents into offshore tax havens;

b.      what the Reserve Bank of Australia, Austrade and the Australian Government each knew about the alleged behaviour, and when they knew it;

c.      what due diligence was applied and what investigations were conducted into the allegations;

d.      whether there has been appropriate governance by public institutions and companies;

e.      what action has been taken to prevent improper dealings occurring again and whether that action is sufficient;

f.      recommendations regarding future actions that should be taken by government and agencies to prevent similar problems in the future; and

g.      any related matters.

Qantas is losing its spirit: Bandt

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 16th August 2011, 12:48pm

Greens MP and industry and workplace relations spokesperson Adam Bandt has called on Qantas to explain how many employees it intends to sack following an announcement today by Qantas CEO Allan Joyce that it will be moving investment overseas.

"Qantas claims to be the spirit of Australia, but now it is spiriting Australian jobs offshore," Mr Bandt said.

"Qantas' off-shoring strategy could mean that soon it may be an Australian airline in name only."

"Qantas needs to explain how many of the 1000 employees Mr Joyce referred to today will be forcibly dismissed."

"The Greens want to ensure the rights of 35,000 Australian employees that work with the airline are protected."

"I hold serious concerns that Qantas is attempting to offshore its business by stealth and is looking to increasingly employ its workforce out of Australia on lower wages and worse conditions."

"This is not just an issue of job security. It is also an issue of maintaining Qantas' safety record and ensuring we maintain an Australian air industry."

"I will be raising this issue with Industry and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese and will seek a meeting with the CEO of Qantas."

Shorten must rein in pay day lenders: Bandt

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Monday 15th August 2011, 4:05pm

Greens MP and banking spokesperson Adam Bandt has called on the government to put a ceiling on interest rates charged by "pay day" lenders.

Mr Bandt wants see a comprehensive interest rate cap of 48% per annum in the government's planned consumer credit legislation.

"Pay day lending is mainly used by people on low incomes trying to make ends meet," Mr Bandt said.

"Often the loans are used to service the costs of existing borrowings, trapping borrowers in a cycle of repeat borrowing."

"Exorbitant interest rates and fees, up to several hundred per cent, charged by predatory lenders are a big burden that need to be reined in by the Minister."

"A comprehensive interest rate cap, inclusive of fees and charges, is the best way of protecting consumers and allowing credit provision to continue."

"Minister Shorten needs to extend the 48% cap that operates now in QLD, NSW and the ACT into national law."



Abbott loses economic credibility

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 12th August 2011, 2:30pm

Brown calls for Coalition to submit proposals to Treasury

Reports today of the Coalition's own expenditure review committee acknowledging it needs to find $70 billion of savings demonstrates how the Coalition under Tony Abbott is rapidly losing its economic credibility, Australian Greens leader Senator Bob Brown warned today.

"$70 billion of cuts to the budget during a period of increasing economic insecurity overseas will put thousands of small businesses and Australian jobs at risk.

Senator Bob Brown Press Conference - August 12 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 12th August 2011, 12:56pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss the Abbott opposition's economic recklessness, the proposed media inquiry, and other issues of the day.

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Bandt moves for inquiry on RBA banknote scandal

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Thursday 11th August 2011, 1:47pm

Greens MP and banking spokesperson Adam Bandt announced today that he will move for an inquiry into the RBA banknote bribery scandal.

There needs to be a full independent inquiry into what the government and the RBA knew and did about this growing scandal, he said.

"I will move in Parliament next week for the establishment of a full independent inquiry into the banknote bribery scandal. The inquiry should have the powers of a Royal Commission," Mr Bandt said.
"This scandal touches the key financial institution in this country, as well as other arms of government. We need a full inquiry to clear the air."

"The public need to have confidence that we have got to the top as well as the bottom of this bribery scandal."

"As more and more evidence emerges, it is clear the Reserve Bank, Austrade and the Department of Foreign Affairs have big questions to answer."

"The AFP seems to be doing a very vigorous job in pursuing the immediate players in this scandal. As yet, however, their work does not appear to address the apparent failures of governance by the Reserve Bank and others."

"The government should not shirk its responsibilities here. The only way to get to the bottom of this scandal is a proper inquiry."

"If the government continues to ignore the need for an inquiry, then I will move for Parliament to establish its own."


Tax Forum

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 12:51pm

Senate Standing Committee on Economics
Treasury Portfolio
Question No: BET 266

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: I want to ask-I do not know whether it has been canvassed very much this
morning-about the tax forum coming up in October. If that has not been addressed-
SenatorWong: No, it has not while I have been here. But it might have been done in revenue, when I was
not here.
Dr Parkinson: That would have been the revenue group last night.
SenatorWong: I am sure that the secretary can assist as much as he can.
Senator LUDLAM: Could you tell us what preparation you are putting in place in advance of that? I
understand that it is going to be a two-day summit for later in October.
Dr Parkinson: That is right. We are doing work in the department and are in discussion with the Treasurer
about issues that might be covered in the forum. We are talking to a range of interested stakeholders about
what their views of things that might be covered could be. I think the Treasurer is on the public record as
saying that it is the intention to put out a framing paper prior to the summit and to encourage other
interested parties, whether they are attending or not, to either respond to that paper or put forward their
own submissions, the idea being that there will be a rich array of background material for the participants
at the forum prior to the forum itself.

Bank accounts more portable under new bill: Bandt

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Thursday 7th July 2011, 5:15pm

Greens MP and banking spokesperson Adam Bandt has released a new banking bill that will ensure direct debits and credits follow customers when they switch banks, making it easier for consumers to move their accounts.

The Banking and Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Mobility and Flexibility) Bill 2011 contains a mechanism for account portability. If a customer asks, banks will be required to forward all direct debits and credits to the customer's new bank for 13 months after they switch.

The bill will also include requirements that banks issue a pro-rata refund of lenders mortgage insurance when consumers switch loans and ensure people can make an informed choice before rolling over term deposits.

“The Greens Bill will mean direct debits and credits automatically follow customers when they switch banks, if the customer so chooses” Mr Bandt said.

“A customer’s old and new banks will have to make sure there is a seamless changeover.”

“This will remove a big barrier to switching accounts and help businesses who can lose out when their customers change banks.”

“This bill is an important step towards full account portability.”

“Mortgage insurance can cost thousands of dollars. If someone wants to switch banks, they lose that money and have to pay it again to their new bank. Under recent laws consumers are entitled to recover their insurance.”

“The Greens Bill will require banks to tell people they are entitled to a pro-rata refund if they leave their mortgage early at the start of a contract. If customers do switch mortgages, their old bank will be required to give the customer a pro-rata refund of the unused insurance premium automatically, removing a big barrier to switching mortgages.”

Information: Sam La Rocca  0413 620 073

Bandt moves to ban takeover mergers

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Monday 4th July 2011, 1:00pm

Amendments to prevent the big four banks from acquiring smaller lenders are due to be moved in Parliament later today by Greens MP and banking spokesperson Adam Bandt.

Mr Bandt's changes to the Competition and Consumer Amendment Bill (No. 1) will ensure the ACCC will prevent mergers such as Westpac's takeover of St George.

"Australia has one of the most concentrated banking sectors in the world and it is killing competition for consumers."

"The Australian banking market is the most concentrated it has been for a century."

"In 2007 the big four had a 68% market share of the home loan market. Now the big four banks hold around three quarters of Australia's deposits and assets and 88% of home loans."

"This amendment will ensure that the big four are not able to take down their competitors by swallowing them up."

"It will be good for competition and good for consumers."

"We support an end to price signalling by the big banks, but strengthening the powers of the ACCC on signalling will do little to help competition and nothing about the growing concentration in the sector."

In 2008 Westpac took over St George Bank. At the time St George was Australia's fifth largest bank and the Commonwealth Bank bought BankWest, making the Commonwealth Bank the dominant bank in Western Australia.

The Competition and Consumer Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2011 is scheduled to be debated today.

Information: Sam La Rocca  0413 620 073