Bandt remains concerned after meeting with Qantas CEO

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Wednesday 17th August 2011, 6:48pm

Greens MP and industry and workplace relations spokesperson, Adam Bandt, said he remains unconvinced about Qantas' offshoring plans after meeting with Qantas CEO, Alan Joyce, today.

Mr Bandt raised his concerns about offshoring of jobs and downward pressure on wages and conditions with Mr Joyce in a meeting at Parliament House today.

Mr Bandt said it was clear the government needed to act to protect airline jobs in the future and that he would urge the government to consider whether the Qantas Sale Act needed amending to prevent offshoring.

"I had a full and frank discussion with Mr Joyce today and I appreciate the time he took to put his case and the way he put it."

"However, I remain unconvinced by his claim that future jobs and wages and conditions won't be threatened by Qantas' plan."

"While Qantas continues to claim its shift to Asia is about expansion and not about offshoring jobs, it is clear that competitive pressures will affect wages and conditions in Australia."

"Qantas' new Asia airline will pay lower wages and will fly into and out of Australia."

"Once it is established, I can see nothing to stop Qantas' new Asia airline from replacing and displacing current Qantas operations over time."

"This situation also throws into question the government's strategy for the continuance of the airline industry in Australia."

"While Qantas has to compete with many airlines that enjoy significant government protection and support, Australia's government is stepping back and watching it's national airline set up shop offshore with lower wages."

Mr Bandt plans to hold further meetings with Qantas to discuss its plans.


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