Gender Equality

Driving change in Saudi Arabia

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 21st June 2011, 10:02am

I love driving. While some readers may find that shocking, it's true. Like many everyday Australians, I relish the chance to jump in my car, a hybrid, with my daughter in the back and her favourite music on the stereo as we barrel through the Adelaide Hills.

Female Board Appointments

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 24th March 2011, 1:25pm

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (South Australia)

(3.33 pm)—I move: That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

(i) women make up only 25 per cent of board appointments in Australia, and

(ii) of that figure, only 10 per cent of the Australian Stock Exchange 200 companies have female directors, and only 8 per cent have female executives;

(b) recognises that:

(i) women in the workforce face many issues, including pay equity, the impact of unpaid work and family responsibilities on their careers and the disparity in retirement savings, and

(ii) improving the levels of female leadership in corporate Australia will help to drive change in all of these areas; and

(c) calls on cross-party support to take the lead and phase in meaningful quotas in boardrooms around Australia.

Good Start, But Time To Lead Change From The Board Room

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 10th March 2011, 12:16pm

The Government's move to place increased reporting requirements on business is a welcome development, but there is still more to be done before true gender equity is achieved in the workplace, said the Australian Greens.

"While we're yet to see the legislation, it's good to see the Government taking this step and putting an increased emphasis on achieving real gender equity within the business sector. This reporting should give a good sense of where Australian businesses are at when it comes to promoting women," said the Greens Spokesperson for the Status of Women, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.

Cross-Party Support needed for women on boards

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 8th March 2011, 2:10pm

The Australian Greens have welcomed Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey's comments that he would back enforced quotas that ensure 30 percent of board positions are occupied by women, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

On the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day Senator Hanson-Young, Greens Spokesperson on Status of Women, says the time has come for change in Australian boardrooms, and the Federal Government must lead the way.

Lots to celebrate, still a long way to go

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 8th March 2011, 11:48am
by RobertSimms in

Women have made some pretty incredible gains in the 21 years since Carmen Lawrence became the first woman premier in Australia.

Since then there have been women premiers in every state except South Australia (it seems that, for Mike Rann, no women are eligible for promotion in his boys-club cabinet) and we have women leading Queensland, NSW and Tasmania, along with women as Prime Minister and Governor-General.

There is, however, a pattern emerging when it comes to the promotion of women in politics. It seems in Australia when governments are facing electoral oblivion, they turn to women to lead them from the abyss (perhaps in politics, like the household, it still takes a woman to clean up the mess the boys have left behind).


Motion | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Sunday 20th February 2011, 4:20pm

Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia) (4.29 pm)-I move:

That the Senate-

(a) notes that:

(i) 25 November is designated by the United Nations as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and that the white ribbon is the symbol for this day,

(ii) around Australia on 25 November, thousands of men and women will be wearing a white ribbon to show their support for this cause and taking an oath never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women, and

(iii) White Ribbon Day aims to build cultural change around the issue of violence against women through education and by promoting a culture of non-violence and respect, particularly among men and boys;

White Ribbon Day - Senator Bob Brown's speech

Greens TV | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 25th November 2010, 8:13pm

Greens leader Senator Bob Brown spoke about the responsibility of every Australian to address the issue of violence against women. 

Footage courtesy of Sam Cardwell/AAP

Greens call for community sector pay equity

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Friday 19th November 2010, 4:06pm

The Australian Greens have expressed disappointment with the Government's approach to much needed pay increases in the community services sector after they backed down on a union test case on pay equity for sector workers.

Greens back anti hate election pledge

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Saturday 31st July 2010, 4:12pm

It's time for all politicians and all political parties to demonstrate leadership and to end the use of bigotry and hatred as an election tool, says Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Christine Milne.

Senator Milne today signed a pledge offered by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community asking for all parties to refrain from inciting hatred against LGBT people during the federal election campaign.

"The Greens are the nation's fastest growing political party, and I am proud to say that we have achieved this through progressive social justice policies, rather than acts of bigotry as often demonstrated by other parties.

Representation of Women in the Indian Parliament

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 16th March 2010, 4:30pm

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (South Australia) (3.39 pm)

- I seek leave to amend general business notice of motion No. 741 standing in my name, relating to the representation of women in the Indian parliament.

Leave granted.

Senator HANSON-YOUNG - I move the motion as amended:

That the Senate

(a) recognises that only 10 per cent of seats in India's Lok Sabha (the lower house of India's Parliament) are held by women;