Judicial System

Govt wasting money in action against Hicks’ book

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 1:31pm

The Federal Government is wasting taxpayers' money in its NSW Supreme Court action to try recovering the proceeds of David Hicks' memoir, the Australian Greens say.

Ban on writer’s visit raises more fears of crackdown in China

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 23rd May 2011, 4:06pm

Beijing's ban on writer Liao Yiwu's planned visit to Australia deepens fears of a growing crackdown on dissent in China, the Australian Greens said today.

The Greens communications spokesperson, Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam, said Mr Liao was scheduled to speak at the Sydney Writer's Festival on May 20th and May 21st but was denied permission to leave China prior to the event.

"Mr Liao is a leading social commentator and has written extensively on poverty and homelessness in China. The ban on his visit to Sydney is part of a concerted effort by the Beijing administration to suppress dissent in light of the protests sweeping the Middle East," said Senator Ludlam.

Decision to spare Rush’s life welcome

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 6:25pm

The Australian Greens today welcomed the news that Australian man Scott Rush has been spared the death penalty in Indonesia.

Greens spokesperson for legal affairs Senator Scott Ludlam said the Greens opposed the death penalty on principle in all cases, and were particularly troubled by the fact Mr Rush was only 19 years old when arrested as part of the ‘Bali Nine' and 20 years old when sentenced to death.

Statement acknowledging 20 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

Blog Post | Blog of Rachel Siewert
Monday 18th April 2011, 1:10pm

I start by acknowledging that this statement is being made on the land (boodja) of the Wadjuk Nyoongar people. I pay my respects to the traditional owners of this land and the elders past and present. It always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

National Security Legislation Monitor - update at January 2011

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 28th January 2011, 4:42pm

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Supplementary Budget Estimates 18-21 October 2010

Dr McCarthy-The National Security Legislation Monitor will need to be someone with a strong background in national security issues, a person of high
standing. It is a part-time role, as you know, Senator. That is the reason why we were not required to advertise in the same way as for Public Service positions
more generally. The view was that a good field of candidates would be able to be developed for consideration.

Senator LUDLAM-How many did you shortlist and subsequently interview?

Dr McCarthy-I do not have that information in front of me.

Senator LUDLAM-Is that something you are able to provide for us?

Dr McCarthy-I can take that question on notice.

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) and the Attorney-General's Department developed an nitial list of 30 possible candidates.

In consultation with the former Cabinet Secretary, Senator the Hon Joseph Ludwig, this was ultimately reduced to a short-list of seven. These candidates were invited to submit an application to the National Security Adviser. A list of those individuals interested in being considered for the position was subsequently provided to the Prime Minister.

The Government has approached a preferred candidate and negotiations on the appointment are underway. Once those negotiations have concluded, the Government will consult with the Opposition on the proposed appointment, in accordance with the legislative requirements.


PM must retract “illegal” WikiLeaks claim

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 17th December 2010, 2:22pm

The Australian Greens have called on Prime Minister Gillard to unequivocally retract her claim that the work of WikiLeaks is "illegal".

Greens communications and legal affairs spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said the Prime Minister had attempted to back-pedal on her original claim but a straight-forward retraction was in order.

Government fails to cut ties with torture unit

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 8th December 2010, 4:46pm

The Australian Greens have criticised the Government for failing to take action in response to allegations an Indonesian unit supported by Australian authorities has used torture against peaceful protestors.

On November 4 this year Greens legal affairs spokesperson, Senator Scott Ludlam, called on the Government to stop funding Detachment 88, an Indonesian ‘counter-terrorism' unit that has been linked to a series of human rights abuses.

War crimes - AFP specialised investigation expertise

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 3rd December 2010, 6:54pm

Senator Ludlam asked the following question at the hearing on 18 October 2010:
How many people have specialised expertise in investigation of war crimes?

The answer to the honourable senator's question is as follows:

Five Australian Federal Police (AFP) members have attended a ‘war crimes' investigators training course held by the Institute for International Criminal Investigations based in the Netherlands. These five AFP members have also had experience working within the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia located in The Hague, the Netherlands, for periods between twelve months and five years. The investigators present briefings to other AFP members on a number of internal training courses and are readily available to provide subject matter guidance within the AFP.

Currently funded inquiries of the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) and Criminology Research Council (CRC)

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 3rd December 2010, 6:49pm

Senator Ludlam asked the following question at the hearing on 18 October 2010:

Please provide a list of the currently funding inquiries that the AIC and CRC are undertaking.

The answer to the honourable senator's question is as follows:

Australian Institute of Criminology - Listing of current research projects
(by Project Number, Name, Description and most recent report)