Environment & Planning Issues

Delay is the deadliest form of denial

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 11th August 2011, 4:16pm

The Australian Greens say the Murray Darling Basin Authority's second delay in eight days to the draft report means there's less time for the parliament and public to assess its contents.

River to suffer from delays to Murray Darling plan

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 1:28pm

The Australian Greens are concerned by yet another delay in releasing the draft report by the Murray Darling Basin Authority.

Greens welcome SA government study into environmental water requirements for Murray Darling Basin

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 27th July 2011, 5:12pm

The Greens have welcomed the SA government's environmental water requirements study, which has been peer-reviewed by the Goyder Institute, to demonstrate what is needed to keep the Murray mouth open and ensure a healthy river system.

Why this is better than Rudd's scheme

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 13th July 2011, 1:27pm

There are more than 13 billion reasons why the climate package unveiled on Sunday is better at putting a price on pollution than its predecessor.

With new role comes greater responsibility

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 5th July 2011, 9:32am

Yesterday was a great day for the Greens. Our team in the Federal Parliament went from six to 10 with Governor-General Quentin Bryce presiding over the swearing-in of 12 senators from around the country who were elected in August last year.

Govt must act to protect water licences from foreign ownership

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Friday 1st July 2011, 11:02am

The Australian Greens are calling on the federal government to alter the powers of the Foreign Investment Review Board to include water licences.

Press conference on new Greens senators taking balance of power

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 30th June 2011, 5:07pm

Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young and Senator-elect, Penny Wright, talk to the SA media on the SA Greens' numbers doubling in the Senate from July 1 as part of the Greens holding the balance of power in the new senate.

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Support moves to protect Australians’ assets - Brown

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 30th June 2011, 1:46pm

Greens Leader Bob Brown today urged politicians of all stripes to engage in a mature debate about ownership of Australians' assets, including farm land and minerals wealth.

"The Australian Greens have one initial solution - the Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 jointly sponsored by Christine Milne and Nick Xenophon - with all acquisitions by foreign interests to be subject to a proposed $5 million threshold," Senator Brown said in Hobart.

"The bill was introduced into the Senate on 24 November 2010 and was subject to a Senate Inquiry which reported on 16 June 2011."

"The bill provides legislation for a national interest test which includes factors such as national security, any impacts on competition and global industry or market outcomes, any impact on Australian tax revenues, any impact on the Australian economy or community, the character of the investor, and requires online publication of applications of interest in agricultural land."

"There would also be penalties for when a foreign person acquired agricultural land without notifying the Treasurer."