
Driving change in Saudi Arabia

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 21st June 2011, 10:02am

I love driving. While some readers may find that shocking, it's true. Like many everyday Australians, I relish the chance to jump in my car, a hybrid, with my daughter in the back and her favourite music on the stereo as we barrel through the Adelaide Hills.

Road Rage: Federal transport budget has Australia on route for oil shock

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 27th May 2011, 2:55pm

The Federal Budget's failure to address years of under-investment in public transport infrastructure has left the country extremely vulnerable to rising oil prices, the Australian Greens warned today.

In Senate Budget Estimates committee hearings this week, Greens spokesperson for transport Senator Scott Ludlam confirmed that once again, Commonwealth infrastructure funds were pouring into urban road building while public transport funding lagged far behind.

"This budget commits five times as much funding to roads than to rail. Virtually nothing has been committed to cycling infrastructure, and with the Energy White Paper still a long way over the horizon, our country is sleepwalking in the age of peak oil."

Federal budget’s ‘quarry vision’ for Western Australia

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 11th May 2011, 12:42pm

The Federal Budget locks in a Canberra-centric view of Western Australia as the nation's quarry, regardless of the consequences for Western Australians, Greens senators for Western Australia said today.

"There is no serious attempt to address the growing gap in our two-speed economy," said Senator Rachel Siewert. "The budget seems primarily fixated with accelerating the mining boom, with no regard to the consequences for housing affordability, environmental and heritage protection or the damage being done to other sectors of the economy."

Senator Bob Brown on the 2011-12 budget

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 10th May 2011, 8:45pm

Senator Bob Brown held a press conference where he discussed the government's 2011-12 federal budget.

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Austroads Standards

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 29th April 2011, 4:14pm

Question No. 536

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, upon notice, on 22 March 2011:

(1) Is the department aware of any problems with the Austroads standards in relation to the way roads are designed, where: (a) the needs of the private automobile user are placed above those of pedestrians or bicyclists; and (b) means of active transport are essentially ‘designed out' of the road?

Corner-cutting governments leave Australia unprepared for oil price spike

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 28th April 2011, 2:41pm

Decades of under-investment by governments across Australia have left the country extremely vulnerable to rising oil prices, the Australian Greens warned today.

Greens transport spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said governments had been pouring money into roads and fuel subsidies while neglecting public rail.

"Over the past decade in this country, the amount of money spent by all levels of government on building public roads and bridges has been 4.3 times that spent on public railway construction," he said. "At a time when it is clear the days of cheap oil are over, and with Australia set to import 70% of its oil by 2015, this is a recipe for disaster."

Perth still crying out for city-wide light rail system

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 6th April 2011, 2:18pm

The Western Australian Government must take decisive action on introducing a light rail system in Perth before the public transport crisis worsens, WA Senator Scott Ludlam said today.

Senator Ludlam, the Australian Greens spokesperson for transport, said dramatic overcrowding on bus routes in the northern and eastern suburbs of Perth could be alleviated by a new tram system.

WA light rail needs lines in the budget to match lines on the map

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 11th March 2011, 8:02pm

Western Australian Senator Scott Ludlam has urged the State Government to make a Perth light rail network a budget priority, with reports that a public transport strategy will go to cabinet on Monday.

"Up until now this has been a campaign of lines on maps. It is time for line items in the budget," he said. "We need a funding commitment from the State Government and an application to Infrastructure Australia to secure Federal funding for light rail."

Senator Ludlam, the Greens spokesperson for public transport, said reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions were just two of the benefits of light rail.

Greens hail sustainable building council’s call to action

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 1st March 2011, 12:56pm

The Australian Greens have welcomed the call to action from a leading sustainable urban development group.

Australian Greens sustainable cities spokesperson, Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam, said the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council's (ASBEC) call for a national policy on sustainable urban development was timely.

"For decades, provision of public transport and local employment has not kept pace with the rapid growth of Australian cities. We can transform cities with the right policies and practices, and today's launch helps point the way," said Senator Ludlam.

Western Australian Government robs rail to pay for roads

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 20th January 2011, 4:01pm

The Greens have urged the State Government to prioritise rail and light rail development in Western Australia.

The Greens' federal spokesperson for transport, Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam, said the Barnett government needed to take a comprehensive approach to solving the state's transport problems.