Senate / Senators

With new role comes greater responsibility

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 5th July 2011, 9:32am

Yesterday was a great day for the Greens. Our team in the Federal Parliament went from six to 10 with Governor-General Quentin Bryce presiding over the swearing-in of 12 senators from around the country who were elected in August last year.

Politics in the Pub

Greens TV | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 4th July 2011, 1:15pm

The Australia Institute's executive director Dr Richard Denniss in conversation with Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown at the Uni Pub in Canberra on the 29th of June 2011.

Bob Brown – press conference – 1 July 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 1st July 2011, 4:26pm

Senator Bob Brown speaks to media in Hobart on bribery charges against Securency International and Note Printing Australia. Also about Tasmanian School closures, Senate Priorities and the Carbon Tax. 



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Press conference on new Greens senators taking balance of power

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 30th June 2011, 5:07pm

Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young and Senator-elect, Penny Wright, talk to the SA media on the SA Greens' numbers doubling in the Senate from July 1 as part of the Greens holding the balance of power in the new senate.

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Bob Brown – Insiders – 26 June 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 27th June 2011, 11:09am

Greens Leader Bob Brown joins Barrie Cassidy in Melbourne for ABC’s Insiders.

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More Australian Greens, and growing

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 26th June 2011, 2:03pm

An intelligent and passionate group of Australian Greens will expand our work in the newly configured Parliament from July 1, Greens Leader Bob Brown said in Melbourne today.

"We are a happy and cohesive party," Senator Brown said.

"Australians will be represented by the Greens in every state, for the first time. We are empowered by more than 1.5 million voters to negotiate with Government and the Opposition to get better outcomes for the nation," Senator Brown said.

"We're the most stable party in this Parliament, standing by policies we took to the election and working to get a less polluted, safer, healthier Australia."

Senator-elect Larissa Waters, Queensland:

"I'm looking forward to being part of the Parliament that puts a price on pollution, to protect the iconic Great Barrier Reef and the 67,000 thousand people who rely on it for their livelihood."

"I will fight to see our precious food-producing land and our groundwater resources protected from rapacious coal seam gas mining and new coal mines, and local communities supported."

"As an environmental lawyer, I relish the opportunity to modernise and strengthen our national environmental laws so they actually protect Australia's unique environment and our dwindling biodiversity."

Senator-elect Penny Wright, South Australia:

"I am privileged to be entrusted with the Mental Health and Social Inclusion portfolios and I will be working to see some of the most disadvantaged Australians achieve full participation in the life of our community."

"The measure of a nation's humanity is how it treats its most vulnerable citizens."

"As a lawyer, I am committed to improved access to justice for all Australians, reform of the convoluted Native Title process and a fair go for workers and veterans."

Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon, New South Wales:

"The Democracy portfolio allows me to continue my campaign to clean up the corrupting influence of political donations, seeking nationwide electoral funding reform."

"I will work hard to be an effective voice for communities across Australia, including, with Senator Bob Brown, all Australians having a say in a referendum to recognise Local Government in the Constitution."

"I also look forward to working with Bob to preserve the nation's wild forests, and assisting him on National Security."

Senator-elect Richard Di Natale, Victoria:

"Being elected the first Greens Senator for Victoria is a great privilege."

"It's a wonderful opportunity to help create a fairer health system, one that is based on prevention and provides public dental care for those Australians who can't afford to see a dentist."

"As the humble product of Australian multiculturalism, I will be a passionate advocate for the many cultures that reach our shores."



Greens back 10% challenge

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 5th June 2011, 7:30am

Greens Leader Bob Brown has written to the Senate's President John Hogg urging Parliament House to take a lead in the 10% challenge campaign by Do Something! and CHOICE for a voluntary 10% cut in fuel, electricity and gas use.

A copy of Senator Brown's letter has gone to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Harry Jenkins.

"Here's a way for parliament to join the Australian community and business to parallel our carbon price committee's reach for binding cuts in pollution," Senator Brown said.

"I would turn off dozens of light switches in parliament house every session and no one would notice so achieving a 10% cut would be a cinch," Senator Brown said.



Celebrating Greens' success on election night

Photo Gallery | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Monday 23rd August 2010, 3:25pm
Click one of the thumbnails to view the gallery.

Milne says thank-you for record Tasmanian Green vote

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Sunday 22nd August 2010, 1:31pm

In the biggest vote for a third party since the Second World War, The Greens will return to federal parliament with eight and possibly nine senators and the House of Representatives seat of Melbourne, Australian Greens Deputy Leader Christine Milne said today.

"We have achieved balance of power in the Senate and will use that power responsibly for good and progressive outcomes for the people of Australia.

"Regardless of which party forms government, we will work with them using the huge experience we have with balance of power politics.

Warren H Williams launches his NT Greens Senate campaign

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 15th July 2010, 9:52am

Respected Central Australian Aboriginal musician Warren H. Williams will today officially launch his campaign as the Greens Senate candidate for the Northern Territory.

Warren H was born at the remote community of Hermannsburg, west of Alice Springs, and is a proud Arrente man who wants to make a difference to his community.

Australian Greens Senator Scott Ludlam will help launch the campaign at an event at CAAMA studios, where Warren presents a popular national music program.

"Warren is a great candidate offering Territorians a real alternative," said Senator Ludlam.