Australian Republic

The responsibility of Parliament

Blog Post | Blog of Bob Brown
Wednesday 22nd June 2011, 4:11pm

The following letter to the editor of The Australian was submitted on 21 June 2011:

Dear Editor

As I told your Canberra reporter on 20 June 2011, but you did not report to your readers, the difference between action on a republic and climate change is that the former requires a change to the Constitution and the latter requires a decision by the Parliament, as already empowered by the Constitution. The former requires a plebiscite and referendum, the latter requires neither - if you believe in the responsibility of Parliament.

Yours sincerely

Senator Bob Brown
Australian Greens Leader


Brown calls for vote on new flag

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 25th January 2010, 11:44am

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown has backed in calls for a modernisation of the Australian flag today.

"I congratulate Ray Martin for raising this issue on Australia Day eve, and agree wholeheartedly that it is high time we replaced the union jack with a dinkum Australian symbol on our flag," said Senator Brown.

"I call on Kevin Rudd to give Australians the opportunity at the next federal election to vote for a new symbol for our flag that properly reflects the country we are today.

Greens say don't delay, bring on Republic plebiscite at next election

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 20th January 2010, 3:46pm

Australia is ready for a Republic and the Rudd Government should stop delaying and hold a plebiscite at the next election said Australian Greens leader Bob Brown in Canberra today.

Last year Senator Brown introduced the Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2008 for a plebiscite to be held at the 2010 election.

Hawke spot on with Republic call

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 10th May 2009, 10:49am

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown today welcomed former Prime Minister Bob Hawke's call for Australia to move ahead towards a republic without delay.

"Labor should be listening to their elder statesman on an issue which means so much to so many Australians," Senator Brown said.

Rudd should move for a republic plebiscite by 2010 - Greens

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 29th April 2009, 11:55am

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd should commit to a 2010 plebiscite asking whether Australia should be a republic, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"The time has come for the Prime Minister to take the Republic debate off the shelf and ask Australians one simple question: do you support Australia becoming a republic?" Senator Brown said.

Climate Change is no Republic moment

Blog Post | Blog of Christine Milne
Thursday 23rd April 2009, 10:55am

A new meme is being pushed by people close to Labor to help force through the CPRS. Just as the failure of the Republic referendum knocked that issue off the agenda for a decade or more, the story goes, so if the CPRS fails in the Senate will we have lost our chance to do introduce an ETS for ten years.

While this might be a superficially attractive comparison, it is as far from reality as Minister Wong's statements about economic transformation are from the reality of the scheme her Government has designed.

Way opens for Rudd to commit to a 2010 plebiscite on the Republic

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 21st April 2009, 11:41am

Private member's bill in the Senate

The way has opened for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to commit to a plebiscite by 2010 on whether Australia should become a Republic, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"One year after the 2020 Summit called for a plebiscite on whether Australia should become a Republic it is time for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to take action," Senator Brown said.

Greens move for Australia Day action on the Republic

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 23rd January 2009, 1:51pm

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd should use the Australia Day long weekend to commit to a vote for a plebiscite on the republic at the 2010 election, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said in Hobart today.

"Australia Day long weekend is the perfect opportunity for the Prime Minister to commit to building cross-party support for a vote on a plebiscite," Senator Brown said.

Yes or No on an Australian republic

Greens TV | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 12th November 2008, 11:29am

Brown calls on Rudd to bring on republic reform

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 11th November 2008, 1:24pm

Greens Leader Bob Brown will introduce a bill into the Senate today that will allow a plebiscite to be held at the next election on support for an Australian republic.
"The Greens first called for a simple 'Yes or No' vote on Australia becoming a republic back in 1998," Senator Brown said.

"The Bill I've introduced today allows for a simple vote at the next federal election on whether Australians would like one of their own as head of state."
"This is a golden opportunity for Prime Minister Rudd to push ahead with a republic - I hope it attracts his support and that of the Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull."

"I look forward to the Government allowing my private member's bill to be debated early in the New Year."