Media Ownership

Ita Buttrose’s revelation deeply troubling - Brown

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 22nd August 2011, 9:39pm

The revelation by prominent media figure Ita Buttrose that, as editor-in-chief of the Sunday Telegraph and the Daily Telegraph, owner Rupert Murdoch asked her to have a citizen followed is deeply troubling.

“This highly respected Australian would not release this information lightly. It adds greatly to speculation that the culture of Mr Murdoch’s empire percolates down, not up” said Senator Brown today.

Senator Bob Brown Press Conference - August 12 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 12th August 2011, 12:56pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss the Abbott opposition's economic recklessness, the proposed media inquiry, and other issues of the day.

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Senator Christine Milne Press Conference - July 21, 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Thursday 21st July 2011, 3:26pm

Acting Greens Leader Senator Christine Milne held a press conference to discuss yet another climate change backflip from Tony Abbott, strengthening protection for privacy in Australia and the attempt to seize funds from David Hicks under proceeds of crime legislation.

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Senator Bob Brown press conference - Friday July 15

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 15th July 2011, 2:57pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss the volume of public support for an Inquiry into media regulation and ownership in Australia.

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Senator Bob Brown press conference - Thursday July 14

Greens TV | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 15th July 2011, 12:27pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss moves for a full Senate or Independent Inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia.

Press conference - Greens move for inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 14th July 2011, 3:25pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown today held a press conference to discuss moves for a full Senate or Independent Inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia.

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Greens move for inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 14th July 2011, 2:54pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown today announced moves for a full Senate or Independent Inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia.

“While there have not been any allegations of unlawful or unethical behaviour by any of Australia's newspapers similar to that which resulted in the closure of News of the World, the potential for such behaviour and the breadth of the allegations in the UK indicates it is timely for a closer look at Australia's media regulation,” said Senator Brown.

News International

Motion | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 7th July 2011, 4:28pm

Senator Bob Brown

I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that:

That the Minister for Communications investigate the direct or indirect ramifications to Australia of the criminal matters affecting the United Kingdom operations of News International, and report back to the Senate.


NBN progress is welcome, NBN wrecking is not

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 23rd June 2011, 10:38am

The Australian Greens welcome the landmark agreements struck between NBN Co and Telstra, and NBN Co and Optus, announced today, while rejecting "fatal half-measures" proposed by the Coalition.

Greens communications spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said the agreements were a long time coming and marked a significant step forward for telecommunications in Australia.

"Telstra and NBN Co's Definitive Agreements on the rollout of the National Broadband Network will facilitate a more efficient and less expensive roll out of the NBN," he said. "Critically, these agreements represent real progress in the structural separation of Telstra and reform of the telecommunications sector."

Attack on campaign is hypocritical

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 7th June 2011, 10:58am

Tens of thousands of people attended peaceful rallies around the country on Sunday in support of action on climate change, despite the Coalition and News Ltd media empire's negative campaign against cutting pollution via a carbon tax.