
SBS Government Advertising Funding

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:41pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications
Budget Estimates Hearings May 2011
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio
Question No: 61

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: What proportion of advertising funding do you receive from the government itself? Does the Commonwealth government or do any state governments run advertising on SBS and provide any fraction of your revenue stream?
Mr Brown: They do place advertising on SBS. I would have to take notice what current commitments there are in that area.
Senator LUDLAM: I would greatly appreciate that. That might be a way for SBS's funding to lift-if the fraction were shifted. I wonder, Minister, if I could ask you if that is something you have contemplated before? I know this is a whole-of-government question and I will get referred off to all sorts of other ministers and so on. But that is one way, without increasing the total spend of the Commonwealth budget, that advertising purchasing could be shifted across to this public broadcaster and perhaps even to community broadcasters. Could I ask if you could take on notice whether that has been contemplated or whether that might be a great idea.
Senator Conroy: I am happy to take that on notice.

SBS advertising revenue

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:38pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications
Budget Estimates Hearings May 2011
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio
Special Broadcasting Service
Question No: 60

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: Since you mention it, I just want to dwell on that very briefly-I think it was last October I asked this. You calculated an estimated $36 million shortfall if you removed the in-program advertising in the current financial year and backed it off into the top of the hour or the half-hour. I am interested to know what kinds of assumptions you used and whether you would care to explain for us what assumptions and what evidence you could provide to support that figure, because it is substantial.

Attack on campaign is hypocritical

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 7th June 2011, 10:58am

Tens of thousands of people attended peaceful rallies around the country on Sunday in support of action on climate change, despite the Coalition and News Ltd media empire's negative campaign against cutting pollution via a carbon tax.

Advertising on SBS

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 20th October 2010, 1:02pm

Special Broadcasting Service Corporation
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Senator LUDLAM-You mentioned the SBS corporate plan 2010 to 2013 in your opening statement. I want to ask some questions about that, particularly the forecast revenue and expenditure figures on page 13 of the PDF. The government appropriations, 2010 to 2014-15, I have not had time to cross-reference this against your annual report or your budget portfolio statement, but are they the same as in the budget forecast? Is there any reason we would expect them to be different?

91% of Australians want stop to political lies: new poll

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 15th August 2010, 12:00am

Polling commissioned by the Australian Greens shows overwhelming support for new laws to prevent misleading election advertising.

The national Galaxy poll of 1009 people taken in July shows 91% of Australians are in favour of legislation that would require political parties to be truthful in election advertising. 

Gruen goes Green

Blog Post
Thursday 12th August 2010, 9:46am

The Pitch section on ABC TV's Gruen Nation was about the Greens last night. The Republic of Everyone advertising agency was tasked with making a positive advertisement about the Greens, and this was the result:

Greens condemn unscrupulous electioneering, renew call for truth in advertising

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 22nd March 2010, 1:29pm

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown has condemned the use of misleading how-to-vote cards directing Family First voters to preference Labor during the South Australian election.

Senator Brown noted a range of misleading Labor materials used in the lead up to both state elections over the weekend, from television advertisements attacking SA Liberal leader Isobel Redmond to automated calls in Tasmania to undermine the Greens.

Australia Post advertising

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 10th February 2010, 9:30am

Senator LUDLAM-I have one set of questions around regulation of how advertising material is delivered. I gather it is regulated by state and territory governments. Can you just sketch for us Australia Post's obligations around delivering junk mail and advertising material? Is it regulated separately by each of the states and territories?

Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Prohibition of Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2009 — 2nd Reading Speech

Speech | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 7th September 2009, 10:00pm

Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia) (3.42 pm)-I move:
That this bill be now read a second time. I table an explanatory memorandum relating to the bill. I seek leave to have the second reading speech incorporated in Hansard. Leave granted. The speech read as follows-

Established in the 1970s, Australia's Special Broadcasting Service was the first multicultural broadcaster established in the world. Today SBS continues to be an important cultural institution that Australians can be proud of; SBS radio transmits in a different language every hour and 7 million viewers watching SBS TV in over 60 languages every week. From the outset, SBS was a publicly funded broadcaster and advertising was not permitted.

Greens move to stop ads interrupting SBS viewing

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 7th September 2009, 10:49am

The Australian Greens today will introduce a Bill to the Senate to ban advertisements on SBS television interrupting programs.