
Senators Bob Brown & Richard Di Natale press conference - Wednesday August 17

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 17th August 2011, 2:50pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown and Greens Senator for Victoria Richard Di Natale held a press conference to urge the Coalition to support plain packaging legislation for cigarrettes. Other topics included the proposed media inquiry, the upcoming tax review, coal seam gas mining and the carbon price package.

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Senator Bob Brown Press Conference - August 12 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 12th August 2011, 12:56pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss the Abbott opposition's economic recklessness, the proposed media inquiry, and other issues of the day.

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Greens warn: ABC facing privatisation by stealth

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 4th August 2011, 6:46pm

The independent production capacity of the ABC is being systematically and deliberately gutted, the Australian Greens warned today.

Greens communications spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said the latest round of program cancellations and redundancies announced this week are unnecessary and self-defeating.

Senator Christine Milne Press Conference - July 21, 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Thursday 21st July 2011, 3:26pm

Acting Greens Leader Senator Christine Milne held a press conference to discuss yet another climate change backflip from Tony Abbott, strengthening protection for privacy in Australia and the attempt to seize funds from David Hicks under proceeds of crime legislation.

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Senator Bob Brown press conference - Friday July 15

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 15th July 2011, 2:57pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss the volume of public support for an Inquiry into media regulation and ownership in Australia.

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SBS Government Advertising Funding

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:41pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications
Budget Estimates Hearings May 2011
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio
Question No: 61

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: What proportion of advertising funding do you receive from the government itself? Does the Commonwealth government or do any state governments run advertising on SBS and provide any fraction of your revenue stream?
Mr Brown: They do place advertising on SBS. I would have to take notice what current commitments there are in that area.
Senator LUDLAM: I would greatly appreciate that. That might be a way for SBS's funding to lift-if the fraction were shifted. I wonder, Minister, if I could ask you if that is something you have contemplated before? I know this is a whole-of-government question and I will get referred off to all sorts of other ministers and so on. But that is one way, without increasing the total spend of the Commonwealth budget, that advertising purchasing could be shifted across to this public broadcaster and perhaps even to community broadcasters. Could I ask if you could take on notice whether that has been contemplated or whether that might be a great idea.
Senator Conroy: I am happy to take that on notice.

SBS advertising revenue

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:38pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications
Budget Estimates Hearings May 2011
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio
Special Broadcasting Service
Question No: 60

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: Since you mention it, I just want to dwell on that very briefly-I think it was last October I asked this. You calculated an estimated $36 million shortfall if you removed the in-program advertising in the current financial year and backed it off into the top of the hour or the half-hour. I am interested to know what kinds of assumptions you used and whether you would care to explain for us what assumptions and what evidence you could provide to support that figure, because it is substantial.

SBS online service use

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:35pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications
Budget Estimates Hearings May 2011
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Portfolio
Special Broadcasting Service
Question No: 59

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: Mr Brown, I owe you a significant apology for not being able to attend the last time you sat in front of us. I am very glad to be here this evening. I would like to start with something that I am not sure whether you mentioned in your initial remarks or not, which is your online service. There is a huge amount of material online there. It is very well presented. I think it is a great service that has changed quite significantly in the last little while. What can you tell us about the traffic that you get and what it tells you about your user base?
Mr Brown: I will probably take on notice the specifics in terms of unique browsers, although we have been consistently averaging a million in recent months, and that is a marked increase. We are now targeting two million. But I think in general what it demonstrates is the beginning of a change in audience behaviour towards an on-demand model. I think most of us in the industry have been aware that that is coming. Virtually all of our programming is now available on catch-up. That is getting significant use. We would expect that to expand.

Senator Bob Brown press conference - Thursday July 14

Greens TV | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Friday 15th July 2011, 12:27pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown held a press conference to discuss moves for a full Senate or Independent Inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia.

Press conference - Greens move for inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 14th July 2011, 3:25pm

Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown today held a press conference to discuss moves for a full Senate or Independent Inquiry into media ownership and regulation in Australia.

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