
Greens Leader’s statement on the Canberra convoy

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 21st August 2011, 3:52pm

"Some might call the predicted thousands of trucks descending on Canberra ending up as hundreds (ABC, 21/8/11) a ‘flop', but these Australians have every right to a peaceful presence on the parliamentary lawns," Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"It seems like the prime qualification to be there is to be angry about something - these are Abbott's angry people," Senator Brown said.

"But it seems their views on some issues are fairly shorted sighted, very ‘me-now'."

"The number of angry people in Canberra tomorrow will increase much more than the numbers of truckers arriving in town," Senator Brown predicted.



Delay is the deadliest form of denial

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 11th August 2011, 4:16pm

The Australian Greens say the Murray Darling Basin Authority's second delay in eight days to the draft report means there's less time for the parliament and public to assess its contents.

River to suffer from delays to Murray Darling plan

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 1:28pm

The Australian Greens are concerned by yet another delay in releasing the draft report by the Murray Darling Basin Authority.

Save and expand foreign aid

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 19th July 2011, 10:21am

This month the world is learning about the ongoing famine in the Horn of Africa, where about 12 million people have been hit by the worst drought in almost 60 years. Australia has pledged more than $11 million in aid. It's heart-wrenching to see malnourished children in refugee camps in Kenya with tubes in their noses to feed them because their hungry mothers cannot.

Greens question Windsor’s Murray Darling basin committee report

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 2nd June 2011, 10:27pm

The Greens are pleased with the release of the House of Representative committee’s report into the Murray Darling basin, but have questioned some of its recommendations.

Visit to Lake Eyre May 2011

Photo Gallery | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 5:16pm
Click one of the thumbnails to view the gallery.

Greens in call for Lake Eyre Basin protection from Coal Seam Gas

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 31st May 2011, 11:02am

I was interviewed by the ABC in this report about threats to the Lake Eyre basin.

The original report aired on 30/05/11.

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Bandt congratulates climate commission on forum

Media Release | Spokesperson Adam Bandt MP
Tuesday 24th May 2011, 3:49pm

Greens MP Adam Bandt joined the Prime Minister, members of the Cabinet and other MPs at today's public forum held by the Climate Commission at Parliament House.

Mr Bandt congratulated the Commission on a fantastic forum and said it reinforced the need for urgent and profound action.

"The Commissioners are to be congratulated on an excellent event", Mr Bandt said.

"The Climate Commissioners clear answers to my question about the climate impact on Australia's agriculture show we have no time to waste."

"The forum reinforced the need for urgent and profound action."

"Over the coming weeks I will be working hard with the other members of the Multi-Party Committee on Climate Change to develop responses to the challenges so clearly set out today."

Pablo Brait, from Mr Bandt's electorate of Melbourne, also questioning the Commissioners about Australia's carbon budget, and the need to decarbonise the economy within the next decade.