Climate change and agriculture

Greens Leader’s statement on the Canberra convoy

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 21st August 2011, 3:52pm

"Some might call the predicted thousands of trucks descending on Canberra ending up as hundreds (ABC, 21/8/11) a ‘flop', but these Australians have every right to a peaceful presence on the parliamentary lawns," Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"It seems like the prime qualification to be there is to be angry about something - these are Abbott's angry people," Senator Brown said.

"But it seems their views on some issues are fairly shorted sighted, very ‘me-now'."

"The number of angry people in Canberra tomorrow will increase much more than the numbers of truckers arriving in town," Senator Brown predicted.



Coalition carbon farming filibuster sells out regional Australia

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Wednesday 17th August 2011, 3:00pm

Farmers and communities in rural and regional Australia will be appalled that the Coalition is filibustering the Carbon Farming Initiative, the Australian Greens said today.

"The Coalition is once again selling out regional Australians who will benefit hugely from the Carbon Farming Initiative when it eventually passes," Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.

"The shameful waste of everybody's time and resources in this pointless filibuster comes on top of the Coalition's confusion over coal seam gas, its support for managed investment schemes and its refusal to establish a regulatory authority for soil carbon.

Delay is the deadliest form of denial

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 11th August 2011, 4:16pm

The Australian Greens say the Murray Darling Basin Authority's second delay in eight days to the draft report means there's less time for the parliament and public to assess its contents.

River to suffer from delays to Murray Darling plan

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 3rd August 2011, 1:28pm

The Australian Greens are concerned by yet another delay in releasing the draft report by the Murray Darling Basin Authority.

Greens welcome SA government study into environmental water requirements for Murray Darling Basin

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 27th July 2011, 5:12pm

The Greens have welcomed the SA government's environmental water requirements study, which has been peer-reviewed by the Goyder Institute, to demonstrate what is needed to keep the Murray mouth open and ensure a healthy river system.

Why this is better than Rudd's scheme

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 13th July 2011, 1:27pm

There are more than 13 billion reasons why the climate package unveiled on Sunday is better at putting a price on pollution than its predecessor.

Climate package biodiversity and NRM investment a big win for WA

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Monday 11th July 2011, 8:42am

The Australian Greens say funding from the carbon price package will be used to boost natural resource management programs across Western Australia.

Greens secure win for Indigenous Australians on carbon farming

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne, Rachel Siewert
Thursday 7th July 2011, 5:41pm

The Australian Greens say their amendments to the Carbon Farming Initiative provides an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to earn carbon credits for activities including improved savannah fire, livestock care, feral animal control, fertiliser, soil or forest management, reforestation and vegetation growth.