Join us in Calling on Melbourne

Blog Post | Blog of Adam Bandt MP
Wednesday 1st June 2011, 10:46am
by JakeWishart in

Over the past few months supporters of the Make Change Melbourne project have hit the streets to promote action on climate change. We have been holding local MP listening posts at supermarkets, doorknocking, letterboxing and engaging with residents on the plan to cut pollution.

Now we are starting the next phase of our project. We hope you can be involved as we continue our conversation with Melbourne residents.

Over the next couple of weeks we will have 300 phone conversations with Melbourne residents to talk about their priorities for Melbourne and what issues are important to them.

Sign up here with Calling Melbourne

We will be asking our neighbours how they feel about national and local issues and what they would like to see Adam doing in Parliament and the community.

This is vital work that will help give the Melbourne community the best representation possible.

We are inviting all supporters to sign up to the roster and help make calls from Adam's office. If you have any friends who you think might enjoy getting involved, bring them along - we'll make a night of it and it will be an opportunity to connect with other Make Change Melbourne volunteers.

Please click here and slot yourself in for a shift or two. We will be in touch with the details.

This is a great opportunity to be part of Make Change Melbourne and to get an insders look at the work of Adam's office.

Thanks for taking action in Melbourne.

Jake, Sam, Damien and the Make Change Melbourne Project

P.S. Thanks to eveyone who helped with the 100% renewables doorknocking on Saturday. Along with Yarra Climate Action Now and the Darebin Climate Action Group around 40 volunteers doorknocked 500 residents on clean energy. Check out the photo of our crew here.

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