New Research

Youth federal election voting intentions

Youth federal election voting intentions

11 August 2011Exploring the question of community engagement and political participation by younger Australians, this project analyses fifteen years of Newspoll surveys.

E-assessment guidelines for the VET sector

11 August 2011The use of e-assessment is increasing rapidly in the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Australia with over forty per cent of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and more than sixty per cent of teachers and trainers are using some form of e-assessment.

The Henry review of Australia's future tax system: Implications for local government

11 August 2011Making suggestions for future action to be undertaken by local government, this paper highlights opportunities for the sector to influence the debate about the future shape of the Australian taxation and tax transfer system.

Urban social housing for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders: respecting culture and adapting services

Urban social housing for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders: respecting culture and adapting services

11 August 2011This study sought to understand appropriate models of service provision in social housing for Indigenous Australians.

Mapping the Australian networked public sphere

10 August 2011This article reports on a research program that has developed new methodologies for mapping the Australian blogosphere and tracking how information is disseminated across it.

Postcode justice - rural and regional disadvantage in the administration of the law in Victoria

Postcode justice - rural and regional disadvantage in the administration of the law in Victoria

10 August 2011Are regional communities disadvantaged in the administration of the law, compared with their metropolitan counterparts?

Australia - 2011 article IV consultation concluding statement

10 August 2011This report describes Australia's economic outlook and stability.

The economic, social and cultural contribution of venue based live music in Victoria

The economic, social and cultural contribution of venue based live music in Victoria

10 August 2011This report provides a quantified estimate of the economic contribution of live music in Victorian venues as well as a qualitative discussion of the social and cultural values that are accruing.

Ebooks in libraries: an overview of the current situation

10 August 2011The past few years have seen a growth in the provision of electronic resources in both academic and public libraries.

Low carbon growth plan for Australia

10 August 2011This report finds that the amount of domestic greenhouse gas emissions cut by the Government's carbon price package could be double that predicted by Treasury.

Urban informatics, ubiquitous computing and social media for healthy cities

Urban informatics, ubiquitous computing and social media for healthy cities

10 August 2011This paper discusses the relationship between modern digital technology and the urban environment.

Aboriginal peoples' right to traditional homelands in the Northern Territory

10 August 2011This report highlights the struggle of Aboriginal Peoples to remain on their homelands in the face of policies that have the effect of drawing them away from their ancestral lands into larger communities and urban areas.

Prescription drug use among detainees: prevalence, sources and links to crime

10 August 2011Concern regarding the diversion and non-medical use of prescription pharmaceuticals continues to grow as anecdotal evidence and other research points to a sizeable increase in the illegal market for such drugs.

Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2010–2015

10 August 2011This report forecasts the growth in worldwide internet usage,and details the methodology behind the conclusions.

The Millennium Development Goals report 2011

09 August 2011More than 10 years have passed since world leaders established goals and targets to free humanity from extreme poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease. While more work lies ahead, the world has cause to celebrate.

Pirates of the ISPs: tactics for turning online crooks into international pariahs

09 August 2011Cybercrime today seems like a nearly insoluble problem, much like piracy was centuries ago. There are steps, however, that can be taken to curb cybercrime’s growth—and perhaps begin to marginalize the people behind it.

Precarious housing and health inequalities: what are the links?

Precarious housing and health inequalities: what are the links?

08 August 2011This report presents summary research findings from the quantitative and qualitative components of the VicHealth funded study that explored the relationship between precarious housing and health.


Towards a new development model for housing regeneration in greyfield precincts

08 August 2011An Investigative Panel details the processes required for delivering more affordable and sustainable medium density housing by regenerating greyfield precincts in Australia's capital cities.

Young people in nursing homes

08 August 2011This paper summarises recent research regarding the social inclusion of young people in nursing homes, and further outlines the policy and practical challenges related to this issue.


The myth - homelessness halved in South Australia

11 August 2011Misleading reports cloud the real homelessness numbers and the issues for homeless people and service providers argues Alice Clark.

Spare a dollar for the maker, music doesn't play itself

10 August 2011Dodgy preconceptions make it harder to earn a living in the live music business, writes Kim Salmon in The Age.

Structural shenanigans in the Australian economy

10 August 2011What does the resources boom mean for the future of the Australian economy? Tom Conley looks at the medium term prospects in this paper for APO

Topic Guides

NBN: Guide for Consumers

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & Internet Society Australia

09 June 2011The Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have developed NBN: A Guide for Consumers, designed to offer all Australians information about the National Broadband Network.

The clean energy plan

  • Clean Energy Future

11 July 2011Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan, and Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Greg Combet announced the Australian Government’s comprehensive plan for tackling climate change, ‘Securing a clean energy future’.

CC & Government Guide Using Creative Commons 3.0 Australia Licences on Government Copyright Materials

  • Anne Fitzgerald, Neale Hooper, Cheryl Foong

05 December 2010This Guide deals with the licensing of government copyright materials for distribution and reuse under Creative Commons (CC) 3.0 Australia licences.


The Future of Wind Energy in Australia

Listen to audio
10 August 2011This podcast explores wind market trends in Australia and internationally.

Design, sustainability and the urmadic university

Listen to audio
09 August 2011The Urmadic university is a university without a place, it isn't located anywhere, it is nomadic, it can move. This podcast features interviews with design academics and professionals exploring the university of the future and the future of sustainable design.


Beyond the box office: understanding audiences in a multi-screen world

Listen to audio
10 August 2011Full presentations from an industry forum held to discuss Screen Australia's research into the size and shape of Australian screen audiences.

Precision-strike weapons and US strategy

Listen to audio
05 August 2011Dr Mahnken spoke on the growth and spread of precision weaponry, and the resulting implications for American operations and the US-Australian alliance. Other states and non-state actors are acquiring precision weaponry, and also developing countermeasures against precision weaponry. They are also acquiring the vital supporting capabilities needed to wage precision warfare such as satellite imagery and precision navigation. Dr Mahnken outlines a number of options for the US to maintain leverage in this potentially challenging environment.  


Where is the Art?

10 August 2011Where is the Art? (WITA) is an online visual arts directory dedicated to locating artists, art galleries & exhibition spaces, art suppliers and art exhibitions in the Orana and Central West regions of NSW.

Census of Population and Housing

04 August 2011This is the official website for matters concerning the 9 August 2011 Census of Population and Housing in Australia.


20 July 2011Hansard is the name given to transcripts of parliamentary proceedings. This digital version has publications dating back to May 1901.

Latest commentary


12 Aug 2011 - 8:30am - 19 Aug 2011 - 4:00pm
Sydney and Melbourne
12 Aug 2011 - 10:00am - 4:00pm
17 Aug 2011 - 9:00am - 5:00pm


08 August 2011

Cultivate is a new professional development fund for Australian artists with disability. Cultivate will provide seed funding to artists who want to further develop their professional artistic practice with the aim of being better placed to pursue a professional artistic career and to compete for funding in general arts funding programs.

Grants of up to $8,000 are available for the costs associated with developing your professional practice as an artist. This could include specific skills or professional development opportunities including mentoring.

02 August 2011

The global organisation representing consumer groups, Consumers International, is asking Australians to be part of their project aimed at holding internet service providers to account. You can help by taking part in the 10-minute online survey to see how Australia compares to the rest of the world for broadband services.

20 July 2011


The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) will decommission the Reframing the Future website on 31 August 2011.


Speechwriting for government in Australia

Speechwriting for government in Australia

  • James Groves
  • James Groves & Associates
" indispensible book...excellent practical guide to the art of effective oral communication" from the Foreword by Malcolm Hazell CVO AM, former Official Secretary to the Governor-General
Enforcement of intellectual property rights: Comparative perspectives from the Asia-Pacific region

Enforcement of intellectual property rights: Comparative perspectives from the Asia-Pacific region

  • Christoph Antons
  • Wolters Kluwers
Concerted efforts to enforce global intellectual property rights (IPR) continue to focus intensely on the developing countries of East Asia, and China in particular. These efforts have spawned a complex system of legal mechanisms that is still very much in process of evolution, encompassing international and regional conventions, WTO dispute settlements, bilateral and plurilateral treaties, decisions of national courts and regulatory bodies, and a welter of local laws and border controls.

Topic Guides

NBN: Guide for Consumers

  • Australian Communications Consumer Action Network & Internet Society Australia

09 June 2011The Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have developed NBN: A Guide for Consumers, designed to offer all Australians information about the National Broadband Network.

The clean energy plan

  • Clean Energy Future

11 July 2011Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer Wayne Swan, and Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Greg Combet announced the Australian Government’s comprehensive plan for tackling climate change, ‘Securing a clean energy future’.

CC & Government Guide Using Creative Commons 3.0 Australia Licences on Government Copyright Materials

  • Anne Fitzgerald, Neale Hooper, Cheryl Foong

05 December 2010This Guide deals with the licensing of government copyright materials for distribution and reuse under Creative Commons (CC) 3.0 Australia licences.