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The Fed Surprises
Gerald P. O'Driscoll Jr. on the recent Fed meeting on the Huffington Post.
Michael D. Tanner on debt reduction and Obama's tax policies National Review (Online).
Liberal Rage Won't Stop the Tea Party's Rise
John Samples in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
What's Next After the S&P; Downgrade
Jagadeesh Gokhale on the Huffington Post.
The Current Wisdom: The Lack of Recent Warming and the State of Peer Review
by Patrick J. Michaels.

Constitution Day Event
September 15, 2011
A full day analysis of the Supreme Court's 2010 and 2011 terms.
Liberating the Future:
Cato Institute $50 Million Capital Campaign
Cato Pocket Constitution Can the government do that? Check the Constitution!
Special: 10 copies for $10

Cato @ Liberty Blog

"The Hayek Surge Continues"
by David Boaz

"Is Obama Worse Than Carter and Bush?"
by David Boaz

"11th Circuit Finds ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate Unconstitutional"
by Michael F. Cannon

August 15, 2011

Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional

The 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Friday found that the "individual mandate" section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which requires all Americans to purchase health insurance by 2014 or face penalties, "exceeds Congress's enumerated commerce power and is unconstitutional." Comments Cato scholar Ilya Shapiro, "Today is a great day for liberty. [The] decision gives hope to those who believe that there are some things beyond the government's reach and that the judiciary cannot abdicate its duty to hold Congress's feet to the constitutional fire."

Forty Years in Defense of Liberty

The Cato Institute is pleased to wish a Happy 40th Birthday to the Universidad Francisco Marroquín, in Guatemala, the world's only free market university. Businessman Manuel Francisco Ayau Cordon founded the school in 1971 to counter what he considered the "socialist instruction" being imparted at San Carlos University of Guatemala, the nation's largest institution of higher learning. Felicidades UFM!

Terminating the Small Business Administration

Small Business Administration (SBA) supporters have cultivated a myth that being against the agency is equivalent to being against small businesses. In reality, the SBA's lending programs benefit a relatively tiny number of businesses at the expense of taxpayers and the vast majority of businesses that do not receive government support. In a new essay, Cato scholars Veronique de Rugy and Tad DeHaven argue that the SBA is an unneeded agency that should be terminated to reduce the deficit and end business favoritism.

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Daily Podcast
Mark A. Calabria - One Cost of Bank Regulation


Climate CoupClimate Coup
A first-rate team of experts offers compelling documentation on the pervasive influence global warming alarmism now has on almost every aspect of our society--from national defense, law, trade, and politics to health, education, and international development.

Schools for MisruleSchools for Misrule
This new book reveals how our nation's law schools have become a hatchery of bad ideas, many of which confer power and status on the schools' graduates and faculty, as law comes to pervade more areas of life.

The False Promise of Green EnergyThe False Promise of Green Energy
Offers an outstanding, nearly unprecedented evaluation of claims by green energy and green jobs proponents that we can improve the economy and the environment, almost risk free, by spending billions of dollars on what are ultimately false promises.


Government FailureGovernment Failure
Politicians often cite 'market failure' as justification for meddling with the economy, but this classic book shows how government 'cures' often cause more harm than good.