- published: 17 Nov 2020
- views: 93
Mekhilta (Hebrew: middah) is a rule of scriptural exegesis in Judaism, attributed to or written by any of several authors. The Mekhilta include:
When a mekhilta is seen as binding, it is described as a midrash halakha.
Rabbi Haim Ovadia
Beresheet= Genesis. Shemot= Exodus. Vayikra= Leviticus. Bamidbar= Numbers. Devarim= Deuteronomy.
In the 2nd of the series of 4 episodes, Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis discusses Mechilta de Rabi Ishmael, and its discussion of whether G-d is a god of war.
Music Port - non-profit organization of independent Israeli musicians aimed to promote mobility & promotion of Israeli musicians abroad http://musicport.org.il ~~ RABBI EYAL SAID MANI - Music Port presentation ~~ https://www.facebook.com/MekhiltaEnsemble/ Directed by Hely Dangur Filmed & Edited by Eastside studio Content editor - Talya G.A Solan PR and marketing manager - Danielle Bronstein מיוזיק פורט - ת.ז הרב אייל סעיד מאני, אנסמבל מכילתא בימוי: חלי דן גור עריכה וצילום:Eastside studio עריכת תוכן: טליה ג. סולאן יח״צ ושיווק: דניאל ברונשטיין
אייל סעיד מאני ואנסמבל מכילתא הופעה בתיאטרון ענבל, סוזן דלל, תל אביב, 29.05.2014 Eyal Sae'ed Mani and Mekhilta Ensemble A concert in Inbal theatre, Tel Aviv, 29 of May 2014
Episode 17 - http://www.matsati.com Yeshua saying “the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath” The phrase, “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath,” appears in the rabbinic literature of the Talmud (Mekilta 103b, Yoma 85b). This statement was a teaching by many Rabbinical scholars of Yeshua's day. The Pharisaic School of Hillel was famous for that quote. Yeshua was not saying anything new, unique, or separate from the Judaism of his day! He was in fact upholding the teachings of Judaism.
Provided to YouTube by NMC United Entertainment Ltd רגע ביחד · Eyal Saeed Mani · Mekhilta Ensemble Baba Joon ℗ 2015 NMC United Entertainment Ltd. Released on: 2015-01-01 Music Publisher: Copyright Control Composer: Eyal Mani Auto-generated by YouTube.
Unveiling the Hidden Legacy: Moses Calls to Joseph's Bones on the Nile River | A Remarkable Story Revealed! Source: https://www.sefaria.org/Mekhilta_DeRabbi_Yishmael%2C_Tractate_Vayehi_Beshalach.1.9?lang=bi&with;=all&lang2;=en
Mekhilta (Hebrew: middah) is a rule of scriptural exegesis in Judaism, attributed to or written by any of several authors. The Mekhilta include:
When a mekhilta is seen as binding, it is described as a midrash halakha.
Girl I know you think thats its me you hurtin
by denying me the right, to take part in his life, that aint fair to him and it just aint right.
And I know you think that I dont deserve it, but for our child sake, dont make this mistake, dont make him choose between us
(Remember the words that I told you he's resent you when he's older)
And trust me you dont want that kinda pain No....
(He's apart of me that you know you cant deny and baby no matter how hard you try)
and when you look at him you'll se me in his eyes.
It may seem right, but soon you'll find out, just who your hurtin baby, now let me see my child,
before its too late, his heart fills with hate, but we've got to work it out, now let me see my child.
You cant tell me he dont ever asked about me, can you tell him the truth, about me and you,
or will you tell lies cause it easy to do. You have to know this is not a game, cause I'm to stay, this child bears my name,
My blood runs through his veins ... so swallow you pride, he needs me in his life
(I'm hurting every bit as much is you, so just try to put yourself in my shoes) cause if you were me what would you do.
It may seem right now, but soon you'll find out, just who your hurtin baby, now let me see my child,
before it's too late, his heart fills with hate, we've got to work it out, now let me see my child.
Now I know we both have regrets, for the sake of that boy, thats forgive and forget,
And I know that it easier to fight, but just look at him, you have to see the thing we did right
It may seem right now, but soon you'll find out just who your hurting baby, now let me see my, child...let me see my, child.....
I've got to see my, child... your hurtin him, your hurtin him, child...he needs me in his life, child...