Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Re-Run: "Cracking the Corporate Code"

A blast from my somewhat recent past:

Shunryu Suzuki sez: “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”

Cracking the Corporate Code


Another of my recent photos:

Three little birds


Poem: “haiku sole"

Posted on 08/10 at 04:02 AM
(4) CommentsPermalink

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Global Self-Defense

Being nice has gotten us undrinkable water, polluted air, and often inedible food. Being nice has us believing that coal is clean, nukes are green, and climate change can be reversed by switching to recycled toilet paper. It’s time to not be nice…and that means keeping your toolbox full.


Let’s say you’re a handy man/woman/human and you get hired for a job. I’m guessing you’d bring your full toolbox to the worksite. After all, you can never be sure what might pop up and what tools you’ll need. In other words, if you have a job to do, it would be illogical to decide beforehand that certain tools are off limits. Keep all your tools at your disposal—even if some remain untouched—just in case.

Read my latest article here


Another of my recent photos:

Buckminster Fuller sez: “There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly."


Poem: “lunar haiku"

Posted on 08/07 at 02:59 PM
(11) CommentsPermalink

Friday, August 05, 2011

Changing the climate…of denial

Let’s pretend either of these statements is true:

*Global warming is a hoax
*Humans are not responsible for climate change

Well, guess what? It wouldn’t at all change the primary mission of dark green activists across the globe: stopping ecocide. Climate change, of course, connects to many of the other pressing environmental problems but our shared eco-system would be in serious peril even if the climate deniers miraculously turned out to be correct.

Read my latest article here


Another of my recent photos:

Your typical human being is 66% water


Poem: “joe from maine’s haiku"

Posted on 08/05 at 04:19 AM
(8) CommentsPermalink
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