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Tips to save fuel

  • By Carsguide team
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You can save fuel costs by choosing a fuel-efficient car and being responsible about how you use it.

Follow these easy tips to help reduce your cars environmental impact:

  • Ensure your car is tuned and serviced regularly. The worst polluters on our roads tend to be old cars. If you do drive an older car, help the environment by making sure it is tuned according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Reduce your speed. Driving more slowly reduces fuel consumption. In fact, travelling at 110kph uses up to 25% more fuel than cruising at 90kph. For city driving, 60km/h is the most fuel efficient speed.
  • Drive smoothly. Avoid hard accelerating and heavy braking as it uses up a lot more fuel.
  • Travel lightly and remove unnecessary items from your car to reduce weight - those golf clubs in the back and the surfboard on the roof create extra load and reduce aerodynamics. This will improve your fuel consumption and reduce emissions.
  • Make sure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure, as soft tyres cause higher fuel consumption.
  • Filling up past the first click of the fuel nozzle means that fuel can be lost through the overflow pipe when you accelerate or go around corners.
  • Consider how much you use your air conditioner - it can use up to 10% extra fuel.
  • Avoid peak-hour. If traffic is stationary, switch off the engine, even if you stop for a short time. Idling wastes fuel.
  • Car-pool wherever possible, use public transport or ride a bicycle.
  • Motorbikes and powered scooters are a very fuel-efficient form of transport, with reduced environmental impact.

Comments on this story

Displaying 3 of 21 comments

  • Everything is looking great. Thanks for the information!

    Aaron Lending of US Posted on 05 August 2011 11:37am
  • Make sure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure, as soft tyres cause higher fuel consumption.

    Even better, consider getting nitro put into your tyres as it keeps them inflated longer

    Sarah of Brisbane Posted on 22 March 2011 1:33pm
  • I removed approx 8 kgs of ‘stuff’’ that I have in my boot to remove unnecessary items from my car to reduce weight and improved fuel consumption by 11%. The irony is that this puts approx 28 dollars back in my pocket a month.

    Jeff Stone of Umina 2257 Posted on 30 January 2011 7:48am
  • So you can lose fuel through the overflow pipe on corners can you? (Refer to the sixth dot point). It makes a mockery of the sealed system which apparently collects even the fumes from the tank for use in the motor at a later time. I think those responsible for emissions control would be very concerned to read this, if it were actually true. This advice in fact I beleive only applies to much older cars which ran an open system with a breather into the atmosphere. If fuel can come out, so can fumes.

    Vlad Kowal of Melbourne Posted on 11 January 2011 2:28pm
  • It goes against the convention, but my new Lancer seems to be more economical with the Air Conditioning on according to the distance to empty gauge. Weird

    The Masked Commenter of Brisbane Posted on 10 January 2011 10:41am
  • Seems to me the article provides options to reduce fuel consumption , if driving slower is a cost saving opportunity it may be worth the effort to pick up the savings if as suggested you can save 25% on fuel that equates to 25cents in every dollar add this to the Coles current programs of 8cents a litre saving and an additional 4cents if you use a Coles source card to effect you can reduce the price per litre by 43cents primarily by slowing the highway speed , perhaps this is a no brainer

    phillip peters of sale Posted on 25 November 2010 6:04pm
  • David, All cars are a little different but I know that my car (04 Kluger) saves little at 90km vs 110km in Litres per km.  My Ute that revs really high at 110km may well be different but I believe the 25% more fuel figure is a worse case not the average in today’s cars.

    M Sturre of Vic Posted on 10 October 2010 8:25pm
  • Mathew, at 90km/h your car uses 25% less fuel to travel the same distance. So if time is not of great importance it will save you plenty of money.

    David Punch of NSW Posted on 05 October 2010 7:39pm
  • “110kph uses up to 25% more fuel than cruising at 90kph”
    110kph is also 22% faster than 90kph.  Statistics you’ve got to love them.  Just one look at your trip computer can tell you that this statistic is pointless.

    Mathew Sturre of Traralgon Posted on 26 August 2010 10:12pm
  • Best way to save fuel…stay at home…keep Australia beautiful!

    Jack Posted on 25 August 2010 8:26am
  • Driving slowly only works up to a point… for example 60kmh will be more economical that 30 kmh in 2nd gear… Reduce usage of the airconditioner (buy a white car) and keep the windows wound up to improve aerodynamics. Perhaps use Octane boosters if your engine has a knock sensor that advances the timing.

    Rowan Parmiter of Belrose NSW Posted on 24 August 2010 2:59pm
  • Another way to save money at the petrol station would be to NOT BUY USELESS JUNK FOOD. It amazes me how people go on and on about fuel costs and then precede to buy preposterously over-priced garbage that they don’t really want, or, really need.

    Lead-Foot Larry Posted on 19 August 2010 5:22pm
  • Following on from Steven of Perth. In the 3 years I’ve ridden my 125cc scooter, fuel economy has been best at 50-70kph and 30% worse than that at 95kph. As for bad drivers,  yes I’ve had 4 close calls with lazy lane changers but were always able to manouver to escape in a way impossible with a car.

    JamesC of Perth Posted on 14 August 2010 10:55pm
  • “Filling up past the first click of the fuel nozzle means that fuel can be lost through the overflow pipe when you accelerate or go around corners.”  When was the last time you saw fuel pouring out of a car when going around a corner?

    Big Jim of Long Gully Posted on 14 August 2010 7:56pm
  • My scooter uses more fuel doing 70km/h then doing 85km/h. This is because at 85 im in top end power-band, meaning more power, less throttle. Also if anyone has been on a motorbike/scooter, you would know how suicidal it is with other inconsiderate road users. Buses, trucks, and ethnic drivers are the ones that have nearly caused me to get knocked off, I know i’ve been lucky, but my luck I feel is running out.

    Steven of Perth Posted on 10 August 2010 10:47pm
  • Hmm… it would appear that I’m not the first to not see the value of this article. As Shadow said, the car’s “comfortable” zone/most fuel efficient speed varies from car to car. For example, my little Eunos coupe is best between 60 and 70, while my brother-in-law’s Commodore is only doing 1800rpm at 100 km/h in 5th, making 100 more fuel efficient than 60 in 3rd or 4th.
    Also, there are reasons that people don’t use public transport or scooters/motorbikes to “save fuel”. For example, as Krzystoff said, when riding a bike/scooter, the impact on trees/cars/the ground when the inevitable crash occurs is much less. Every biker I know has had at least 1 accident,. myself included, most of which result in a trip to the hospital. Also, riding in the rain…. no thanks.
    As for public transport… well, if I were to use public transport to commute to work, it would take me over 60 mins, as opposed to the 20-25 mins it usually takes me.
    Basically, this article provided no new accurate information. Whoever wrote it had better only be learning…

    mate of Perth Posted on 20 July 2010 2:53pm
  • Who would have guessed? Car pooling, public transport and riding a bicycle can SAVE FUEL!?!  that’s truly amazing insight… I once read that walking can save fuel too, but that just silliness. Motorbikes… reduce your impact on the environment, and let us not forget they also reduce your impact on trees and parked cars, when you have that inevitable life-changing collision.

    krzystoff of melbourne Posted on 16 July 2010 10:46pm
  • The average speed for fuel efficiency quoted in the story is not entirely accurate. That is really car dependent. Some cars actually have an efficient speed closer to 60-70kms (if its a city designed car) and some larger capacity engine cars with go COD figures enjoy 100km plus speeds as optimum.
    Also the comment of idling vs restart works for newer cars quite well however some large capacity engines and old carbied cars will use more fuel restarting.
    Then there is the Aircon. How old is the car you are basing that off for the comment? In heavy traffic windows is better, at 60 air con in a modern car is more efficient then open windows.
    It really comes down to how well do you know the car you are driving.

    Shaddow of Newcastle Posted on 14 July 2010 10:28pm
  • I have recently purchased a 1996 Range Rover for the sole purpose of going off-road and exploring this great country.  Even though these vehicles a extremely heavy on the fuel of around 15L/100km, i did find that smoother acceleration and going with the traffic flow rather makes a huge different.  Using the cruise control on open highways can also assist as the vehicle only accelerates and de-accelerates enough to keep the selected speed.  i managed to consume an average of 13L/100km with combined city and highway.  Not bad a British car that normally like a drink or two.

    Andrew Kimmer of Langwarrin, Melbourne, Victoria Posted on 12 July 2010 6:09pm
  • WOW i never would have guessed. These bright sparks tell us to buy ” fuel efficient cars” DER!

    PR of Perth Posted on 08 July 2010 5:58pm
  • Here is food for thoughts. I myself looked for better ways to reduce my fuel
    consumption with my current car(a 2003 Town and Country Mini Van 3.8l) from
    Chrysler. After visiting several web sites like I learned the
    “How To” save gas without buying a new car with a high gas mileage. However,
    since I am an animal of habits (bad ones as far as driving habits) I found
    it boring and stressful to follow the suggestions to reduce my fuel
    consumption, until I visited

    I got their free e-book, decided to try it. O Boy!!!! did I stumble on a
    good thing…. I now average a 40% gas savings     and it is fun to do, my
    grand kids also participate when I drive them around..

    Fanfan la tulipe Posted on 20 May 2008 6:24am
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