Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Indochine (Coming Soon/Pronto)

Indochine is a French new wave/rock band formed in 1981. Original members were: the only remaining member, Nicola Sirkis, who later officially joined the band (vocals, guitars, and harmonica), his twin brother, Stéphane (guitar and keyboards), Dominique Nicolas (guitar), and Dimitri Bodianski, who was later added as the band's official line-up (saxophone). They gave their first concert at Le Rose Bonbon, a café in Paris on 29 September 1981. This brief performance on stage earned them their first contract with a record company. They recorded their first single in November 1981. It included two songs, Dizzidence Politik and Françoise, but drew more attention from critics than from the mainstream media and only reached a limited audience. Soon thereafter, in 1982, they released their first album, L'Aventurier, which sold more than 250, 000 copies in France. The album was well received by the press and by an emerging new wave audience. They continued releasing albums, achieving success in Scandinavia, Canada, and even in Latin America, especially in Peru. In 1990, Fans were shocked to discover that Dimitri Bodianski was no longer part of the group, having decided to leave the band in January 1989 . His departure can be attributed to a number of reasons. First of all, Indochine’s sound had evolved over the years and Dimitri found he had less and less to do as a saxophonist. He was also feeling pressure at home having recently become a father. All this contributed to tension between him and the rest of the band. Dimitri remains a much loved member of the original Indochine line-up and since his departure has guest starred with the band on stage. Also, in 1999 a tragedy occurred in the band when Stéphane Sirkis guitarist, keyboardist and Nicola's twin brother, died at the age of 39 of hepatitis. He had requested that the band continue after his death. The band kept their word when they continued releasing albums only that this time around with a different line-up. This consists of: founding member, vocalist and guitarist, Nicola Sirkis, Marc Eliard (bass player), Boris Jardel (guitarist), Mr. Shoes (François Soulier) (drummer), François Matuszenski (Matu) (keyboardist), and Oli de Sat (Olivier Gérard) (keyboardist and guitarist). The band has sold over 10 million albums and singles, making them the best selling French band.The band is currently celebrating their 30th anniversary and hopefully with more top-notch music, for what they're known for.

L'Aventurier (The Adventurer) (1982)

L'Aventurier is Indochine's debut album, released on November 15, 1982. When they recorded the album they already had written 5 demos, plus the already newly recorded, Dizzidence Politik, all of which they ultimately decided to record for real. This made the mini-album to contain 6 tracks. However, a first mixing of the album met with insatisfaction from the band, so they decided to record the album at the famous London studio, Red Bus. This album also contains their cover version of Jacques Dutronc's 1968 hit, L'Opportuniste (The Opportunist). The album has sold more than 250,000 copies in France. The album charted to #7 in France and #50 in Sweden. The following singles were released: Dizzidence Politik and L'Aventurier (#1 France, #12 Belgium).


1-) L'Aventurier. (The Adventurer).
2-) L'Opportuniste. (The Opportuniste).
3-) Leila.
4-) Docteur Love. (Doctor Love).
5-) Indochine (Les 7 Jours de Pékin). (Indochine (The 7 Days of Pekin).
6-) Dizzidence Politik. (Political Dissidence).
7-) Françoise (Qu'est-ce qui T'as Pris?). (Françoise (What Did you Take?).

Le Péril Jaune (The Yellow Danger)

Le Péril Jaune is Indochine's second studio album, released on November 28, 1983. Some of the album's backing tracks suffer of careless mixing due to the repeated failed attempts of the digital console and the denial of giving more time to mixe them more carefully. Once again, this album makes references to the Oriental culture but this time the band incorporated more in their lyrics Asian cinematography, giving the songs more of a visual impact. For example, Razzia sur la Chnouf in the track Razzia; Mount Krakatoa in A L'Est de Java. The drawn geisha in the album cover would later come and play an important role for the tour promotion, also appearing in t-shirts and badges. The album charted to #12 in France, selling 225, 000 copies there and charted to #9 in Sweden. The following singles were released: Miss Paramount (#9 France, #26 Belgium) and Kao-Bang (#24 France, #9 Sweden).


1-) Le Péril Jaune (Ouverture). (The Yellow Danger) (Opening).
2-) La Sécheresse du Mecong. (The Drought of the Mecong).
3-) Razzia.
4-) Pavillon Rouge. (Red Pavillion).
5-) Okinawa.
6-) Tonkin.
7-) Miss Paramount.
8-) Shanghai.
9-) Kao-Bang.
10-) A L'Est de Java. (To the East of Java).
11-) Le Péril Jaune (Fermeture). (The Yellow Danger) (Closure).

3 (1985)

3 is Indochine's third studio album, released on May 10, 1985. This album marks the beginning of the band's maturing sound in their music and as the first signal of their musical evolution. In terms of popular success, this album is the band's zenith, having all generations chanting in unison the names of the key titles of the album, such as 3ème Sexe, which would receive a lot of attention because it's an anthem about tolerating the way you dress and of sexual diversity. Canary Bay is about lesbianism dealt with in a subtle way. 3 Nuits Par Semaine is directly based on Marguerite Duras's novel, The Lover, which is strong in its erotic demeanor. The name of the album was chosen because of the religion meaning the number 3 holds. There are several tracks and references of its title. For instance, 3ème Sexe, 3 Nuits Par Semaine. The number of tracks which this album contain, 9, is a multiple of 3. Tes Yeux Noirs is about breaking up and wishing to love someone else. This album has sold 825, 000 copies in France. This album charted to #2 in France and #9 in Sweden. The following singles were released: Canary Bay (#12 France, #16 Belgium), 3ème Sexe (#1 France, #3 Belgium), and Tes Yeux Noirs (#3 France, #8 Belgium).


1-) 3ème Sexe (The Third Sex).
2-) Canary Bay.
3-) Monte Cristo.
4-) Salombo.
5-) Hors-La-Loi. (Outside the Law).
6-) A L'Assaut (Des Ombres Sur L'O). (To The Search (The Shadows over the O).
7-) 3 Nuits Par Semaine. (3 Nights per Week).
8-) Le Train Sauvage. (The Wild Train).
9-) Tes Yeux Noirs. (Your Black Eyes).

Indochine Au Zenith (Indochine at the Zenith) (1986)

Indochine Au Zénith is Indochine's first live album, released on October 4, 1986. The concert was recorded on March, 1986, which was the sold-out live gig that the group did, to celebrate the band's 5th anniversary. It's a living proof that the band received more than 150,000 spectators in 55 dates between December 15, 1985 and July 30, 1986. The CD version of this album includes two bonus tracks: A L'Est De Java and Tes Yeux Noirs, only track recorded during the band's summer tour and not from their Zénith date. The opening track is a cover of the music taken from the movie How the West Was Won by Henry Hathaway, John Ford, and George Marshall, released in 1962. The album has sold more than 350, 000 copies in France. The album reached to #7 in France and #1 in Peru. Only one single was taken from this album and it was the live version of A L'Assaut (Des Ombres Sur L'O).


1-) Ouverture (La Conquete de L'Ouest).
2-) A L'Assaut (Des Ombres Sur L'O).
3-) Canary Bay.
4-) L'Opportuniste.
5-) 3ème Sexe.
6-) L'Aventurier.
7-) A L'Est de Java.
8-) Salombo.
9-) Miss Paramount.
10-) 3 Nuits Par Semaine.
11-) Kao-Bang.
12-) Dizzidence Politik.
13-) Tes Yeux Noirs.

7000 Danses (7000 Dances) (1987)

7000 Danses is Indochine's fourth studio album, released on October 12, 1987. The recording of the album took place in February 1987 at Studio Miraval and its recording continued at Air Studio in the Caribbean island of Montserrat. It later continued at Red Bus studios in London in June, 1987. During this time, the band received pressure from the media and they were forced to release a new single, even though they had few completed song at that time. They released Les Tzars, with cool reception from Télé Poche magazine who said that the single was of medium quality. Also, the band was attacked because, according to the media, they were a bad copy of The Cure. Nonetheless, the album marked a successful evolution as it showed their first significant shift in their career. The album cover is a perfect example. It's a picture of Masahisa Fukase called Ravens and it was put against a dark background which sets the mood of the album. Left behind were the bright colors and references to the Orient. What surprises the listener the most is the crude sound of the album, as it is more rock but it possesses rich arrangements and a production worthy of international releases, as the drums substitute music boxes. This album was a breath of fresh air for the band. The album sold 350, 000 copies in France. The album charted to #5 in France. It spawned the following singles: Les Tzars (#1 France, #4 Belgium), La Machine à Rattraper les Temps (#49 France), and La Chevauchée des Champs de Blé (#81 France).


1-) La Buddha Affaire. (The Buddha Affair).
2-) Les Citadelles. (The Citadels).
3-) La Chevauchée des Champs de Blé. (The Cavalcades of the Wheat Fields).
4-) Il y a un Risque (Le Mépris). (There is a Risk) (The Contempt).
5-) Les Tzars. (The Czars).
6-) La Machine à Rattraper les Temps. (The Machine to Recapture Time).
7-) Un Grand Carnival. (A Great Carnival).
8-) 7000 Danses. (7000 Dances).
9-) Une Maison Perdue. (A Lost House).

Le Baiser (The Kiss) (1990)

Le Baiser is Indochine's fifth studio album, released on February 5, 1990. This is the first album after Dimitri Bodianski's --the saxophone player-- departure from the band. After the exhausting year they had in 1988, the band decided to take a break for a few months. Later, in 1989, the band set ground on what they wanted for their next album. They recruited Philippe Eidel, which was their producer for their 3 album. He found out that the band wanted a much more reduced use of machines to make space for a more acoustic sound. The band uses little known musical instruments such as the Santour and the Kemantche (Iranian musical instruments). In regards of lyrics, Nicola Sirkis --whose voice had matured-- was heavily influenced by J.D. Salinger, Man Ray and Blaise Cendrars, as well as making references to his own personal experience in a very personal and intimate level, in regards of break-ups. Gérard Bar-David, from the Best journal, notices the effective recapture, simplicity, emotion, and musical eclecticticism of the album. This album sold 250, 000 copies in France. The album charted to #9 in France. It spawned the following singles: Le Baiser (#23 France, #18 Belgium), Des Fleurs Pour Salinger (#3 France, #1 Belgium), and Punishment Park (#34 France).


1-) Le Baiser. (The Kiss).
2-) Des Fleurs Pour Salinger. (Flowers for Salinger).
3-) More…
4-) Alertez Managua. (Alert, Managua).
5-) Les Années Bazar. (The Bazar Years).
6-) Punishment Park.
7-) Soudain L'Été Dernier, Je Suppose. (Suddenly Last Autumn, I Suppose).
8-) Les Plus Mauvaises Nuits. (The Worst Nights).
9-) Persane Thème. (Persian Theme).
10-) Tant de Poussière. (So Much Dust).
11-) La Colline des Roses. (The Hill of Roses).

Un Jour Dans Notre Vie (A Day in our Life) (1993)

Un Jour Dans Notre Vie is Indochine's sixth studio album, released on November 22, 1993. After the release of their 10th anniversary album, The Birthday Album, the band decides to return to the studio. They returned to the Miraval Studio, where they recorded the 7000 Danses album in 1987. When the time to choose a producer came, tensions arose within the band. Nicola Sirkis wanted a cruder sound while Dominique Nicolas prefers to work once again with producer Philippe Edel, who had been working with the band for the past decade. Nicola Sirkis has the last say, ultimately. Even if the production and some of the tracks were not unanimous, this album contains some of Dominique Nicolas best compositions: La Main sur Vous, Un Jour Dans Notre Vie, Vietnam Glam or still Savoure le Rouge with its catchy guitar riff and its sensual lyrics inspired by painter Egon Schiele. The album sold 90, 000 copies in France. The following singles were released: Savoure le Rouge, Un Jour Dans Notre Vie (#51 France), and Sur les Toits du Monde (as a promo-only single).


1-) Savoure le Rouge. (Taste the Red).
2-) Sur les Toits du Monde. (Over the World's Rooftops).
3-) Un Jour dans Notre Vie. (A Day in Our Life).
4-) Anne et Moi. (Anne and Me).
5-) La Main sur Vous. (The Hand over You).
6-) Some Days.
7-) Bienvenue chez les Nus. (Welcome to the Wastelands).
8-) D'ici Mon Amour. (From Here My Love).
9-) Candy Prend Son Fusil. (Candy Takes Her Rifle).
10-) Ultra S.
11-) Vietnam Glam.
12-) Crystal Song Telegram.

Wax (1996)

Wax is Indochine's seventh studio album, released on November 4, 1996. This album was produced by Jean-Pierre and Alexandre Azaria under BMG Records. This album was the first one done without guitarist Dominique Nicolas. It has been the lowest in sales and has also been criticized and ridiculed by the media, claiminig that this album was the death of Indochine. Ironically, this album is the one that will mark the start of the resurrection of the band. This album has sold 100, 000 copies in France. The following singles were released: Kissing My Song (#73 France), Drugstar (#42 France), Je n'embrasse pas and Satellite.


1-) Unisexe (Unisex).
2-) Révolution (Revolution).
3-) Drugstar.
4-) Je n'embrasse pas. (I Don't Hug).
5-) Coma, Coma, Coma.
6-) Echo-Ruby.
7-) Les Silences de Juliette (Juliette's Silences).
8-) Satellite.
9-) Mire (Live) (Objective).
10-) Ce Soir, Le Ciel (Tonight, the Sky).
11-) Kissing My Song.
12-) L'Amoureuse (The Loving One).
13-) Peter Pan.

Dancetaria (1999)

Dancetaria is Indochine's eighth studio album, released on August 24, 1999. This album was released following Stéphane Sirkis's death on February 27, 1999. 4 of the songs on the album include guitar riffs composed by Stéphane himself, shortly before his death. Oliver Gérard, better known as Oli de Sat, made the first arrangements. This album is called as Pop Glam Rock by Nicola Sirkis. The album has sold 100, 000 copies in France. It peaked to #14 in France and #7 in Belgium. The following singles were released: Juste Toi et Moi (#56 France, #37 Belgium), Stef II, Atomic Sky (released in Belgium only, #39 Belgium), Dancetaria (released as a promo-only single), and Justine (#20 France, #14 Belgium).


1-) Dancetaria.
2-) Juste Toi et Moi. (Only You and Me).
3-) Manifesto (Les Divisions de la Joie). (Manifesto (The Divisions of Joy).
4-) Justine.
5-) Atomic Sky.
6-) Rose Song.
7-) Stef II.
8-) She Night.
9-) Venus.
10-) Astroboy.
11-) Halleluya. (Hallelujah).
12-) Le Message. (The Message).

Paradize (2002)

Paradize is Indochine's ninth studio album, released on March 12, 2002. This album is considered as the revival of Indochine. It made the group renew success after a difficult period in the 90's. The songs on the album have a more rock sound than in the previous albums thanks to Oli de Sat, the band's new composer, guitarist and arranger. He has cited Placebo, Marilyn Manson, and Nine Inch Nails as some of his musical influences. At the same time, the British producer Gareth Jones (frequent producer for Depeche Mode and Erasure), injected in this album a range of highly specialized electronic arrangements, helping to put the group up to date. Nicola Sirkis explores the same themes for his lyrics: Sex (Punker, Marilyn, Paradize, Le Grand Secret), religion (Like a Monster, Dark), the adolescent discomfort (Comateen I, Le Manoir, Mao Boy!), or the death of his twin brother Stéphane Sirkis (Electrastar). The single, J'ai Demandé à La Lune has become one of the group's most legendary songs of their entire career. The album has sold 1,200,000 copies in France, making this album their best selling one of all time. It reached #2 in France and #1 in Belgium. This album spawned the following singles: Punker (#67 France), J'ai Demandé à La Lune (#1 France, #1 Belgium, #14 Sweden), Mao Boy! (#8 France, #20 Belgium), Le Grand Secret (#6 France, #5 Belgium), Marilyn (#5 France, #8 Belgium), and Un Singe en Hiver (#19 France, #15 Belgium).


1-) Paradize. (Paradise).
2-) Electrastar.
3-) Punker.
4-) Mao Boy!
5-) J'ai Demandé à La Lune (I Asked the Moon).
6-) Dunkerque.
7-) Like a Monster.
8-) Le Grand Secret (ft. Melissa Auf der Maur) (The Big Secret).
9-) La Nuit des Fées (The Night of the Fairies).
10-) Marilyn.
11-) Le Manoir (The Manor).
12-) Popstitute.
13-) Dark.
14-) Comateen I.
15-) Un Singe en Hiver (A Monkey in Winter).

Alice & June (2005)

Alice & June is Indochine's tenth studio album, released on December 19, 2005. After the success of their previous album, Paradize, the band isolated themselves in order to record what would be Alice & June. As with Paradize, this album was composed of many collaborations such as Brian Molko, AqME, and Wampas. The album has sold 450, 000 copies in France. It reached to #1 in France and in Belgium. It spawned the following singles: Alice & June (#1 France, #2 Belgium), Lady Boy (#9 France, #5 Belgium), Adora (#10 France, #34 Belgium), and Pink Water 3 (as a promo-only single).


CD 1:

1-) La Promesse. (The Promise).
2-) Les Portes du Soir. (The Doors of Night).
3-) Alice & June.
4-) Gang Bang.
5-) Ladyboy.
6-) Black Page.
7-) Pink Water 3 (ft. Brian Molko).
8-) Adora.
9-) Un Homme dans la Bouche. (A Man in the Mouth).
10-) Vibrator.
11-) Ceremonia.

CD 2:

1-) Le Pacte. (The Pact).
2-) June.
3-) Sweet Dreams.
4-) Belle et Sebastiane. (Belle and Sebastiane).
5-) Crash Me.
6-) Aujourd'hui Je Pleure. (Today I Cry).
7-) Harry Poppers.
8-) Talulla.
9-) Morphine.
10-) Starlight.

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La République des Meteors (The Republic of Meteors) (2009)

La République des Meteors is Indochine's eleventh and so far last studio album, released on March 9, 2009. The album has as a theme the one of absence, whether it was because of a death or a separation. Nicola Sirkis found inspiration in the writings of Apollinaire and the letters that the young soldiers sent to their families in World War I. The clips of two tracks of the album are explicit. The video for the song Little Dolls shows archival footage of the two World Wars and the video for Le Lac shows Nicola Sirkis wearing the uniform of a soldier of the Great War. The album has sold 300, 000 copies in France. It charted to #2 in France and in Belgium. The following singles were released: Little Dolls (#7 France, #1 Belgium), Play Boy (#7 France, #18 Belgium), Le Lac (#11 France, #5 Belgium), Un Ange á Ma Table (#5 France, #17 Belgium), et Le Dernier Jour.


1-) Republika Meteor Overture. (Meteor Republic Overture).
2-) Go, Rimbaud, Go!
3-) Junior Song.
4-) Little Dolls.
5-) Le Grand Soir. (The Big Night).
6-) Un Ange à Ma Table (ft. Suzanne Combeaud). (An Angel at My Table).
7-) La Lettre de Métal. (The Metal Letter).
8-) Le Lac. (The Lake).
9-) Republika.
10-) Play Boy.
11-) L World.
12-) Je t'aime Tant. (I Love You So Much).
13-) Bye Bye Valentine.
14-) Les Aubes Sont Mortes. (The Blades Are Dead).
15-) Union War.
16-) Le Dernier Jour. (The Last Day).

Putain de Stade (The Stadium's Whore) (2011)

Putain de Stade is a live album by Indochine, released on January 17, 2011. This was extracted from a concert which took place at the Stade de France on June 26, 2010. This was also released in DVD form. Its release coincides with the 30th anniversary of the band and this live album is a walk down memory lane of their career. The album charted to #2 in France. One single was released and that was Alice & June but as a promo-only single.


CD 1:

1-) Meteor Overture.
2-) Go, Rimbaud, Go!
3-) Marilyn.
4-) Little Dolls.
5-) Play Boy.
6-) Punker.
7-) Drugstar.
8-) Miss Paramount.
9-) Le Lac.
10-) J'ai Demandé à La Lune.
11-) Atomic Sky.
12-) 3ème Sexe.
13-) Tes Yeux Noirs.
14-) Un Ange à Ma Table.
15-) Alice & June.
16-) Popstitute.

CD 2:

1-) Club Meteor.
2-) Le Baiser.
3-) 3 Nuits Par Semaine.
4-) Le Grand Soir.
5-) Salombo.
6-) Monte Cristo.
7-) Kao-Bang.
8-) She Night.
9-) Electrastar.
10-) Soulwax.
11-) La Lettre de Métal.
12-) Intro L'Aventurier.
13-) L'Aventurier.
14-) Le Dernier Jour.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Bangles/Susanna Hoffs

The Bangles

The Bangles is an all-female band that originated from Los Angeles, California in 1980. Original members were singer and rhythm guitarist Susanna Hoffs, lead guitarist and vocalist Vicki Peterson, drummer and vocalist Debbi Peterson and bassist. As a trio the band was named The Colours, then The Supersonic Bangs and later on just as The Bangs. The band was part of the Los Angeles Paisley Underground scene, which featured groups that played a mixture of 1960s-influenced folk-rock and jangle pop with a more modern punk–ish/garage band undertone. In 1981, the threesome recorded and released a single ("Getting Out Of Hand" b/w "Call on Me") on DownKiddie Records (their own label). In 1982, Susanna Hoffs asked long time friend Patrick Hirtz to manage the new band until his departure in 1986 to pursue a career in the culinary arts. The trio was signed to Faulty Products, a label formed by Miles Copeland. Later the vocalist Annette Zilinskas joined the group, who was later replaced by Michael Steele (from The Runaways fame). A legal issue forced the band to change their name at the last minute so they dropped "The" and added the letters "les" to the end to become Bangles. Then in 1984 the band released their first album, All Over the Place in 1984 and they received more notoriety due to the fact that they were opening acts for Cyndi Lauper for her Fun Tour and also for Huey Lewis & The News. This helped attracting Prince, who wrote their first hit, Manic Monday. When they released their second album, Different Light, friction arose within the band after the music media industry began to single out Susanna Hoffs as the lead singer of the group, a result of Columbia Records releasing mostly singles on which Hoffs sang lead vocal. In fact, singing duties on the group's albums were evenly divided among all of the band's members, all of who wrote or co-wrote their songs. After the release of their third album, Everything, each of the band members went on separate ways causing the band to break up. Susanna Hoffs started her solo career. Vicki Peterson joined and contributed songs to the New Orleans band the Continental Drifters, which received rave reviews. Debbie Peterson had a short-lived career with Siobhan Maher under the name of Kindred Spirit, while Steele lived in semi-retirement in California. The band started their reunion in 1998 and officially re-formed to record a song for the soundtrack of Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, at the behest of the film's director (and Hoffs' husband) Jay Roach. The song chosen for the album was "Get The Girl" and was released in 1999. In 2003, they released their long-awaited fourth album, Doll Revolution and in 2005 the Bangles announced the departure of Michael Steele. Steele was replaced by Abby Travis for live appearances, but Travis is not an official member of the group. In the spring of 2009, the Bangles returned to the studio to begin work on a new album. During an interview with Music Geek Media in May 2009, Debbi Peterson indicated that the album was in the early stages of production.

Bangles EP (1982)

Bangles EP is The Bangles' EP released in June, 1982. it was released in 1982 by Faulty Products and reissued in 1983 by I.R.S. Records when Faulty Products went out of business. This is the only official release which involved original bassist, Annette Zilinskas. The only single taken from this EP was The Real World, which didn't make it into the charts.


1-) The Real World.
2-) I'm in Line.
3-) Want You.
4-) Mary Street.
5-) How Is the Air Up There?

All Over the Place (1984)

All Over the Place is The Bangles' first studio album, released in May, 1984 by Columbia Records. the sound is lively and shows more Bangles collaboration and less keyboard overdubs that were used later on their more commercially successful albums. This album gave them the chance to perform as an opening act for Cyndi Lauper and Huey Lewis and the News and brought the group to the attention of Prince, who would write Manic Monday, their first hit. The album was re-released in 2008 by the Wounded Bird Records label.The album charted to #80 in the U.S. and #86 in the U.K. The following singles were taken: Hero Takes a Fall (#96 U.K.) and Going Down to Liverpool (#79 U.K., #56 U.K. 1986 re-release), which won The Bangles the BPI Award, the British equivalent of the Grammy.


1-) Hero Takes a Fall.
2-) Live.
3-) James.
4-) All About You.
5-) Dover Beach.
6-) Tell Me.
7-) Restless.
8-) Going Down to Liverpool.
9-) He's Got a Secret.
10-) Silent Treatment.
11-) More Than Meets the Eye.

Different Light (1986)

Different Light is The Bangles' second studio album, released in January, 1986 in the U.S. and on March 3, 1986 in the U.K. It is their best known album. The album's Top 40 sound was a departure from their earlier 60s-style sound. This was the first album in which bassist Michael Steele sings lead vocals on some tracks. The album was re-released in 2008 by the Wounded Bird record label. The album peaked to #2 in the U.S. (3x Platinum) and #3 in the U.K. (Platinum disc). This album spawned the following singles: Manic Monday (#2 U.S., #2 U.K.), If She Knew What She Wants (#29 U.S., #31 U.K.), Walk Like an Egyptian (#1 U.S., #3 U.K.), Walking Down Your Street (#11 U.S., #16 U.K.), and Following (#55 U.K.).


1-) Manic Monday.
2-) In a Different Light.
3-) Walking Down Your Street.
4-) Walk Like an Egyptian.
5-) Standing in the Hallway.
6-) Return Post.
7-) If She Knew What She Wants.
8-) Let It Go.
9-) September Gurls.
10-) Angels Don't Fall in Love.
11-) Following.
12-) Not Like You.

Everything (1988)

Everything is The Bangles' third studio album, released on October 18, 1988. The album was reissued by the Wounded Bird record label in 2008. The album peaked to #15 in the U.S. (Platinum disc) and #5 in the U.K. (Platinum disc). This album spawned the following singles: In Your Room (#5 U.S., #35 U.K.), Eternal Flame (#1 U.S., #1 U.K.), Be With You (#30 U.S., #23 U.K.), and I'll Set You Free (#74 U.K.).


1-) In Your Room.
2-) Complicated Girl.
3-) Bell Jar.
4-) Something to Believe In.
5-) Eternal Flame.
6-) Be With You.
7-) Glitter Years.
8-) I'll Set You Free.
9-) Watching the Sky.
10-) Some Dreams Come True.
11-) Make a Play for Her Now.
12-) Waiting for You.
13-) Crash and Burn.

Doll Revolution (2003)

Doll Revolution is The Bangles' fourth and so far last studio album, released on September 9, 2003 on Koch Records. Unlike in their days with Columbia Records, the release of this album was patchy, being released in Europe and Japan before it was released in the USA. The tracks are all (co-)composed by members of the band with the exception of "Tear Off Your Own Head" which was composed by Elvis Costello. The album charted to #62 in the U.K. The following singles were released: Tear Off Your Own Head and I Will Take Care of You, both of which charted to #79 in the U.K. as they were released as a double A side.


1-) Tear Off Your Own Head (It's a Doll Revolution).
2-) Stealing Rosemary.
3-) Something That You Said.
4-) Ask Me No Questions.
5-) The Rain Song.
6-) Nickel Romeo.
7-) Ride the Ride.
8-) I Will Take Care of You.
9-) Here Right Now.
10-) Single by Choice.
11-) Lost at Sea.
12-) Song for a Good Son.
13-) Mixed Messages.
14-) Between the Two.
15-) Grateful.

The Bangles Plus

The Bangles Plus is a self-made compilation which comprises many of the band's non album tracks such as their very first release, Getting Out of Hand, their 1987 hit cover version of Simon & Garfunkel's Hazy Shade of Winter up to their latest single 2011's, Anna Lee (Sweetheart of the Sun).


1-) Getting Out of Hand.
2-) Call On Me.
3-) I Got Nothing.
4-) Hazy Shade of Winter.
5-) I'll Set You Free (Single version).
6-) Everything I Wanted.
7-) Where Were You When I Needed You.
8-) Get the Girl.
9-) Light My Way.
10-) Anna Lee (Sweetheart of the Sun).

Susanna Hoffs

Susanna Lee Hoffs was born on January 17, 1959 in Los Angeles, California. She is an American vocalist, guitarist and actress. She is best known as a member of the all-female pop band The Bangles. She was born within a Jewish family. Her mother, Tamar Simon Hoffs, played Beatles music for Hoffs when she was a child, and she began playing the guitar in her teens. Hoffs attended Palisades High School in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles. In 1980, she graduated from University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor degree in Art. She eventually joined Vicki Peterson and Debbi Peterson in what would later become the pop music group The Bangles. Susanna during her time as part of The Bangles achieved huge success. In 1986, Susanna Hoffs co-wrote the song "I Need a Disguise" for the album Belinda for Belinda Carlisle, formerly of the all-girl group The Go-Go's. With increasing fame, Hoffs also appeared on the covers of numerous magazines, and the Rickenbacker guitar company issued a Susanna Hoffs model of the 350 (which she customized herself). In 1987, Hoffs starred in the film The Allnighter, which was directed by her mother Tamar Simon Hoffs, and also featured Joan Cusack and Pam Grier. After the band's break-up, shortly after the release of their third studio album, Everything, Susanna Hoffs went on with her solo career, which includes two studio albums. 2006, Hoffs teamed up with fellow Ming Tea rocker Matthew Sweet, and under the name "Sid n Susie" they recorded fifteen cover versions of classic rock songs from the 1960s and 1970s for an album titled Under the Covers, Vol. 1. The album was released in April 2006. On July 18, they appeared on Late Night with Conan O'Brien to promote the album and tour. The duo released another album Under the Covers, Vol. 2 on July 21, 2009, which included covers of songs by Fleetwood Mac, Carly Simon, Rod Stewart and more.

When You're a Boy (1991)

When You're a Boy is Susanna Hoffs debut album, released on January 29, 1991. The album peaked to #83 in the U.S. This album spawned the following singles: My Side of the Bed (#30 U.S., #44 U.K.), her cover version of Cyndi Lauper's Unconditional Love (#65 U.K.), and Only Love.


1-) My Side of the Bed.
2-) No Kind of Love.
3-) Wishing on Telstar.
4-) That's Why Girls Cry.
5-) Unconditional Love.
6-) Something New.
7-) So Much for Love.
8-) This Time.
9-) Only Love.
10-) It's Lonely Out Here.
11-) Made of Stone.
12-) Boys Keep Swinging.

Susanna Hoffs (1996)

Susanna Hoffs is Susanna Hoff's second and last studio album, released on September 24, 1996. The style of the album is more folk oriented than her earlier work. Columbia Records didn't like the change in style and the disagreement led to Hoffs being dropped by Sony and signing to London Records. The album is much more personal and deals with issues like abusive relationships, insecurities and "Weak with Love" is about the John Lennon assassination. The album was promoted by forming a band for an extensive tour. The album didn't chart. However, it did spawn one single which was All I Want (#77 U.S., #32 U.K.).


1-) Beekeepers Blues.
2-) All I Want.
3-) Enormous Wings.
4-) Falling.
5-) Darling One.
6-) King of Tragedy.
7-) Eyes of a Baby.
8-) Grand Adventure.
9-) Happy Place.
10-) Those Days Are Over.
11-) Weak with Love.
12-) To Sir with Love.
13-) Stuck in the Middle with You.


Monday, June 27, 2011

The Runaways/Cherie Currie/Joan Jett/Lita Ford

The Runaways

The Runaways were an American all-girl rock band which was born in Los Angeles, California in 1975. Classic line-up consisted of singer Cherie Currie, lead guitarist Lita Ford, rhythm guitarist and alternate lead vocalist Joan Jett and drummer Sandy West. At one time Michael Steele (who would later form part of The Bangles) formed part of this band in 1975 but was fired after a 3-month stint. The group was born by drummer Sandy West and rhythm guitarist Joan Jett after they had both introduced themselves to producer Kim Fowley (who would later become their manager), who gave Jett's phone number to West. The two met on their own at West's home and later called Fowley to let him hear the outcome. Fowley then helped the girls find other members. Two decades later he said, "I didn't put The Runaways together, I had an idea, they had ideas, we all met, there was combustion and out of five different versions of that group came the five girls who were the ones that people liked." They headlined shows with opening acts such as Cheap Trick, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and Van Halen. The documentary Edgeplay: A film about The Runaways, directed by former Runaway bassist Vicki Blue (aka Victory Tischler-Blue ) revealed that each girl patterned herself after her idols: Currie patterned her look after David Bowie, Jett after Suzi Quatro and Keith Richards, Ford as a cross between Deep Purple guitarist Ritchie Blackmore and Jeff Beck, West after Queen drummer Roger Taylor, and Fox after Kiss bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons. In the summer of 1977 the group arrived in Japan for a string of sold out shows. The Runaways were the number 4 imported music act in Japan at the time, behind only ABBA, Kiss and Led Zeppelin in terms of album sales and popularity. The girls were unprepared for the onslaught of fans that greeted them at the airport. The mass hysteria was later described by guitarist Jett as being "like Beatlemania". While in Japan, The Runaways had their own TV special, did numerous television appearances and released the live album Live in Japan that went gold. Also in Japan, Fox left the band shortly before the group was scheduled to appear at the 1977 Tokyo Music Festival. Jett temporarily took over bass duties and when the group returned home they replaced Fox with Vicki Blue. Cherie Currie left the band shortly thereafter to pursue a solo career. Due to disagreements over money and the management of the band, The Runaways and Kim Fowley parted ways in 1978. The group quickly hired new management, Toby Mamis, who also worked for Blondie and Suzi Quatro. Vicki Blue left the group due to her medical illness and was briefly replaced by Laurie McAllister in November 1978. Disagreement between band members included the musical style; Joan Jett wanted the band to take a musical change, shifting towards punk rock/glam rock while Lita Ford, backed by drummer Sandy West, wanted to continue playing hard rock/heavy metal music. Neither would accept the other's point of view. Finally, the band played their last concert on New Year's Eve 1978 at the Cow Palace near San Francisco and officially broke up in April 1979. Joan Jett later enjoyed huge success as part of her band Joan Jett & The Blackhearts; Lita Ford would also go on to having solo success; Sandy West unsuccessfully tried to put together bands such as The Sandy West Band. Ultimately she had to work in different fields such as construction to make ends meet and her untimely death by lung cancer took over her in 2006. Jackie Fox went on to law school eventually becoming an entertainment attorney. Lastly, Cherie Currie went on with her solo career briefly and later continued with her acting career. In 2010, a movie called The Runaways, based on Cherie Currie's memoir Neon Angel was released on cinemas and consisted of the story of the band, mainly focusing on Currie and Jett. The Runaways have been regarded as pioneers for being teenage girls who performed hard rock music and wrote their own songs. They've paved way to groups such as The Go-Go's, The Bangles, Vixen, The Donnas, among others.

The Runaways (1976)

The Runaways is the band's debut album, released in 1976. Website Allmusic has praised the record (especially band members Cherie Currie, Joan Jett and Lita Ford), comparing the band's music to material by Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses. According to multiple sources including Cherie Currie (in her memoir Neon Angel), the liner notes of the Raven Records release of The Runaways, and Fox herself, Blondie bassist Nigel Harrison played bass on the first album due to manager Kim Fowley refusing to let Fox play on the record. The documentary film Edgeplay: A film about The Runaways states that the album's first track "Cherry Bomb" was written ad hoc during the audition of lead singer Cherie Currie and is indeed referring to her. Currie was told to prepare a Suzi Quatro song for the audition; she picked "Fever", a song the band did not like to play. Instead they came up with a song idea which made fun of her first name. In 2009 "Cherry Bomb" was named the 52nd best hard rock song of all time by VH1. The album charted to #194 in the U.S.


1-) Cherry Bomb.
2-) You Drive Me Wild.
3-) Is It Day or Night?
4-) Thunder.
5-) Rock & Roll.
6-) Lovers.
7-) American Nights.
8-) Blackmail.
9-) Secrets.
10-) Dead End Justice.


Queens of Noise (1977)

Queens of Noise is The Runaways' second studio album, released in 1977. The album has been called "a pop-metal pinnacle" and the band's "outstanding sophomore effort". In 2008, Raven Records released a "2-For-1" CD with both The Runaways and Queens of Noise albums along with two selections from Waitin' for the Night. The album charted to #172 in the U.S.


1-) Queens of Noise.
2-) Take It or Leave It.
3-) Midnight Music.
4-) Born to Be Bad.
5-) Neon Angels on the Road to Ruin.
6-) I Love Playin' with Fire.
7-) California Paradise.
8-) Hollywood.
9-) Heartbeat.
10-) Johnny Guitar.

Live in Japan (1977)

Live in Japan is The Runaways' live album, released in 1977. The album recaptures one of the shows the band did in Japan at the height of their fame. In that same tour is when bass player Jackie Fox decided to call it quits with the band. The album was never domestically released in the United States.


1-) Queens of Noise.
2-) California Paradise.
3-) All Right You Guys.
4-) Wild Thing.
5-) Gettin' Hot.
6-) Rock-N-Roll.
7-) You Drive Me Wild.
8-) Neon Angels on the Road to Ruin.
9-) I Wanna Be Where the Boys Are.
10-) Cherry Bomb.
11-) American Nights.
12-) C'mon.

Waitin' for the Night (1977)

Waitin' for the Night is The Runaways' third studio album, released in 1977. This album was their first one recorded without former lead vocalist Cherie Currie and the first one with the new addition of bassist Vicki Blue.


1-) Little Sister.
2-) Wasted.
3-) Gotta Get Out Tonight.
4-) Wait for Me.
5-) Fantasies.
6-) School Days.
7-) Trash Can Murders.
8-) Don't Go Away.
9-) Waitin' for the Night.
10-) You're Too Possessive.


And Now…The Runaways (1978)

And Now…The Runaways is The Runaway's fourth and last studio album, released in 1978. However, it wasn't released in the United States until 1981 when Rhino Records issued it under the title Little Lost Girls, with a different cover photo and a different sequence of the songs. During the recording of the album, Vicki Blue left the band and the bass lines on the tracks are actually played by Lita Ford. "Black Leather" was originally a song written by ex-Sex Pistols member Steve Jones and Paul Cook for their band, The Professionals.


1-) Saturday Night Special.
2-) Eight Days a Week.
3-) Mama Weer All Crazee Now.
4-) I'm a Million.
5-) Right Now.
6-) Take Over.
7-) My Buddy and Me.
8-) Little Lost Girls.
9-) Black Leather.

Flaming Schoolgirls (1980)

Flaming Schoolgirls is The Runaway's compilation album, released in 1980 which consisted of unreleased material from the Queens of Noise sessions plus four leftover live tracks from their live album Live in Japan.


1-) Intro.
2-) Strawberry Fields.
3-) C'mon.
4-) Hollywood Cruising.
5-) Blackmail.
6-) Is It Day or Night?
7-) Here Comes the Sun.
8-) Hollywood Dream.
9-) Don't Abuse Me.
10-) I Love Playing with Fire.
11-) Secrets.

Cherie Currie

Cherie Currie was born on November 30, 1959 in Encino, California. She's the daughter of Don Currie and actress Marie Harmon. Her sisters are actress Sondra Currie and her twin, Marie Currie. Currie, not yet 16, was the teenage lead vocalist for the all-female rock band The Runaways with bandmates Joan Jett, Lita Ford, Sandy West and Jackie Fox. Bomp! magazine described her as "the lost daughter of Iggy Pop and Brigitte Bardot." However, her idol was David Bowie, who she modeled her image after. After three albums with The Runaways, (The Runaways, Queens of Noise, and Live in Japan ), Currie went on to record two independent albums (Beauty's Only Skin Deep for Polygram Records, and Messin' With The Boys with twin sister Marie Currie for Capitol Records). She then worked as an actress, starring in movies such as Foxes, Parasite, Wavelength, Twilight Zone: The Movie, The Rosebud Beach Hotel, Rich Girl, and others, as well as numerous guest spots on TV series (Matlock and Murder She Wrote, among others). Currie was a serious drug addict. She later wrote a memoir of her teen years called Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway. The book revolves around her struggles with drugs and alcohol, her dysfunctional family, and her days with The Runaways. The Runaways movie, a 2010 musical biographical drama film (which was executive-produced by Joan Jett), focuses on the group's early beginnings and explores the relationship between Currie and Jett. In the film Currie is portrayed by Dakota Fanning. Currie was married to actor Robert Hays in the 1990s and they had one son together, Jake Hays. They are now divorced. Currently, Currie is a wood carving artist who uses a chain saw to create her works. Currie is putting the finishing touches on a new album, produced by current Velvet Revolver drummer, ex-Guns N' Roses drummer Matt Sorum, due out in 2011. This will be Currie's first album since 1980. During an interview with Cherie Currie and Matt Sorum on That Metal Show, Matt revealed that ex-Guns N' Roses and current Velvet Revolver band mates Slash and Duff McKagan as well as Smashing Pumpkins vocalist Billy Corgan, who has written and sings a duet with Cherie are also on the album.

Beauty's Only Skin Deep

Beauty's Only Skin Deep is Cherie Currie's debut album, released in 1978. Cherie Currie recorded this album when Kim Fowley offered her the chance to do it when all she wanted was to take a break after she left The Runaways. Cherie Currie herself has stated that this album was a rushed affair.


1-) Call Me at Midnight.
2-) I Surrender.
3-) Beauty's Only Skin Deep.
4-) I Will Still Love You.
5-) Science Fiction Daze.
6-) I Like the Way You Dance.
7-) The Kind of Guy I Like.
8-) Love at First Sight (duet with her sister Marie Currie).
9-) The Only One.
10-) Young and Wild.

Messin' with the Boys (1980)

Messin' with the Boys is Cherie Currie's second and so far last studio album, released in 1980. This time she recorded her album along with her twin sister Marie. Steve Lukather from Toto played the guitar in this album and in 1981 he married Marie Currie.


1-) Messin' with the Boys.
2-) Since You Been Gone.
3-) I Just Love the Feeling.
4-) All I Want.
5-) Overnight Sensation.
6-) Elaine.
7-) This Time.
8-) Wishing Well.
9-) Secrets.
10-) We're Through.


Joan Jett (& The Blackhearts)

Joan Marie Larkin was born on September 22, 1958 in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. She is an rock guitarist, singer, songwriter, producer and actress. Her musical and songwriting approach is heavily influenced by the hard-edged, hard beat-driven rhythms common to many rock bands of her native Philadelphia, often featuring lyrics surrounding themes of lost love, criticisms of insincerity, the quest for authenticity, the struggles and resolutions of the American middle class. She has 3 albums that have been certified Platinum or Gold, and she has been referred to as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll" many times during her career. In Venus Zine's 2010 "Queen of Rock" feature, Jett won the Readers' Pick in an online poll ahead of Stevie Nicks and Ann Wilson (from Heart). She got her first guitar for Christmas from her parents at the age of 13, and she mostly spent time after that writing songs. Joan initially took some guitar lessons, but quit soon after when the instructor kept trying to teach her folk songs. She also became involved with a bartender at a club from the town, at which point her family then re-located to West Covina, a suburb of Los Angeles, providing Jett the opportunity to pursue her musical endeavors. In Los Angeles, Joan interacted with some of her idols, including Suzi Quatro, one of the first female rock musicians who played an instrument. As reflected in the film The Runaways about Jett's beginnings, Quatro was vital to Joan's career, and Joan adopted many of Suzi's qualities including her shag haircut and style. Jett would quietly wait in the lobby of various hotels that Suzi was staying in during her US tours, just to catch a glimpse of her. She wore wooden platform shoes with "Suzi Quatro" carved into the side.Her favorite night spot was Rodney Bingenheimer's English Disco. Joan was further introduced to the glam-rock style she so adored as this genre was explosive in the UK and Europe, but never quite took off in the US. Rodney's was the only place Jett could hear this style of music, and it certainly helped develop her image. She was a founding member of The Runaways and wrote a lot of the band's material besides being the rhythm guitarist and alternate lead vocalist. In the spring of 1979, Jett was in England pursuing a solo career. She recorded three songs there with Sex Pistols' Paul Cook and Steve Jones (one of which was an early version of The Arrows' "I Love Rock 'n' Roll"). In 1980 she formed her band Joan Jett & The Blackhearts. Later, after being rejected by 23 record companies, she and long time and close collaborator Kenny Laguna founded their own record label, Blackheart Records. This achievement turned Joan Jett into one of the very first women --if not the first-- to have her own record label. She went on to achieve huge success with her band, including signature hit I Love Rock 'n' Roll. She has also tried her hand in acting, including movie Light of Day, co-starring alongside Michael J. Fox. Also, she co-wrote Alice Cooper's House of Fire track for his 1989 album, Trash. In recent years, she has continued recording with her band The Blackhearts and has opened for groups like Def Leppard and Green Day. Jett also was the executive producer of the film The Runaways, which chronicled her former band's career. Jett was inducted into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame in October 2006. In 2003, Jett was named in the Rolling Stone greatest 100 guitarists of all time at number 87. She was one of only two women in this list, the other being Joni Mitchell at number 72.

Joan Jett (1980)

Joan Jett is Joan Jett's debut album, released in 1980 and then re-released on January 23, 1981 as Bad Reputation. After independently recording the album with producer Kenny Laguna, Jett took the record to a number of major record labels, all of which were uninterested in releasing the project. Rather than continue to hunt for a willing label, Laguna and Jett decided to fund the pressing of the album themselves. The original, self-released, version of the album was simply titled Joan Jett and was sold directly to concert-goers and record stores out of Laguna's trunk. The album sold relatively well, prompting its re-release a year later as Bad Reputation on Boardwalk Records, with identical tracklisting. Jett said that the new title referred to the bad reputation that she had as a former member of the Runaways. Recorded before Jett formed The Blackhearts, it includes performances by a large number of well known musicians, including The Sex Pistols' Paul Cook and Steve Jones, Blondie's Clem Burke and Frank Infante, The Ramones' Dee Dee Ramone and Marky Ramone and The Tyla Gang's Sean Tyla, Micky Groome and Paul Simmons. The album charted to #45 in the U.S. The following singles were released: You Don't Own Me, Make Believe, You Don't Know What You've Got, Jezebel/Bad Reputation (#48 U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks charts), and Do You Wanna Touch Me (#20 U.S.).


1-) Bad Reputation.
2-) Make Believe.
3-) You Don't Know What You've Got.
4-) You Don't Own Me.
5-) Too Bad on Your Birthday.
6-) Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah).
7-) Let Me Go.
8-) Doing All Right with the Boys.
9-) Shout.
10-) Jezebel.
11-) Don't Abuse Me.
12-) Wooly Bully.

I Love Rock 'n' Roll (1981)

I Love Rock 'n' Roll is Joan Jett's second studio album, released on November 18, 1981. It's the first album to feature her band The Blackhearts. Early copies of the album released during December 1981 ended with the track "Little Drummer Boy". However, after the holiday season passed, the track was replaced by "Oh Woe Is Me" on most pressings. The album charted to #2 in the U.S. (Platinum disc) and #25 in the U.K. This album spawned the folllowing singles: I Love Rock 'n' Roll (#1 U.S., #4 U.K.), Crimson and Clover (#7 U.S., #60 U.K.), Nag, and Victim of Circumstance.


1-) I Love Rock 'n' Roll.
2-) (I'm Gonna) Run Away.
3-) Love Is Pain.
4-) Nag.
5-) Crimson and Clover.
6-) Victim of Circumstance.
7-) Bits and Pieces.
8-) Be Straight.
9-) You're Too Possessive.
10-) Little Drummer Boy.

Album (1983)

Album is Joan Jett's third studio album, released in 1983. Album charted to #20 in the U.S. (Gold disc). The following singles were released: Everyday People (#37 U.S.), Fake Friends (#35 U.S.), and The French Song (#42 Canada).


1-) Fake Friends.
2-) Handyman.
3-) Everyday People.
4-) A Hundred Feet Away.
5-) Secret Love.
6-) Star Star.
7-) The French Song.
8-) Tossin' & Turnin'.
9-) Why Can't We Be Happy.
10-) I Love Playing with Fire.
11-) Coney Island Whitefish.
12-) Had Enough.

Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth (1984)

Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth is Joan Jett's fourth studio album, released in 1984. The album peaked to #67 in the U.S. The following singles were released: I Need Someone, I Love You Love Me Love (#105 U.S.), and Cherry Bomb.


1-) Cherry Bomb.
2-) I Love You Love Me Love.
3-) Frustrated.
4-) Hold Me.
5-) Long Time.
6-) Talkin' 'Bout My Baby.
7-) I Need Someone.
8-) Love Like Mine.
9-) New Orleans.
10-) Someday.
11-) Push and Stomp.
12-) I Got No Answers.

Good Music (1986)

Good Music is Joan Jett's fifth studio album, released on December 9, 1986. The album charted to #105 in the U.S. The following singles were taken: Good Music (#83 U.S.) and Roadrunner (#46 U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks charts).


1-) Good Music.
2-) This Means War.
3-) Roadrunner.
4-) If Ya Want My Luv.
5-) Fun, Fun, Fun.
6-) Black Leather.
7-) Outlaw.
8-) Just Lust.
9-) You Got Me Floatin'.
10-) Contact.

Up Your Alley (1988)

Up Your Alley is Joan Jett's sixth studio album, released on May 23, 1988. Former Rolling Stones guitarist Mick Taylor played the guitar solo On "I Hate Myself for Loving You. The single I Hate Myself for Loving You was used as the theme song for Sunday Night Football NFL games in America (with altered lyrics, by two singers) during the 2006 and 2007 seasons. The album charted to #19 in the U.S. (Platinum disc). It spawned the following singles: I Hate Myself for Loving You (#8 U.S., #46 U.K.) and Little Liar (#19 U.S.).


1-) I Hate Myself for Loving You.
2-) Ridin' with James Dean.
3-) Little Liar.
4-) Tulane.
5-) I Wanna Be Your Dog.
6-) I Still Dream About You.
7-) You Want In, I Want Out.
8-) Just Like in the Movies.
9-) Desire.
10-) Back It Up.
11-) Play That Song Again.

The Hit List (1990)

The Hit List is Joan Jett's seventh studio album, released on January 16, 1990. All of the tracks are covers of famous songs. The album charted to #36 in the U.S. It spawned the following singles: Dirty Deeds (#36 U.S., #69 U.K.), Love Hurts (#100 U.K.), and Have You Ever Seen the Rain?


1-) Dirty Deeds (originally by AC/DC).
2-) Love Hurts (originally by The Everly Brothers).
3-) Pretty Vacant (originally by The Sex Pistols).
4-) Celluloid Heroes (originally by The Kinks).
5-) Tush (originally by ZZ Top).
6-) Time Has Come Today (originally by The Chambers Brothers).
7-) Up from the Skies (originally by The Jimi Hendrix Experience).
8-) Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (originally by Creedence Clearwater Revival).
9-) Love Me Two Times (originally by The Doors).
10-) Roadrunner USA (1990 version) (originally by The Modern Lovers).

Notorious (1991)

Notorious is Joan Jett's eighth studio album, released on August 20, 1991. The following singles were released: Backlash (#40 U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock charts), Don't Surrender, and Treadin' Water.


1-) Backlash.
2-) Ashes in the Wind.
3-) The Only Good Thing (You Ever Said Was Goodbye).
4-) Lie to Me.
5-) Don't Surrender.
6-) Goodbye.
7-) Machismo.
8-) Treadin' Water.
9-) I Want You.
10-) Wait for Me.

Flashback (1993)

Flashback is Joan Jett's compilation album of outtakes and rare songs released by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. It was released on November 15, 1993. It was later reissued in 1998 with a slightly different track listing.


1-) Hide and Seek.
2-) Summertime Blues.
3-) Indian Giver.
4-) I Hate Long Goodbyes.
5-) Cherry Bomb.
6-) Fantasy.
7-) Light of Day.
8-) Gotcha.
9-) She Lost You.
10-) MCA (EMI).
11-) Louie, Louie.
12-) Star Star.
13-) Rebel, Rebel.
14-) Be My Lover.
15-) Bring It on Home.
16-) Play with Me.
17-) Activity Grrrl.
18-) Heartbeat.
19-) Stand Up for Yourself.
20-) Black Leather.
21-) Call Me Lightning.
22-) I Love Rock 'n' Roll.
23-) Right 'Til the End.


Pure and Simple (1994)

Pure and Simple is Joan Jett's ninth studio album, released on June 14, 1994. It spawned the following singles: Spinster, As I Am, and Eye to Eye.


1-) Go Home.
2-) Eye to Eye.
3-) Spinster.
4-) Torture.
5-) Rubber & Glue.
6-) As I Am.
7-) Activity Grrrl.
8-) Insecure.
9-) Wonderin'.
10-) Consumed.
11-) You Got a Problem.
12-) Brighter Day.

Naked (2004)

Naked is Joan Jett's tenth studio album, released on April 27, 2004 only in Japan.


1-) Naked.
2-) Bad Time (JJ Mix).
3-) Fetish.
4-) Androgynous.
5-) Science Fiction (Punk version).
6-) Right in the Middle.
7-) Turn It Around.
8-) Everyone Knows.
9-) Baby Blue.
10-) Kiss on the Lips.
11-) Watersign.
12-) Tube Talkin'.
13-) Season of the Witch.
14-) Bad Time (Monster Mix).
15-) Can't Live Without You.
16-) Five.

Sinner (2006)

Sinner is Joan Jett's eleventh and so far last studio album, released on June 13, 2006. While most of the contents previously appeared on the Japan-only release Naked (2004), it is her first record of new material released in the United States since Pure and Simple in 1994. An edited "clean" version was also released. The CD also includes enhanced content, consisting of a lyrics sheet (in PDF format) and a video of the recording of "A.C.D.C.". The album peaked to #56 in the U.K. It spawned the following singles: A.C.D.C., Change the World, and Androgynous.


1-) Riddles.
2-) A.C.D.C.
3-) Five.
4-) Naked.
5-) Everyone Knows.
6-) Change the World.
7-) Androgynous.
8-) Fetish.
9-) Watersign.
10-) Tube Talkin'.
11-) Turn It Around.
12-) Baby Blue.
13-) A 100 Feet Away.
14-) Bad Time.

Lita Ford

Carmelita Rossana Ford was born on September 19, 1958 in London, England. She was born to a British father and an Italian mother. She moved with her family to the United States at the age of 4 and began playing the guitar at the age of 11. Her vocal range is mezzo-soprano. In 1975 at the age of 16 she joined the all-female rock band The Runaways, for whom she played lead guitar. They would score a record deal and have their first album released in 1976. Lita Ford's guitar skills made her a driving force in the band and a permanent member from her arrival to the band's eventual break-up. After the group split in 1979, Ford began a solo career. After the release of her first two albums, Ford toured extensively and made several guest appearances on TV shows for the next four years, but had no releases; a follow-up to Dancin' On The Edge, titled The Bride Wore Black, was abandoned and never released because Ford did not like the production of the album and this upset the head of her record label, leading to Ford switching from Mercury Records to RCA Records. The artist has described the album as being in "Label hell! Who knows what shelf that is sitting on!" After getting married in 1994 with Nitro singer Jim Gillette with sons James and Rocco, the family moved to Turks and Caicos where Gillette has a successful building and real estate developing business. However, in 2009 Lita Ford made a comeback with a new album, after 14 years of not recording any new material and being away from the public eye quite a bit. She has opened tours for acts like Queensryche. In May 2011 Lita Ford promised a "real comeback album" later in the year, saying the last one, Wicked Wonderland, recorded with Jim Gillette (whom she was married to at the time) was too much of a collective project. "A lot of people have told me that they want a real Lita album, and I know what they mean. They are going to get it," she said.

Out for Blood (1983)

Out for Blood is Lita Ford's debut album, released in 1983. The original cover art for this album featured Lita standing in front of a spiderweb holding a broken blood spurting guitar. It was later replaced with a cover of Lita standing in front of a purple background with her guitar. Just one single was released which was Out for Blood.


1-) Out for Blood.
2-) Stay with Me Baby.
3-) Just a Feeling.
4-) Ready, Willing and Able.
5-) Die for Me Only (Black Widow).
6-) Rock 'n' Roll Made Me What I Am Today.
7-) If You Can't Live with It.
8-) On the Run.
9-) Any Way That You Want Me.
10-) I Can't Stand It.

Dancin' on the Edge (1984)

Dancin' on the Edge is Lita Ford's second studio album, released in 1984. It features the drummer Randy Castillo, who later played for Ozzy Osbourne. It also features the bassist Hugh McDonald, who is currently the hired studio/live session bassist for Bon Jovi. The album charted to #66 in the U.S. and #96 in the U.K. The following singles were released: Dressed to Kill, Fire in My Heart and Gotta Let Go (#94 U.K.).


1-) Gotta Let Go.
2-) Dancin' on the Edge.
3-) Dressed to Kill.
4-) Hit 'n' Run.
5-) Lady Killer.
6-) Still Waitin'.
7-) Fire in My Heart.
8-) Don't Let Me Down Tonight.
9-) Run with the $.

Lita (1988)

Lita is Lita Ford's third studio album, released on February 2, 1988. Pat Benatar's rhythm section (Don Nossov and Myron Grombacher) also featured throughout the album. The track "Kiss Me Deadly" was named the 76th best hard rock song of all time by VH1. During this time, Lita Ford was managed by Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy Osbourne's wife. The album peaked to #29 in the U.S.(Platinum disc) and #58 in the U.K. The following singles were released: Kiss Me Deadly (#12 U.S, #75 U.K.), Back to the Cave (#22 U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks charts), Close My Eyes Forever (#8 U.S., #47 U.K.), and Falling In and Out of Love (#37 U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks charts).


1-) Back to the Cave.
2-) Can't Catch Me.
3-) Blueberry.
4-) Kiss Me Deadly.
5-) Falling In and Out of Love.
6-) Fatal Passion.
7-) Under the Gun.
8-) Broken Dreams.
9-) Close My Eyes Forever (duet with Ozzy Osbourne).

Stiletto (1990)

Stiletto is Lita Ford's fourth studio album, released in 1990. The album charted to #52 in the U.S. and #66 in the U.K. It spawned the following singles: Hungry (#98 U.S., #76 U.K.) and Lisa.


1-) Your Wake Up Call.
2-) Hungry.
3-) Dedication.
4-) Stiletto.
5-) Lisa.
6-) The Ripper.
7-) Big Gun.
8-) Only Women Bleed.
9-) Bad Boy.
10-) Aces & Eights.
11-) Cherry Red.
12-) Outro.

Dangerous Curves (1991)

Dangerous Curves is Lita Ford's fifth studio album, released in October, 1991. Though popular among her fans, the album failed to success as musical tastes were shifting towards alternative rock in late 1991. The album charted to #132 in the U.S. and #51 in the U.K. The following singles were released: Shot of Poison (#45 U.S., #63 U.K.), Playing with Fire, and Larger than Life.


1-) Larger than Life.
2-) What Do Ya Know About Love?
3-) Shot of Poison.
4-) Bad Love.
5-) Playin' with Fire.
6-) Hellbound Train.
7-) Black Widow.
8-) Little Too Early.
9-) Holy Man.
10-) Tambourine Dream.
11-) Little Black Spider.

Black (1995)

Black is Lita Ford's sixth studio album, released on February 14, 1995. It shows a change of style, compared to her other albums. Black sees Ford move into other musical styles such as blues and grunge, while still maintaining her metal and rock roots. The only single taken from this album was Killin' Kind.


1-) Black.
2-) Fall.
3-) Loverman.
4-) Killin' Kind.
5-) Hammerhead.
6-) Boilin' Point.
7-) Where Will I Find My Heart Tonight.
8-) War of the Angels.
9-) Joe.
10-) White Lightnin'.
11-) Smokin' Toads.
12-) Spider Monkeys.

Wicked Wonderland

Wicked Wonderland is Lita Ford's seventh and so far last studio album, released on October 6, 2009, her first new material in 14 years. Ford said about the album: "Everybody has their own Wicked Wonderland. It's a place where you can do whatever you want and get as freaky as you feel. These songs are my version of that - they're all about my life…well, the parts that happen when the kids are in bed and my husband and I get into the boudoir." ... "This is definitely the heaviest stuff I’ve ever recorded. I've evolved and matured as a person and so has my music. It’s lyrically very real." The album charted to #38 in the U.S. in the Independent Albums charts. The only single taken from this album was Crave.


1-) Crave.
2-) Piece (Hell Yeah).
3-) Patriotic S.O.B.
4-) Scream 4 Me.
5-) Inside.
6-) Wicked Wonderland.
7-) Indulge.
8-) Love.
9-) Betrayal.
10-) Sacred.
11-) Truth.
12-) Everything.
13-) Bed.
14-) Garden.
15-) Push.
