The Weekly Feed #55: Google Heavily Penalizes Websites and Speak2Tweet for Egyptians

January 31st, 2011

Welcome to Issue #55 of The Weekly Feed. The Weekly Feed is published approximately once a week when we have news, information and helpful tips to share.

Three days ago Google launched and update that may radically affect the amount of search engine traffic your blog or website gets. They’re calling it a minor update to their algorithm, but it has already had a major effect on some sites. 8 Days ago I mentioned on Hacker News that a site that was scraping the popular StackOverflow was ranking higher than them – by republishing their content. Well Google has updated their algorithm and the scraper site’s traffic immediately plummeted by about 90%. The day-over-day drop is 40%. I’m not a fan of sites that steal content, but ouch!!

Here is Matt Cutts, head of Google’s anti-spam team making the announcement a few days ago.

From industry buzz it seems that Google is going after two kinds of sites this year. The first is sites that scrape content from others and republish that content unmodified (scraper sites). The second is sites who have low quality content farms, where large numbers of low wage humans generate low quality content purely to try and attract search engine traffic. We’ve now seen hard evidence of the new anti-scraper policy but not much evidence of Google going after content farms.

If you run a blog or content site that relies on SEO traffic, here is how you need to react to this:

  1. Make sure you limit the amount of republished content.
  2. If you do republish content, make sure there is at least the same amount of original content on the same page to balance it out.
  3. Beware publishing large amounts of low quality content. We haven’t seen any evidence of penalties in this area yet, but trust me they’re coming.

I’m also modifying my back-link strategy slightly:

Google has always had a duplicate content penalty but over the last few years scrapers have gotten good at getting around that by mixing and matching content and adding just enough of their own to have it appear unique to a machine. Now Google have made a few additional changes to their search algorithm to penalize scraper sites. The question is, what changes did they make?

My guess is that one of the things they are looking at is the number of “deep links” you have from other websites linking to content deep in your own site. Sites that scrape content tend to have many links from high ranking sites to their home page but few links to content deep in the site because people just don’t find the content valuable enough.

So one of the ways I’m reacting to this algorithm change is to make sure that it’s not just our home page that is linked to, but pages deep within the site too.

Expect to see a few more changes from Google like this as the year progresses. Remember, the most important thing is to have unique and useful content and to let the right websites know about it.

Lastly, Google just launched a service that you’ll hear about in the news tomorrow to help Egyptians stay in touch with the rest of the world as the government there removes Internet and Cellphone access. It’s called Speak2Tweet and it’s a collaboration between Twitter and Google. Here’s the quote from Google’s Blog in case you don’t have web access and are in Egypt:

“It’s already live and anyone can tweet by simply leaving a voicemail on one of these international phone numbers (+16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855) and the service will instantly tweet the message using the hashtag #egypt. No Internet connection is required. People can listen to the messages by dialing the same phone numbers or going to”

There are already some incredible messages being posted by Egyptians including this one referring to the million person march planned for tomorrow.

On a personal note, having lived through the transition of South Africa to a democracy, I’d like to wish any Egyptians who are Weekly Feed subscribers or Feedjit members a safe and influential week!

Best regards,

Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO

The Weekly Feed Issue #54: Google now penalizing sites for reciprocal linking

January 7th, 2011

Most of us don’t sell links designed to boost another website’s pagerank. But a many of us do exchange links with other websites and according to Google you can get penalized for “Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging (“Link to me and I’ll link to you.”)”. Recently Google has actively started penalizing websites for excessive link exchanging and link selling.

Several webmasters who run large sites have reported that they are receiving automated alerts via Google Webmaster Tools saying the following:


Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links on [domain]!

We’ve detected that some or all of your pages are using techniques that are outside our quality guidelines, which are available here.

Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links on your site pointing to other sites that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. For more information about our linking guidelines, visit this page.

We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality guidelines. Once you’ve made these changes, please visit to submit your site for reconsideration in Google’s search results.


Matt Cutts, a member of the Search Quality Group at Google has confirmed that Google is now penalizing sites who are selling links. Here’s the quote from a comment he posted on Webmasterworld:

Yup, I believe that’s real. Remember at Pubcon I said we’d be ramping up our transparency when we think a site is outside our guidelines? This is one of those instances. The key part of this email is “Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links on your site pointing to other sites that could be intended to manipulate PageRank.” So one thing to look for is anything that could be considered linkselling, past linkselling, or that sort of thing.

My advice to bloggers and webmasters is to consider very carefully if it’s worth exchanging links with a commercial website, even if that website is related to your websites subject matter and looks non-spammy, friendly and useful. If you have several links like this already, I’d recommend assessing each one using the following criteria:

  • If the website you’re linking to engages in excessive link exchanging, remove the link.
  • If the website has very little original content and lots of junk content they’ve scrounged from around the web and dumped on their site, remove the link.
  • If they have excessive advertising or very agressive ads or affiliate programs, remove the link.
  • If they have any other red flags like appearing on Google’s list of unsafe sites or McAfee’s list of bad websites, remove them.

The above list is simply my opinion and is a list of general heuristics that might indicate a site that could get you penalized, either because they are considered spam/dangerous by Google or because Google may bucket you as a link-exchanger site.

Remember that the best quality links, both incoming and outbound, are links that are organic and not reciprocal (not link exchanges). They are links that exist purely because someone found a resource on the web useful. While Google’s algorithm has changed over the years, they still rely heavily on the link structure of the web to find the best content. If you engage in link exchanges you are hurting their ability to find useful content. Recently you’ve probably noticed a lot more spam in Google’s search results. Google is now fighting this problem aggressively so expect to see more penalties for link manipulation and web spam.


Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO.

The Weekly Feed Issue #53: How to create writing that wins friends and influences – courtesy of Facebook

December 28th, 2010

This week Facebook released data that is pure gold for marketers and publishers. Their Data Team took a dictionary created by the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count project (LIWC) and analyzed 1 million status updates from US English speakers. The dictionary allowed them to categorize status updates into psychological and linguistic categories.

This all sounds like nerd-fodder but the data Facebook extracted is very useful for anyone who writes. Please see the footnote at the end of this edition to learn how to categorize your own writing and measure it against the Facebook data.

I’m going to summarize some of it here in very plain english. For the sake of brevity I’m going to refer to the people who write status updates as authors, when in reality they are micro-bloggers (like Twitter users).


Click to see Facebook’s Word/Age distribution.

Younger authors post more: negative content, swear words, angry content, discuss themselves and their own physical state more and post more sexual content and content about school.

More mature authors post more: articles (Words like ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ referring to an item), prepositions (words like ‘to’, ‘the’ and ‘above’), social processes (words like ‘mate’, ‘talk’, ‘they’ and ‘child’) and they post more inclusive words (‘and’, ‘with’, ‘include’) and words referring to others. They also post more religious words and words indicating positive emotions.

Conclusions regarding Author Age:

If your intention is to appear older or more mature in your writing, your writing should be in an expository style referring to specific items and events in a social context. You should include others in your writing and avoid being introspective as tempting as it may be. Use clean language and focus on the positive rather than criticizing or conveying anger.

I hesitate to jump to conclusions about the type of content you should write about e.g. sexual content or religious content because that depends on your audience.

Friend Count (Authors with the most and least friends):

Click to see Facebook’s word/friend-count distribution.

Authors with few friends use Time words like ‘end’, ‘until’, ‘season’. They also use past tense and present tense verb’s like the verbs in this list. They discuss family and use emotional words like ‘love’, ‘nice’, ‘sweet’, ‘hurt’, ‘ugly’ and ‘nasty’.

Authors with a high friend count use words that refer to social processes like ‘mate’, ‘talk’, ‘they’ and ‘child’ just like more mature authors did. They also refer to other people whereas less popular authors refer to themselves more frequently, again similar to mature authors. Popular authors also use more words per status update. They also use words related to communication and hearing .e.g ‘listen’, ‘hearing’, ‘speaking’

Conclusions regarding Popular Authors:

Popular authors are socially active and discuss their social interactions. They discuss themselves infrequently but do discuss others in a positive way. They don’t use emotional words. They frequently discuss communicating in some way and their status updates are longer.

Example of an unpopular author’s status update: “I can’t wait until Jen stops being nasty to me because she really hurts me.”

Example of a popular author’s status update: “Really enjoying speaking to the smart attendees at the Search Engine World conference. Be sure to check out Google’s giant Android display – it’s awesome!”

Words used in popular status updates (updates that got the most “likes” on Facebook):

Click to see Facebook’s word/likes distribution.

Here again we see that popular updates used words relating to “social processes” like ‘talk’, ‘they’, ‘discuss’, ‘conference’, ‘meet’. Referring to other people and positive emotions also gets you a lot of Facebook “likes” for an individual status update. Using religious words also gets a lot of likes.

The least number of “likes” were given to status updates relating to sleeping, negative updates, job/work updates and body states. All these updates are introspective i.e. talking about yourself and we’ve already seen from the data above that talking about others is better than talking about yourself.

Example of an update that might get a lot of “likes”: “The coffee gathering at today’s startup meeting was awesome. Lots of smart people to meet and learn from.”

Words used in status updates that get the most comments on Facebook:

Click to see Facebook’s word/comment-count distribution.

Pronouns make up the top three categories for the kinds of words that elicit the most comments on Facebook. Words like ‘me’, ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘it’, ‘us’, ‘who’, ‘whom’, ‘mine’ ‘ours’. Cognitive processes make up the fourth category with words like ‘know’, ’cause’, ‘ought’, ‘think.

My guess is that using pronouns combined with cognitive process words tends to encourage participation, for example “Tell me what you think about…”.

Word categories that get very few comments are “positive feelings” and “emotions” along with “sleeping”, “leisure activities” and words relating to “home”.

General conclusions

So what can we take away from all this? A few key points for anyone publishing blog entries, twitter updates, Facebook status updates, comments on blogs or any other social media platform:
  • Avoid referring to yourself or talking about yourself
  • Talk about others and the social processes that occur between other people
  • Stay positive, happy and up-beat.
  • Don’t use bad language.
  • If you want comments, ask your readers for them by using inclusive pronouns that encourages “cognitive process”  - words like ‘think’, ‘opinion’, etc.
  • If you want lots of friends, use social language and write longer blog entries, comments or updates that talk about other people rather than yourself.

Footnote: You can learn more about the dictionary Facebook used on and you can find examples of each of the word categories like “cognitive process” or “perceptual process” on this page. I strongly recommend trying the online version of LIWC to categorize your own writing and then comparing the categories that appear against the data Facebook has published to check for red flags.


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO

The Weekly Feed Issue #52: Rebranding, It’s in the Details, Blog Provider Uptime and Hacking the NYTimes

December 20th, 2010

We have rebranded The Daily Feed to The Weekly Feed. We’ll be publishing the newsletter once a week from now on usually at the beginning of the week.

If you, like me, have left your holiday shopping until the last minute, you’ve probably paid a visit to the Apple store recently. I’m in Colorado right now and paid a visit to the Park Meadows Apple store to get something I didn’t really need but that made a good excuse to give Steve more of my money.

A few minutes later I walked into the Microsoft store. I’ve managed to get over the fact that they cloned Apple the same way I don’t mind that Pepsi cloned Coke. Hey, competition is good for all of us. The experience was basically the same but the details were different and there were so many of them it was startling:

The store employees weren’t smiling, there were less of them and it was hard to get their attention. I wanted to buy Windows 7 and the price was $200 and the sales guy told me that “sorry, but that’s what it costs” even though I bought a new licensed copy (also the full install) on eBay this morning for $117. When the attendant swiped my card for my PC game he had to reach under a table and use a non-portable swiper. They didn’t offer me an email receipt or even take my email address. They assumed I wanted a paper receipt so that’s what I got. The guy who helped us had this look on his face like we weren’t supposed to be there.

The Apple store on the other hand was friendly, portable card swipes, email receipts, the store was packed and about 1 in 5 people were super helpful Apple employees. I stood in the wrong line (for the genius bar) and a guy came up to me and offered a checkout without making me feel like I’d screwed up. It was awesome and it’s the reason we own more Apples at Feedjit than PC’s for the first time this year.

Apple is big on the details of the impression they leave you with. Note the Apple Keynote Cutdown video. Not a single cut is repeated in that video. Business insider has a blog entry today about how Apple refers to it’s products grammatically as person’s and not as objects.

All these little touches add up to a whole that has far more marketing power than the sum of it’s parts. When you are thinking about your blog or website, take note of the details. Load times, color scheme, unpleasant distractions, how long you take to reply to your comments or respond to customer requests, the tone and language you use, how you moderate your comments, forums or wiki. All these details add up into a complete user experience and they all matter a whole lot.

Our news roundup for today:

Royal Pingdom published some revealing data today. They did a survey of a handlful of popular blogging platforms over 2 months to see which provide the best uptime. Blogger, WordPress and Typepad came up on top with Tumblr performing terribly. Tumblr had a total of 47 hours of down-time over a 2 month period. You can read the full report here.

Thomas Weber has a guide in The Daily Beast today that shares how he cracked the New York Times “Most Emailed” story list and got his story to #3 on the list. Thomas and his team figured out that the TImes counts individual senders per story. After 1,270 individual (volunteer) senders had emailed a story they made it to number 3 on the overall list. The times gets roughly 30 million visitors per month, and it takes around 1 in every 25,000 readers to email a story to get that story on to the top 10 most emailed story list.

And finally, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere tonight at 12:41 Mountain Standard Time, enjoy the Lunar Eclipse. The Feedjit founders will be watching it at 7000 ft from Colorado.

Happy Holidays!!

Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO

Rebranding to The Weekly Feed

December 19th, 2010

Quick note that we are renaming The Daily Feed to The Weekly Feed to reflect the frequency we have been publishing our newsletter.

The Daily Feed Issue #51: Search (the goverment kind), Google instant bugs, spam drops and stolen pizza

November 19th, 2010

This week I turned off Google instant, not because I don’t like living in an instant world, but because it limits my search results to 10. If you’re doing any kind of SEO research, 10 results just doesn’t cut it. There’s a bug that causes Google to continually show 10 results even if you asked it for 100 using advanced search. It’s caused by Google instant and you need to turn it off to get back to all you can eat search results.

In other news, a well known white hat hacker (that means he’s mostly a good guy) was detained for several hours when re-entering the US this week while his laptop and cellphone was confiscated and searched. I did some googling and it turns out that the border search exception lets border agents ignore the 4th amendment which requires a warrant for search and seizure. Then a member on ycombinator’s hacker news replied to a post of mine saying that in fact the border extends 100 miles inland. If you’re a blogger on the coast relying on anything in the 4th amendment, good luck with that.

Every now and then the government does actually get it right. The BBC is reporting that global spam email is down 47% after a combination of government arrests of spammers and work by private firms to shut down spam botnets.

And finally, a Reddit member got back to their apartment and found their pizza eaten by their roommate with this note waiting for them (click it if your browser shrinks it).


Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO

The Daily Feed Issue #50: Google’s update, affiliate tips, images for engagement and the 30/30 work cycle

November 10th, 2010

On October 21st at 3pm Pacific time Google rolled out a major update to their search index. The combined effect of Google Instant and this substantial index update is being felt around the web.

Alexa, the guys who track traffic for the top 100,000 sites on the web, have a blog entry showing a few of the winners and losers in this post-google-instant world we now live in. Oddly enough a few of the biggest winners are file sharing sites. My guess is that they’re seeing more traffic because you have to actually go to a file sharing site to see if they have the file you want for download – rather than being able to see if they have what you’re after from the snippet (the preview text under the page title in the search results).

ProBlogger has a few thoughts on affiliate marketing today and how to bring together reader intent, a great product and your messaging.

BlogHerald has a post this week on how to use images to grab a user’s attention and increase retention for your blog. They include a few ideas for image types.

Firefox version 4 is on it’s way and the Beta is looking surprisingly similar to Chrome. I’m glad to hear the javascript engine is getting a much needed speed increase.

And finally: If you enjoy life hacks, check out this blog entry about the 30/30 work cycle. Quote: “I sit at my desk and work for 30 minutes without distraction, completely absorbed in my work. Then, after the 30 minutes are up, I drop whatever I’m doing and go do something fun for 30 minutes. During this relaxation time, I don’t think about work at all – I play games, write, whatever, but no work. After 30 minutes, I go back to my desk, rinse and repeat.”


Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO.

The Daily Feed Issue #49: Highlighter, Twitter ads, optimizing forms and luck

November 2nd, 2010

Friends of ours launched a great service today called It’s a wordpress plugin that lets you visitors comment on text in your blog entries. It also lets your visitors share your content via Facebook and Twitter, driving more traffic to your site. You’re hearing about Highlighter a full week before the press launch, so if you’re an early adopter, be sure to give it a try. [Disclosure: Neither I nor Feedjit have received any compensation for mentioning highlighter. They are good friends and part of the Techstars program where I am a mentor.]

AdAge is reporting that Twitter today started injecting paid ads into tweet streams. Initially you’ll only see the ads if you use HootSuite. Twitter have a revenue sharing deal with HootSuite where Twitter sells the ads and they split the revenue with HootSuite. I’m sure this will quickly expand to every Twitter client including My guess is that this will be their business model going forward.

If you ever thought small changes to your web form didn’t yield results, read this article about how Expedia earned $12 Million more per year by removing a single text field. Their “Company” field in the checkout form was confusing customers, so they removed it and saw a huge increase in the number of completed transactions and revenue.

And finally: From the luckiest-girl-alive department, the BBC is reporting today that an 18 month toddler fell from a 6 story building, bounced off an awning and was caught… wait for it… by a doctor. She was completely unharmed, shed a little tear and then quickly calmed down.

Have a spectacular Wednesday!

Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO.

The Daily Feed Issue #48: Do you really need a sitemap?

November 1st, 2010

I hope you’ve had a happy Halloween and welcome back after a brief hiatus to the Daily Feed. Lets dive right in:

There’s a great question, which is really an observation on that points out that sitemaps for your blog or website are probably unnecessary. The argument is that sitemaps are supposed to help web crawlers like Googlebot find pages that aren’t linked to on your site. But if pages aren’t linked to by anyone, they won’t have anypagerank and won’t appear in the search results anyway. So the proper way to ensure Google indexes all pages on your site is to ensure you have a healthy link structure and that all pages have another page on your site linking to them. has a fun diagram showing who is suing who in the telecoms industry. Be thankful you’re not part of that dogfight.

If your data is living in the cloud, Amazon have reduced their prices for data storage on S3. At Feedjit, we buy our servers and amortize them over 3 years because it’s more cost effective that way. If you’re looking for cheap hosting, check out (my personal favorite) or for an entry level Linux server.

Finally, today’s award for toughest bloke ever goes to this chap who saved a woman from a great white shark in Australia by grabbing the shark by the tail – and then refused to speak to the press about it.

I’ll be publishing the Daily Feed on a daily schedule once again for the rest of this week. Have a spectacular week!

Mark Maunder

Feedjit Founder & CEO

The Daily Feed Issue #47: Facebook, In-Image ads and Image SEO update

October 20th, 2010

Welcome to Issue #47 of The Daily Feed. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend, you can subscribe on this page. The Daily Feed is published several times a week when we have news, information and helpful tips to share. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this message.

On Monday you probably read the story the Wall Street Journal broke about a Facebook privacy debacle. Many of the most popular apps, including FarmVille, have been transmitting personally identifiable data to outside companies. The data was being transmitted to ad networks to help them build user profiles in order to better target ads. In response, Google engineer Brian Kennish has created a Chrome browser plugin called Facebook Disconnect that prevents your browser from sending data to Facebook servers as you surf the web.

At Feedjit we’re considering getting rid of our Facebook integration via Facebook Connect. We’ve always allowed our users to control what data we store and were the first analytics company to allow website visitors to remove data we logged for their IP address. Privacy is a big concern for us and we would rather err on the side of removing features to give you more control over your data. As a website owner I’ve also found their servers to be a lot slower than our own and during peak load times (8am Pacific time) the FB Connect API slows our site down. Email me if you have an opinion about this issue.

The latest trend in online advertising is In-image ads. NPR is running a story on ad companies that will put ads on your site that sell fashion items that are being worn by the people in the photos on your site. For example on the celebrity gossip site, JustJared, you can click on the “Get the Look” tab beneath a photo in a story about pop star Rihanna filming a corn chip commercial and buy a cardigan sweater like hers for $195 from Piperlime.

Ever heard of hotlink protection? If you have a site with a lot of photos, you’ve probably been hotlinked without even knowing it. Hotlinking is when a website embeds an image tag in their HTML that loads an image from a second site rather than storing the image on their own servers and loading it from there. If a site hotlinks it doesn’t have to pay for the disk used to store that image and the bandwidth that is consumed when web browsers load the image. If you have a very popular web page and you hotlink images from someone else’s server you can cost them a lot of money.

Many sites use a technique called hotlink protection to prevent other websites from hotlinking their images. Hotlink protection detects if another website is loading an image you host and prevents the image from loading. There are reports that if you use hotlink protection, Google may remove you from their image search results. The reports are spotty and some webmasters who have protection in place are not reporting a problem yet, so keep an eye on this issue if it applies to you.

That’s it for today’s edition. You’ll notice that the frequency of the Daily Feed is changing to slightly less than daily. We’re focusing on delivering quality issues rather than quantity. As Plato once said: “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”. So you may find that I miss a day here and there, but hopefully you’ll notice an increase in quality.


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO