Defend Free Speech!

Monatsarchiv für September 2009

AETA4 face higher sentence than racist cross burners
Wednesday, den 30. September 2009

From Will Potter’s blog, Green is the New Red
Four animal rights activists are facing charges under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act for chanting, demonstrating with masks covering their faces, and chalking defamatory slogans on the sidewalk. If convicted, the “AETA 4,”—Joseph Buddenberg, Maryam Khajavi, Nathan Pope, and Adriana Stumpo—could be sentenced to 5-10 years in [...]

Another petition to Congress
Tuesday, den 29. September 2009

This petition targets the leaders of key judiciary committees, demanding a repeal of the unconstitutional Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.  There are currently just over 2,100 signatures.  Please add your voice:

New AETA4 Fundraiser!
Saturday, den 19. September 2009

Radix Media Collective has designed this poster as a fundraiser for the AETA4, four friends and activists who are being tried as “terrorists” for their alleged involvement in protesting animal cruelty in Santa Cruz and Berkeley. Here’s the image:They are $1-5 sliding scale, or more if you feel like donating. All money beyond [...]